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Acta pediátrica de México

On-line version ISSN 2395-8235Print version ISSN 0186-2391


MENDEZ-DOMINGUEZ, N et al. Nap and overweight in schoolchildren from Merida, Yucatan: A cross-sectional analytical study. Acta pediatr. Méx [online]. 2017, vol.38, n.3, pp.143-151. ISSN 2395-8235.


In Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, the afternoon nap is a deep-rooted habit that makes reference to a period dedicated to sleep after lunch.


Of this observational study is to describe the habit of the afternoon nap and its association with overweight among school-aged children.


This is a section cross sectional prospective study done in 2012 in a probability sample of 2,104 school children of 16 public schools randomly selected in Merida, Yucatan.


Children who were accustomed to take after lunch naps (≥3/≥2 days/hours during week days) were more prone to be overweight (z = 2.73, p = 0.01) than their peers; they also performed significantly less physical exercise (z = -5.91, p < 0.00); slept less at night (z = -17.59, p = 0.01) and ateless fruits and vegetables (z = -2.59, p = 0.01); as they watch more hours of television.


The after lunch nap, despite being a deeply rooted habit, should not last too long, in order to reduce the sedentary time and to promote healthy habits among school aged children.

Keywords : sleep; sedentary behavior; overweight; body mass index.

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