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Estudios Económicos (México, D.F.)

On-line version ISSN 0186-7202Print version ISSN 0188-6916

Estud. Econ. (México, D.F.) vol.30 n.2 Ciudad de México Jul./Dec. 2015



On the variety of Mexico's export goods *

Tadashi Ito** 

** Institute of Developing Economies, Japan. Email:


This paper examines the evolution of the variety of Mexico’s export goods using disaggregated trade data. Both the econometric estimation analyses using the raw data and the one using an improved version of Feenstra and Kee’s (2004, 2007) methodology proposed in this paper show that NAFTA membership does not enhance the variety of Mexico’s export goods. This finding contrasts with NAFTA’s positive association with the increase in export variety found in the literature.

JEL Classification: F14; F15

Keywords: NAFTA; export goods variety


Se examina la evolución de la variedad de las exportaciones de bienes de México con datos desagregados de comercio. Tanto los resultados de las estimaciones basadas en los datos sin procesar, como aquellos obtenidos con base en datos procesados de acuerdo con la versión mejorada de la metodología de Feenstra y Kee (2004, 2007), que se propone en este artículo, indican que el Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN) no ha provocado un aumento de la variedad de los productos exportados por México. Este resultado contrasta con la asociación positiva entre el TLCAN y la variedad exportadora encontrada en trabajos previos.

Clasificación JEL: F14; F15

Palabras clave: Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte; variedad de las exportaciones de bienes; México

1. Introduction

Since the 1960s, following the Prebisch-Singer hypothesis of terms of trade deterioration, policymakers in developing countries have been aiming to increase the variety of goods that they export. Several Asian countries such as South Korea and Taiwan are examples of remarkable export-led growth. Some economists have found an association between the degree of export diversification and economic growth. For example, Sachs and Warner (1995) suggest a correlation between low export diversification and slow growth.1 However, despite the desire of policymakers to increase the variety of exported goods, until recently trade economists had not paid much attention to this issue, mainly because classical trade theories focus on the advantages of specialization into products in which countries have comparative advantages rather than diversification or increasing the variety of export goods.2

However, the theoretical contribution by Melitz (2003) triggered a rapid increase in research on export diversification. His model is referred to in the literature as the heterogeneous firms trade model. It shows that a reduction in trade barriers allows an initially nonexporting firm to become an exporter. Melitz (2003) also incorporated firm heterogeneity into Krugman’s (1980) model of trade under increasing returns and monopolistic competition. Firms differ in their levels of productivity and thus their marginal costs, while they also incur sales-related costs in both domestic and export markets. Such sales-related costs are assumed to be higher for export markets than for domestic markets.

Firms that have sufficiently high productivity levels can thus absorb export-related costs and can be active in both domestic and export markets. By contrast, firms that have low levels of productivity cannot be active even in domestic markets, while those that have medium levels serve only the domestic market. The borders among these three types of firms are determined by two cut-off productivity conditions.

This paper focuses on the case of Mexico, which has undergone a series of large-scale trade liberalization activities culminating in the formation of NAFTA. Despite the apparent positive effect of NAFTA on the Mexican economy shortly after its formation (Lederman, Maloney and Serven, 2004, offered a generally positive assessment of NAFTA’s effect on the Mexican economy), economic performance over the past decade in Mexico has remained “lacklustre, trailing that of many other developing nations” (Hanson, 2010: 2). It is thus worth revisiting NAFTA’s impact on the Mexican economy. Specifically, this paper focuses on the change in the variety of Mexico’s export goods.

The contributions of this paper are threefold. First, it shows the trends in the goods exported to major US trade partners. Second, it uses disaggregated trade data to find that Mexico’s unilateral trade liberalization has increased the possibility of any particular good being exported. Third, it points out a potential problem when selecting a comparison country for the computation of the variety index (Feenstra and Kee, 2007) and thus proposes a variety index with a multi-county base. It then carries out an econometric analysis using this improved version and shows that NAFTA is not associated with an increase in the variety index, which is at odds with the findings presented in the literature.

One of the early papers related to the topic of this paper was Helpman, Melitz and Rubinstein (2008), which developed a theorybased gravity model of trade that predicts positive as well as zero trade flows across pairs of countries. Using total trade value data for 158 countries in 1986, this paper showed that among 24 806 possible bilateral export relationships, only 11 146 pairs have non-zero exports. More importantly, it found that the usual gravity equation variables also affect the probability of the occurrence of a bilateral export relationship.

While Helpman, Melitz and Rubinstein (2008) studied the export relationships between country pairs, others have examined the extensive margins or trade value generated by the sale of new goods. Kehoe and Ruhl (2009), for example, analyzed the relation between trade liberalization and extensive margins and find an overall positive association. This paper studied NAFTA, but did not conduct an econometric analysis to explain its effects. Moreover, its analysis of the Mexico-US trade agreement used data from 1989, five years before the formation of NAFTA. Baier, Bergstran and Feng (2011) employed a panel econometric methodology to examine the effects of economic integration agreements on aggregate trade flows using a gravity equation model and finds economically and statistically significant effects on both intensive and extensive margins. Feenstra and Kee (2007) proposed an index for export variety and found a positive association between NAFTA membership and an increase in the export variety index.

Our paper departs from the literature in three aspects. First, unlike the studies mentioned above, we use raw disaggregated data to identify increases in the number of product categories exported. Second, we acknowledge a potential problem in the selection of a comparison base (Feenstra and Kee, 2007) and propose a revised version of the index. Finally, econometric analysis we present shows that NAFTA is not associated with an increase in the variety index.

Section 2 describes the evolution of zeros. Section 3 presents the econometric analyses using raw disaggregated data. The variety index is discussed in section 4. The final section concludes.

2. The evolution of zeros

Recent studies of the exports of new goods show a very large number of zeros in the world trade matrix. According to Baldwin and Harrigan, “the United States imported in nearly 17 000 different 10-digit HS categories from 228 countries, for a total of over 3.8 million potential trade flows. Over 90% of these potential trade flows are zeros” (2011: 72). Hummels and Klenow (2005) further showed that 60 percent of the greater export of larger economies in their sample of 126 countries is due to the increase of the number of exported products.

Mexico was the third largest import partner for the US in the period 1989-2006. For Mexico, the US is by far its largest trade partner both for imports and for exports. The share of the US in Mexico’s exports has steadily increased and reached 89% in 2006. We analyze Mexico’s exports using US import data since they are available at the most disaggregated level of classification, namely 10-digit HS codes. The data come from Feenstra and Kee (2004) and cover the years 1989 to 2006.3 The 10-digit HS codes during this period cover, in total, 24 818 items.4 Table 1 shows the evolution of the number of zeros in US imports from its top 20 import partners plus Colombia and Chile, from 1989 to 2006.

Table 1 The number of zeros in US imports from the 20 largest import partners plus Colombia and Chile: 1989-2006 

Year Canada Japan Mexico China Germany Taiwan United Kingdom
1989 15179 15748 19105 19198 15600 17859 15884
1990 14931 15673 19124 18918 15481 17926 15848
1991 14756 15516 19043 18634 15401 17947 15733
1992 14678 15721 18994 18272 15467 18049 15731
1993 14461 15726 18761 17842 15357 17932 15463
1994 13907 15370 18084 17254 14876 17690 15033
1995 13484 15377 17176 16925 14743 17608 14839
1996 13260 15211 16478 16555 14531 17410 14475
1997 12729 14826 15980 15793 14020 16949 13992
1998 12990 15072 16245 15578 14283 17141 14175
1999 12922 15065 16161 15160 14280 17103 14382
2000 12847 15076 16117 14621 14104 16950 14272
2001 13010 15292 16250 14506 14201 17077 14503
2002 12724 15180 16105 13769 13991 16898 14443
2003 12844 15157 16203 13379 14054 16856 14546
2004 12920 15126 16095 12837 13987 16724 14460
2005 12912 14986 16009 12126 14078 16741 14640
2006 12959 14892 15993 11691 14017 16746 14672
Change, 1989-2006 -2220 -856 -3112 -7507 -1583 -1113 -1212
Year Korea France Italy Singapore Malasya Thailand Venezuela
1989 18954 16601 16809 22163 22982 21904 23453
1990 19061 16597 16745 22199 22846 21777 23078
1991 19320 16585 16643 22185 22651 21636 23347
1992 19410 16637 16676 22167 22489 21396 23505
1993 19229 16384 16376 22083 22286 21110 23446
1994 18903 15895 15823 21928 22052 20850 23390
1995 18737 15705 15594 21910 21937 20692 23533
1996 18725 15439 15249 21943 21843 20690 23348
1997 18283 15000 14714 21611 21682 20508 23289
1998 17853 15140 14924 21670 21603 20341 23411
1999 17516 15116 14941 21627 21601 20182 23454
2000 17474 14959 14611 21575 21391 19957 23432
2001 17489 15026 14764 21765 21493 20005 23396
2002 17143 15041 14460 21699 21417 19794 23398
2003 17246 15040 14525 21670 21404 19675 23432
2004 17069 15053 14457 21703 21228 19488 23438
2005 16850 15126 14424 21643 21073 19302 23480
2006 16938 15096 14270 21463 20933 19149 23681
Change, 1989-2006 -2016 -1505 -2539 -700 -2049 -2755 228
Year Hong Kong Brazil Saudi Arabia Philippines Switzerland Indonesia Colombia Chile
1989 19379 20897 24589 22349 19139 23208 23362 23676
1990 19468 21122 24629 22422 19170 23061 23211 23687
1991 19481 21127 24627 22400 19229 22914 23053 23677
1992 19600 21044 24559 22309 19265 22688 23031 23678
1993 19574 20951 24542 22235 19150 22309 23034 23737
1994 19473 20678 24522 22051 18748 22190 22967 23627
1995 19384 20860 24444 21935 18573 21978 23048 23642
1996 19395 20859 24436 21878 18413 21771 23013 23625
1997 19196 20829 24374 21756 17944 21483 22927 23602
1998 19480 20932 24279 21670 18158 21313 22961 23555
1999 19569 20646 24288 21654 18287 21223 22732 23495
2000 19351 20146 24171 21519 18131 21118 22490 23475
2001 19517 20076 24165 21562 18287 21128 22436 23395
2002 19347 19614 24241 21496 18346 21011 22237 23249
2003 19257 19234 24299 21457 18435 20979 22017 23119
2004 19238 18963 24263 21431 18414 20906 21911 23112
2005 19032 18846 24246 21388 18377 20718 21723 23002
2006 18924 18775 24228 21223 18305 20568 21735 23030
Change, 1989-2006 -455 -2122 -361 -1126 -834 -2640 -1627 -646

Source: Author’s calculation based on US imports data at HS 10 digit level.

The order of the countries in the table represents the ranking of exports into the US over this period, except Colombia (ranked 29) and Chile (ranked40).5 Mexico ranks number three following Canada and Japan. There were 19 105 zeros in 1989, which decreased to 15 993 in 2006. The last row in Table 1 shows the reduction in zeros during the investigated period. The number for Mexico (-3112) is second only to China, a huge country that is rapidly and dramatically increasing its exports across the world. In this sense, China can be considered to be an exceptional case. Mexico had more zeros, or non-exported items, than Korea and Taiwan in 1989. In 2006, the opposite was true. In other words, Mexico has surpassed Korea and Taiwan in terms of the variety of its exports to the US, and is close to the level of France.

However, it is important to seek data from well before 1986 in order to assess the evolution in the number of exported goods during Mexico’s unilateral trade liberalization from 1986 and during the formation of NAFTA from 1994. Although the 10-digit HS data are only available from 1989, US trade data (with a trade statistics seven-digit code) are available from 1972 to 1988. Table 2 shows the evolution of zeros for 1972-1988. The decrease in the number of zeros for Mexico is lower than for the other major US import partners during this period. China registers the largest decrease in the number of zeros, but this decrease is less impressive than the decrease it obtained during the 1989-2006 period.

Table 2 The number of zeros in US imports from the 20 largest import partners plus Colombia and Chile: 1972-1988 

Year Canada Japan Mexico China Germany Taiwan United Kingdom
1972 19892 19404 21911 23247 19757 21844 19665
1973 19681 19606 21669 23153 19709 21816 19514
1974 19506 19521 21390 23031 19675 21725 19510
1975 19548 19482 21485 22905 19745 21546 19613
1976 19435 19236 21414 22696 19505 21201 19413
1977 19512 19344 21510 22791 19627 21356 19486
1978 18379 18411 20708 22515 18589 20488 18450
1979 18305 18388 20711 22303 18608 20387 18442
1980 17906 17978 20707 21736 18146 20125 18137
1981 17686 17852 20705 21312 18019 19922 18084
1982 17551 17514 20670 21071 17855 19536 18008
1983 17469 17173 20203 20855 17485 19190 17768
1984 17041 16570 19953 20511 17045 18716 17123
1985 16532 15217 19981 19719 16054 17736 16199
1986 16544 15490 19744 19593 16125 17882 16425
1987 16422 15960 19441 19383 16328 17935 16438
1988 16359 16352 19377 19199 16481 18110 16710
  • Change,

  • 1972-1988

-3533 -3052 -2534 -4048 -3276 -3734 -2955
Year Korea France Italy Singapore Malasya Thailand Venezuela
1972 22682 20321 20456 23372 23637 23501 23631
1973 22572 20218 20469 23291 23584 23396 23608
1974 22356 20188 20449 23208 23580 23317 23548
1975 22179 20170 20411 23173 23519 23315 23620
1976 21798 20031 20271 23057 23434 23168 23635
1977 21852 20194 20406 23152 23453 23139 23710
1978 21249 19145 19420 22745 23271 22936 23669
1979 21386 19155 19403 22659 23189 22880 23657
1980 21199 18936 19292 22550 23178 22798 23603
1981 20914 18682 19003 22404 23097 22655 23597
1982 20680 18510 18751 22346 23117 22511 23570
1983 20393 18169 18375 22270 23003 22459 23407
1984 19919 17571 17824 22075 22841 22191 23302
1985 19135 16410 16183 21756 22521 21794 23302
1986 19048 16523 16476 21750 22548 21859 22964
1987 18953 16913 16871 21763 22462 21759 23007
1988 18977 17095 17058 21753 22443 21632 23026
  • Change,

  • 1972-1988

-3705 -3226 -3398 -1619 -1194 -1869 -605
Year Hong Kong Brazil Saudi Arabia Philippines Switzerland Indonesia Colombia Chile
1972 21631 22831 23915 23231 21450 23765 23203 23818
1973 21633 22547 23923 23092 21474 23738 23132 23842
1974 21626 22534 23915 22984 21383 23686 23061 23798
1975 21505 22589 23914 22979 21483 23635 23088 23748
1976 21199 22593 23921 22827 21322 23593 23004 23632
1977 21384 22640 23916 22840 21471 23579 23178 23667
1978 20653 22202 23906 22451 20789 23473 23069 23581
1979 20669 22131 23884 22438 20793 23377 23175 23570
1980 20516 22121 23870 22403 20574 23396 23140 23600
1981 20315 21818 23827 22255 20415 23269 23187 23615
1982 20133 21678 23800 22224 20297 23213 23218 23589
1983 20003 21364 23776 22210 20008 23225 23137 23454
1984 19562 20558 23735 22001 19624 23038 22987 23370
1985 18285 20210 23674 21580 19124 22561 22844 23331
1986 18577 20471 23636 21728 18994 22732 22840 23101
1987 18784 20699 23728 21748 19028 22629 22717 23036
1988 19069 20623 23752 21779 19232 22558 22636 22888
  • Change,

  • 1972-1988

-2562 -2208 -163 -1452 -2218 -1207 -567 -930

Source: Author’s calculation based on US imports data at HS 10 digit level

Since the absolute level of the number of zeros in the initial year of each of the time series (i.e., 1989 and 1972, respectively) varies by country, we indexed the number of zeros by taking 1989 as the base year for the 1989-2006 period and 1988 as the base year for the 1972-1988 period in order to permit comparison. The result is shown in Figure 4.6 Imports from China underwent the largest decrease in this zero index, while Canada also displayed a steady and rapid decrease in the index. The decrease in the index of Mexico from the 1970s to the first half of the 1980s was modest compared with the other major US trade partners, but it accelerated from around 1985 to 1997 and retained this higher rate of decrease thereafter. Although the US HS 10-digit trade data at from the Center for International Data at UC Davis are available only up to 2006, the number of zeros between 2006 and 2012 may give some useful information, especially because of the crisis in 2008-2009 and subsequent recovery.

Thus Figure 5 shows the zero index (using 1991 as the base year) of US imports from its major import partners at HS 6-digit level from 1991 to 2012. There is a clear rise in the number of zeros during the crisis and some recovery after the crisis. This may indicate that business cycles have a stronger effect on trade flows than do trade agreements such as NAFTA.7 To see the potential effects of economic downturn during the crisis from the side of Mexico’s export, Figure 6 shows the zero index of Mexico’s exports at HS 6-digit to its major markets.8 As in the previous case, the zero index rose in the crisis period, especially for the developed countries, notably the US, which were bitterly hit by the crisis.

3. Econometric analysis using raw trade data

This section performs an econometric analysis using raw trade data to examine whether the probability of a particular product being exported is associated with Mexico’s periods of trade liberalization. As noted in the previous section, it is imperative to use trade data from a sufficiently long period of time before 1986 in order to appropriately capture the effects of the two major series of Mexico’s trade liberalization: the unilateral trade liberalization from 1986 and inception of NAFTA from 1994. It is logically straightforward to assume that NAFTA may have had a positive impact on Mexico’s export variety because the US eliminated its import tariffs on Mexican goods. On the other hand, Mexico’s unilateral trade liberalization was an initiative on the side of Mexico to reduce its import tariffs, and thus did not directly work to reduce its trade partners’import tariffs. However, this initiative may have increased Mexico’s export diversification through two channels.

The first channel is due to better access to affordable inputs, which may eventually have led to an increase of export variety. Indeed, the Mexican government’s first action in its series of unilateral trade liberalization was the elimination of license requirements, official import prices, and quantitative restrictions, in order to improve Mexican products competitiveness.9 The other is Mexico’s accession to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1987, which itself was made possible by Mexico’s unilateral trade liberalization in 1986. We use five-digit SITC trade data, which are the only data available with consistent product codes for a sufficiently long period.10 We use Mexico’s export data on the 50 largest export destinations at the five-digit SITC level for the longest possible date range, namely 1962-2010. The following equation is then estimated using a Probit model:

Pr y=1|x =-β'xφ vdv= Φβ'x

where y takes 1 when the dependent variable (i.e., the trade value) takes a positive number, and 0 otherwise. x is the vector of explanatory variables, namely the GDP of destination countries; the distance between Mexico and destination countries; the NAFTA dummy, which takes 1 if the destination country is the US and the years are on or after 1994, and 0 otherwise; the Mexico unilateral liberalization dummy, which takes 1 if the years are on or after 1986; the common language dummy; and the dummies for years, destinations, and two-digit SITC codes.11 β is the vector of parameters for these variables. φ (v) is a standard normal density function.

The summary statistics are in Table 3 and the estimation results are in Table 4. The large number of observations -more than 2 million- comes from 48 years times 50 partner countries times approximately 1000 SITC codes. The first column only includes the NAFTA dummy, while the second column includes both the NAFTA dummy and Mexico’s unilateral liberalization dummy. The variable of interest, NAFTA, shows negative and statistically highly significant coefficients, -0.147. Contrary to the sign of NAFTA, Mexico’s unilateral liberalization dummy shows a statistically significant positive coefficient with a relatively large magnitude, 0.781. Namely, this estimation result suggests that NAFTA is negatively associated with an increase in the probability of a particular product being exported while Mexico’s unilateral liberalization is positively associated. However, these results might have occurred because of the small change in the number of zeros after 2000, as shown in Table 1 and Figure 4. Thus, the same estimation was carried out for 1972-2001 as a robustness check (i.e., to make it comparable with the 1972-2001 study period of Feenstra and Kee, 2007).

Table 3 Summary statistics 1962-2010 

Variable Observations Mean Standard deviation Minimum Maximum Expected sign for coefficient estimate
Log of export value 2218524 0.533 1.604 0 17.382 Non-applicable
Log of GDP 1956108 24.599 2.298 17.277 30.312 Positive
Log of distance 2218524 8.694 0.812 6.969 9.719 Negative
Common language 2218524 0.367 0.482 0 1 Positive
NAFTA 2218524 0.007 0.084 0 1 Positive/Negative/Neutral
Mexico unilateral liberalization 2218524 0.510 0.500 0 1 Positive/Negative Neutral

Table 4 Estimation results: Probit using five-digit SITC data for 1962-2010 

(1) (2)
Log of GDP
  • 0.221***

  • (41.54)

  • 0.221***

  • (41.54)

Log of distance
  • -0.926***

  • (-49.98)

  • -0.828***

  • (-48.77)

Common language
  • 0.695***

  • (7.96)

  • 0.00514

  • (0.22)

  • -0.147***

  • (-10.52)

  • -0.147***

  • (-10.52)

Mexico unilateral liberalization
  • 0.781***

  • (29.78)

Number of observations 1 956 108 1 956 108
Pseudo R-squared 0.243 0.243

t statistics in parentheses *p< 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.

The results in Table 5 still show the statistically significant negative coefficient estimate for the NAFTA dummy and the statistically significant positive coefficient estimate for Mexico’s unilateral liberalization dummy, although the magnitude is much attenuated in the latter. The smaller coefficient estimate for Mexico’s unilateral liberalization dummy during the shorter period of study (1972-2001) seems reasonable because the number of zero trade after 2002 declined only slightly, as is shown above, reducing the relative positive impact of the unilateral liberalization. Another issue which should be considered is that the US has always been the main destination of the Mexican exports. Therefore, Mexico’s unilateral liberalization might have coincided with tariff reduction of the US on Mexican products. Unfortunately, the US tariff data are available only from 1989, which hinders an econometric analysis. However, the duty amounts collected at the US custom office are available. Thus, as measures of the US average tariffs, we have computed the ratio of duties collected to dutiable imports and the ratio of duties collected to total imports.12 Figure 1 shows the US average tariffs across all import partners. The average tariffs are almost constant in the 1980s to the beginning of the 1990s. Figure 2 shows the ratio of duties collected to dutiable imports, while Figure 3 shows the ratio of duties collected to total imports by the US top 10 import partners. In both cases, the tariffs on Mexican products in the 1980s to the beginning of the 1990s are almost constant. Given this evidence, we can discard the possibility that the US tariff reduction on Mexican products was the real cause of the positive impact of Mexico’s unilateral trade liberalization documented above. These results contrast with previous findings of NAFTA’s positive association with diversification or an increase in the variety of Mexico’s exports. Because this effect might be different across sectors, the same estimation was carried out for the machinery sector, which typically has the largest trade values.13

Table 5 Estimation results: Probit using five-digit SITC data for 1972-2001 

(1) (2)
Log of GDP
  • 0.193***

  • (26.37)

  • 0.193***

  • (26.37)

Log of distance
  • -0.799***

  • (-38.65)

  • -0.783***

  • (-37.10)

Common language
  • 0.609***

  • (21.56)

  • 0.645***

  • (22.93)

  • -0.216***

  • (-10.99)

  • -0.216***

  • (-10.99)

Mexico unilateral liberalization
  • 0.0985***

  • (7.34)

Number of observations 1 191 960 1 191 960
Pseudo R-squared 0.230 0.230

t statistics in parentheses *p< 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.

The estimation results in Table 6 (for products in machinery sector only) show the statistically significant negative coefficient for NAFTA dummy, -0.192, which is similar in its magnitude with the case in Table 4 (for products in all industries), -0.147, and also shows the statistically significant positive coefficient for Mexico’s unilateral liberalization, 0.818, which is close to 0.781 in Table 4. Table 7 (for 1972-2001) shows the coefficient estimates for NAFTA and Mexico’s unilateral liberalization with the expected signs and the smaller magnitude of Mexico’s unilateral liberalization, being consistent with the case of the products in all industries (Table 4 and Table 5). The other control variables have the expected signs, except for the distance variable in Table 6, which is probably caused by the rapid decrease of zero trade (higher incidence of a product being exported) with China and Chile, which are distant from Mexico, as can be seen in Figure 6.

Table 6 Estimation results: Probit for the machinery sector using five-digit SITC data for 1972-2010 

(1) (2)
Log of GDP
  • 0.295***

  • (21.07)

  • 0.295***

  • (21.07)

Log of distance
  • 2.992**

  • (2.84)

  • 2.992**

  • (2.84)

Common language
  • 5.541***

  • (3.90)

  • 5.541***

  • (3.90)

  • -0.192***

  • (-3.73)

  • -0.192***

  • (-3.73)

Mexico unilateral liberalization
  • 0.818***

  • (19.82)

Number of observations 213 817 213 817
Pseudo R-squared 0.273 0.273

t statistics in parentheses *p< 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.

Table 7 Estimation results: Probit for the machinery sector using five-digit SITC data for 1972-2001 

(1) (2)
Log of GDP
  • 0.242***

  • (12.79)

  • 0.242***

  • (12.79)

Log of distance
  • -0.548***

  • (-13.45)

  • -0.548***

  • (-13.45)

Common language
  • 1.749***

  • (18.33)

  • 1.061***

  • (4.93)

  • -0.389***

  • (-5.24)

  • -0.389***

  • (-5.24)

Mexico unilateral liberalization
  • 0.346***

  • (8.26)

Number of observations 130 290 130 290
Pseudo R-squared 0.246 0.246

t statistics in parentheses *p< 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.

3.1. Panel unit root tests

When estimating a gravity model using panel data, there is a potential problem caused by nonstationarity (Quah, 1994). Zwinkels and Beugelsdijk (2010) point out the lack of treatment for nonstationarity in the gravity model literature and argue that ignoring nonstationarity can lead to overestimated coefficients. Thus, we performed panel unit root tests on our data. Among the several tests available for panel unit root tests, we used Im, Pesaran and Shin (2003) for reasons discussed in the Appendix.

Although we planned to perform the test for the whole panel, the technical limitations of the statistical software14 caused us to divide the panel data according to two-digit HS code instead. For the import value variable (i.e., the dependent variable), the null hypothesis of all the series having unit roots was rejected at the 0.1% level for each of the 99 sub-panels except one (HS66), for which the null was still rejected at the 1% level. We did not need to divide the GDP data into sub-groups because they vary only by year and by country and thus did not exceed the capacity of the software. The null hypothesis of unit root was rejected at the 1% significance level. Given these results, our data were shown to have no nonstationarity issues.

4. Variety index

Although a simple count of products is intuitive, this approach suffers from a lack of underlying theories. A theory-based methodology for measuring trade variety was proposed by Feenstra and Kee (2007), which draws on Feenstra (1994), which has been widely employed by other researchers, including Hummels and Klenow (2005) and Broda and Weinstein (2006). This section introduces Feenstra and Kees variety index, but points out a potential problem in the selection of a comparison country. Our estimation results using an improved index show that NAFTA membership is not positively associated with the variety of Mexicos exports, which is at odds with the result found in Feenstra and Kee (2007).

4.1. Feenstra and Kee’s variety index

Consider the set of exports from countries a and c. They differ but have some product varieties in common. We denote this common set by

I ItaItc.

Feenstra and Kee (2004, 2007) show that the variety index of country c compared with that of the base country a at time t, ψa,tc,t can be computed as

ψa,tc,t=λtaIλtcI where λtcI iIpitcqitciIitcpitcqitcand λtaIiIpitaqitaiIitapitaqita

When the values of the products exported only by the base country a, iIitapitaqita is high, holding the others constant, the variety index is low. When the values of the products exported only by the country c, iIitcpitcqitc is high, holding the others constant, the variety index is it high. This is the variety index at a certain point in time by country. In addition to this cross-country aspect, the variety index changes over time. In other words, we have two dimensions: one of the cross-country and the other of the time-series.

By using US trade data at the 10-digit HS code level for 19892001 and US trade statistics for 1972-1988, Feenstra and Kee (2007) compute Mexico’s export variety for 1972-2001 based on worldwide exports from all countries to the US averaged over time as the comparison base. They compute the variety index only for Mexico in seven industry groups and run regressions using the NAFTA dummy.

We argue that the variety indexes should be computed not only for Mexico but also for other countries in order to assess whether the NAFTA dummy shows any association with the variety index, because this dummy captures the effects specific to Mexico and the years after 1994 rather than industry-specific trade policy. Moreover, the index numbers change depending on which base is taken as the reference case. While Feenstra and Kee (2007) use only one base, following the convention in the index number problem, we compute an index of a particular country at a particular time with each country and each year as the base, and then take the Fisher index, which is the geometric mean of these index numbers.15 Thus, the variety index of country c at time t that we propose is

Ψtc= atψa,tc,t1at

Another problem of using the worldwide exports from all countries to the US, averaged over time, as the comparison base is that the index is distorted by the export values of large exporters. If Mexico increases the variety of its export products by one product, the variety index increases, but the amount of new products exported by Mexico does not matter. Instead, the total amount across countries and averaged over time enters the computation. Thus, an increase in Mexico’s variety index may be caused simply by a substantial increase in China’s export volume to the US rather than by an increase specific to Mexico. Put differently, when Mexico increases the number of export goods from n at time t to n+1 at time t+1 and from n+1 at time t+1 to n+2 at time t+2, the changes in the index are different. More importantly, changes are substantially affected by worldwide exports to the US. As before, we propose using the Fisher index to overcome this problem (see the Appendix for an illustration). As in Feenstra and Kee (2007), the export variety index is computed for 1972-1988 using US import data at the seven-digit code level and for 1989-2006 using US import data at the 10-digit HS code level.16

The computed Fisher index for the largest 10 exporters to the US market is shown in Table 8. It is notable that the very low index number for China in 1972 rose sharply toward 2006. For comparison purposes, the variety index computed by the Feenstra and Kee (2007) methodology is shown in Table 9. The notable difference is that China’s index numbers at the beginning of the study period are closer to those of Mexico compared with the Fisher variety index. The difference in the index numbers between Mexico and China is clearly smaller in the original Feenstra and Kee index.

Table 8 Export variety index of the top 10 exporters to the US for 1972-2006 

Year Canada China Germany France United Kingdom Italy Japan Korea Mexico Taiwan
1972 1.227 0.049 0.592 0.429 0.744 0.331 0.668 0.248 0.298 0.269
1973 1.236 0.060 0.537 0.423 0.799 0.353 0.544 0.229 0.357 0.408
1974 1.196 0.093 0.664 0.605 0.811 0.350 0.727 0.294 0.337 0.362
1975 1.194 0.129 0.535 0.455 0.785 0.419 0.753 0.277 0.306 .369
1976 1.284 0.137 0.558 0.543 0.833 0.444 0.677 0.392 0.387 0.398
1977 1.730 0.103 0.764 0.687 1.114 0.642 0.938 0.293 0.698 0.430
1978 3.319 0.178 1.276 1.224 1.903 1.164 1.446 0.562 1.333 0.803
1979 2.905 0.252 1.974 1.191 1.912 1.175 2.102 0.515 1.236 0.747
1980 2.625 0.368 1.997 1.411 1.735 1.183 2.431 0.712 0.851 0.667
1981 2.799 0.486 1.800 1.407 1.905 1.280 2.357 0.907 0.995 0.628
1982 3.389 0.531 2.214 1.475 2.009 1.260 2.466 0.944 0.946 0.857
1983 3.329 0.527 2.161 1.830 1.759 1.341 2.579 1.466 1.106 0.962
1984 3.584 0.607 1.880 1.934 1.924 1.480 2.451 1.075 1.220 1.279
1985 3.700 0.791 2.119 2.191 1.836 1.600 2.745 1.204 1.132 0.890
1986 3.618 1.343 2.633 1.991 2.056 1.569 3.578 1.586 1.367 1.684
1987 3.695 1.443 2.674 1.959 2.065 1.456 2.892 2.073 1.613 1.033
1988 3.870 0.891 2.460 1.841 2.184 1.500 3.845 1.202 1.698 0.988
1989 3.870 0.891 2.460 1.841 2.184 1.500 3.845 1.202 1.698 0.988
1990 3.734 0.854 2.791 1.910 2.301 1.532 3.705 1.073 1.897 0.961
1991 3.632 0.993 2.666 2.049 2.184 1.451 3.316 1.345 1.941 0.775
1992 3.714 1.124 2.766 2.119 2.251 1.477 3.339 1.422 1.896 0.756
1993 3.783 1.184 2.822 2.196 2.422 1.610 3.222 1.484 1.976 0.841
1994 3.396 1.351 2.801 2.157 2.510 1.628 2.990 1.749 1.987 0.969
1995 3.530 1.389 2.963 2.342 2.672 1.371 3.132 2.158 2.206 1.003
1996 3.502 1.554 3.004 2.128 2.551 1.424 2.949 2.135 2.249 0.966
1997 3.557 1.651 3.165 2.173 2.622 1.617 2.862 1.766 2.135 0.958
1998 3.496 1.655 3.209 2.233 2.605 1.641 2.972 1.670 2.093 0.899
1999 3.548 1.760 3.352 2.390 2.625 1.615 2.833 1.719 2.122 1.084
2000 3.341 1.695 3.306 2.439 2.510 1.831 2.773 2.047 1.986 1.010
2001 3.305 1.678 3.325 2.273 2.556 1.725 2.795 1.713 2.081 1.136
2002 3.098 1.463 3.134 2.130 2.419 1.572 2.715 1.826 1.843 0.981
2003 3.015 1.547 3.245 2.268 2.635 1.553 2.613 1.868 1.775 1.013
2004 3.143 1.596 3.195 2.156 2.585 1.573 2.470 1.949 1.835 1.119
2005 3.137 1.521 3.006 2.026 2.671 1.806 2.520 2.195 1.771 1.240
2006 3.053 1.666 2.765 2.087 2.694 1.685 2.860 2.164 1.961 1.424

Table 9 The original Feenstra and Kee (2007) variety index for China and Mexico 

Year China Mexico
1972 0.017 0.074
1973 0.021 0.072
1974 0.023 0.077
1975 0.028 0.071
1976 0.036 0.102
1977 0.034 0.104
1978 0.062 0.192
1979 0.075 0.196
1980 0.098 0.184
1981 0.123 0.179
1982 0.140 0.217
1983 0.145 0.248
1984 0.179 0.267
1985 0.256 0.303
1986 0.247 0.305
1987 0.276 0.325
1988 0.268 0.324
1989 0.268 0.324
1990 0.268 0.325
1991 0.285 0.344
1992 0.286 0.345
1993 0.307 0.368
1994 0.346 0.394
1995 0.374 0.434
1996 0.392 0.471
1997 0.434 0.489
1998 0.428 0.489
1999 0.454 0.498
2000 0.459 0.494
2001 0.465 0.487
2002 0.497 0.508
2003 0.515 0.526
2004 0.546 0.533
2005 0.548 0.546
2006 0.579 0.558

The correlation coefficient between Mexico and China in the original Feenstra and Kee index is extremely high (0.9748), while that in the Fisher index is 0.8939. The extremely high correlation coefficient (close to one) using Feenstra and Kee (2007)’s methodology is probably caused by the distortion of the index by the worldwide export value to the US in their methodology.

The following equation is estimated by the fixed effects panel regressions as in Feenstra and Kee (2007):

Varietyit= β0+β1 NAFTA + β~2 Year +β~3 Country +εit

where i represents origin (exporter) countries and t represents years. Year is a vector of the year dummies, and Country is a vector of country dummies. The Fisher export variety indexes are computed for the 50 largest exporters to the US market for the maximum period of 35 years (1972-2006), thus giving 1 392 observations,17 as in Table 10. The estimation results for the period of 1972-2006 are in Table 10. The first column shows the fixed-effects estimator, and the second column the random effects estimator. The Hausman test’s null hypothesis that the random effects estimator is consistent is rejected, leading us to take the fixed effects as the appropriate estimator. The NAFTA dummy shows a statistically insignificant coefficient estimate. To address possible heteroskedasticity and/or autocorrelation of errors, the third column shows the estimates with cluster-robust standard errors. Notably, the NAFTA dummy has a statistically significant negative coefficient, -0.144, whereas the Mexico unilateral liberalisation dummy shows a statistically significant positive coefficient, 0.233, which is in line with the econometric analysis using raw trade data in section 2.

Table 10 Fisher-variety index, estimation results 1972-2006 

  • Fixed- effects

  • (1)

  • Random effects

  • (2)

  • Fixed effects(cluster- robust standard errors)

  • (3)

  • -0.144

  • (-0.84)

  • -0.144

  • (-0.83)

  • -0.144**

  • (-2.70)

Mexico unilateral liberalisation
  • 0.233

  • (1.38)

  • 0.254

  • (1.50)

  • 0.233**

  • (3.26)

  • -1.526**

  • (-20.96)

  • 0.152

  • (1.45)

  • -1.526**

  • (-16.52)

R-squared 0.625 0.625
Number of observations 1 392 1 392 1 392
Test of joint significance
  • F(36,1308)= 60.51

  • Prob > F = 0.0000

  • Wald chi2(36)= 2126.89

  • Prob > chi2 = 0.0000

Hausman test
  • chi2(15) = 40.28

  • Prob > chi2 = 0.0004

t statistics in parentheses +p< 0.10, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.

The same estimation is presented in Table 11 with the period limited to 2001 to make it comparable with the findings of Feenstra and Kee (2007). The NAFTA dummy in the third column becomes insignificant while the Mexico unilateral liberalisation dummy shows a statistically significant positive coefficient, 0.232, which is very close to 0.233 in Table 10. In addition to this benchmark model, we also estimate the model adding the GDP of the origin country and the distance from the origin country to the US. The log is taken for all variables. Table 11 shows the estimation results. The results of the Hausman test lead us to take the fixed effects estimator as the appropriate one. The NAFTA dummy in the fixed-effects (column 1) is statistically insignificant whereas the one in the fixed-effects with cluster-robust standard errors (column 3) shows a statistically significant negative coefficient. The coefficient estimates for the Mexico unilateral liberalization dummy show a statistically positive coefficient both in the column 1 and in the column 3. The last column (column 4) shows the case for the least-square dummy-variables, in order to obtain the coefficient estimate for the distance variable. The case for the years 1972-2001 is in Table 13. The results are qualitatively the same, with a somewhat smaller magnitude for the NAFTA dummy. All the findings in Table 10 to Table 13 are thus at odds with those of Feenstra and Kee (2007).

Table 11 Fisher-variety index, estimation results 1972-2001 

  • Fixed- effects

  • (1)

  • Random effects

  • (2)

  • Fixed effects (cluster- robust standard errors)

  • (3)

  • -0.0460

  • (-0.26)

  • -0.0464

  • (-0.25)

  • -0.0460

  • (-1.00)

Mexico unilateral liberalisation
  • 0.232

  • (1.45)

  • 0.250

  • (1.55)

  • 0.232**

  • (3.30)

  • -1.431**

  • (-20.76)

  • 0.0313

  • (0.29)

  • -1.431**

  • (-23.90)

R-squared 0.657 0.657
Number of observations 1 153 1 153 1 153
Test of joint significance
  • F(31,1074)= 66.24

  • Prob > F = 0.0000

  • Wald chi2(31)= 2001.10

  • Prob > chi2 = 0.0000

Hausman test
  • chi2(15) = 38.23

  • Prob > chi2 = 0.0008

t statistics in parentheses +p< 0.10, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.

Table 12 Fisher-variety index, estimation results 1972-2006, with other control variables 

  • Fixed- effects

  • (1)

  • Random effects

  • (2)

  • Fixed effects(cluster-robust standarderrors)

  • (3)

  • Least-square dummy-variables(cluster-robust standard errors)

  • (4)

Log of GDP
  • 0.310**

  • (8.51)

  • 0.370**

  • (13.59)

  • 0.310**

  • (4.54)

  • 0.310**

  • (4.46)

Log of distance . .
  • -0.162

  • (-1.64)

. .
  • -0.250**

  • (-6.86)

  • -0.240

  • (-1.57)

  • -0.252

  • (-1.63)

  • -0.240**

  • (-4.89)

  • -0.240**

  • (-4.80)

Mexico unilateral liberalisation
  • 0.290+

  • (1.92)

  • 0.305*

  • (2.02)

  • 0.290**

  • (4.14)

  • 0.290**

  • (4.08)

  • -7.932**

  • (-8.20)

  • -8.133**

  • (-7.28)

  • -7.932**

  • (-4.35)

  • 6.447**

  • (4.24)

R-squared 0.683 0.683 0.871
Number of observations 1 371 1 371 1 371 1 371
Test of joint significance F(37,1286) = 66.24 Wald chi2(38) = 2807.51
Prob > F = 0.0000 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
Hausman test
  • chi2(17) = 40.74

  • Prob > chi2 = 0.0010

t statistics in parentheses + p< 0.10, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.

Table 13 Fisher-variety index, estimation results 1972-2001, with other control variables 

  • Fixed- effects

  • (1)

  • Random effects

  • (2)

  • Fixed effects (cluster-robust standarderrors)

  • (3)

  • Least-square dummy-variables (cluster-robust standard errors)

  • (4)

Log of GDP
  • 0.284**

  • (7.60)

  • 0.360**

  • (12.64)

  • 0.284**

  • (4.26)

  • 0.284**

  • (4.17)

Log of distance . .
  • -0.155

  • (-1.47)

. .
  • -0.243**

  • (-6.74)

  • -0.105

  • (-0.66)

  • -0.113

  • (-0.71)

  • -0.105*

  • (-2.35)

  • -0.105*

  • (-2.30)

Mexico unilateral liberalisation
  • 0.282*

  • (2.01)

  • 0.300*

  • (2.12)

  • 0.282**

  • (4.04)

  • 0.282**

  • (3.96)

  • -7.169**

  • (-7.36)

  • -7.853**

  • (-6.66)

  • -7.169**

  • (-4.14)

  • -5.276**

  • (-3.77)

R-squared 0.718 0.718 0.894
Number of observations 1 133 1 133 1 133 1 133
Test of joint significance F(32,1053) = 83.83 Wald chi2(33) = 2681.03
Prob > F = 0.0000 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
Hausman test
  • chi2(17) = 4968

  • Prob > chi2 = 0.0010

t statistics in parentheses + p< 0.10, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.

5. Concluding remarks

Despite the optimistic views expressed about NAFTA’s effects on the Mexican economy at the time of the agreement and the positive assessment by studies carried out since the mid-2000s, Mexico lags behind many other middle-income countries in terms of its economic performance. This paper studied the evolution of the variety of Mexico’s export goods using disaggregated trade data. Both a regression using the raw data, and another one using an improved version of Feenstra and Kee’s (2004, 2007) methodology, proposed in this paper, show that NAFTA membership does not enhance the variety of Mexico’s export goods. This finding contrasts with the literature, which shows a positive association between NAFTA and export variety. The paper, on the other hand, finds that Mexico’s unilateral trade liberalization had a positive impact on the variety of Mexico’s exports.

Source: Author’s computationfrom the data at The Center for International Data at UC Davis.

Figure 1 US average tariff 

Figure 2 US average tariff, 1974 to 2006, Ratio of duties collected to dutiable imports 

Source: Author’s computation from the data at CID at UC Davis.

Figure 3 US average tariff, 1974 to 2006, Ratio of duties collected to total imports 

Figure 4 The evolution of the zero index in US imports from the 20 largest import partners plus Colombia and Chile: 1972-2006. 

Figure 5 Zero index in US imports from some major import partners at HS 6-digit data 1991-2012 

Figure 6 Zero index of Mexico’s exports to its major markets, 1990-2012 


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∗ I would like to thank seminar participants at the Graduate Institute, in Geneva and Keio University in Tokyo for their valuable comments.

1 As Hadri (2000) notes, classical hypothesis testing requires strong evidence to the contrary to reject the null hypothesis. Thus, Hadri (2000) proposes a test where the null and alternative are reversed. Although we planned to perform the Hadri test, it requires strongly balanced panels.

1More recently, using disaggregated panel data, Imbs and Wacziarg (2003); Klinger and Lederman (2004); and Cadot, Carrère, and Strauss-Kahn (2007) showed that poor countries tend to have lower degrees of export diversification.

2There is no single established definition on the terminology of “export diversification” and “export variety” in the literature. This paper uses “export diversification” and “export variety” interchangeably for the same meaning. However, diversification (variety) has two dimensions: diversification (variety) of destinations and diversification (variety) of goods. The analysis in section 3 deals with export diversification (variety) of destinations and goods, while the analysis in Section 4 deals with export diversification of goods only because of the use of US import data, as in Feenstra and Kee (2007).

3US trade data at the 10-digit level, which the US Census Bureau makes publicly available, are only usable from 1992, whereas The Center for International Data at UC Davis makes them freely available from 1989 to 2006 at It also makes available US trade data with a US trade statistics code at the seven-digit level for 1972-1988.

4This number differs from the “nearly 17 000” of Baldwin and Harrigan (2011:72) since they count those categories that registered a positive import value from at least one country in a single year. Here, 24 818 is the number of 10digit HS categories that had imports from at least one country during the period 1989-2006.

5We included Colombia and Chile as good candidates for comparison with Mexico since both are Latin American countries and their economic sizes are similar. The total number of countries analyzed was limited by the technical limitations of the software used, which was STATA MP Quadcore 64 bit with a 16 GB RAM computer.

6This shows only the index change for the top 10 US trade partners for simplicity.

7To avoid clutter but still make possible a sensible comparison, only some of the major US import partner countries are chosen.

8Mexico’s export data at HS 6-digit are available only from 1990. To avoid clutter but still make possible a sensible comparison, only some of the major export destination countries within its 20 largest partners are chosen.

9A Mexican refrigerator manufacturer had once opposed to the formation of NAFTA, but eventually became one of the largest refrigerator suppliers in the world by procuring high quality compressors from the US. This anecdote is a wellknown example of positive effects of imported intermediate inputs on productivity. (Amiti and Konings, 2007).

10HS data (e.g., at the 10-digit level for the US) are only available from 1989, while US trade data with a US trade statistics code at the seven-digit level for 1972-1988 have different code systems, which precludes connecting the two data sets. Detailed explanation on trade data codes is in the Appendix.

11Including a more disaggregated SITC dummy, such as four-digit codes, exceeded the capacity of the software/computer at hand.

12This method of estimating average tariffs is also used in Baldwin (2010).

13I appreciate the suggestions of Fukunari Kimura on this point.

14Since we have a three-dimensional panel (i.e., time, country, and product), we need to generate a panel ID variable, which is a combination of country and product. Since the number of combinations of country and product is huge, it exceeds the storage capacity of even a 16 GB RAM computer.

15The Fisher index was first proposed as the geometric mean of the Paasche and Laspeyres price indexes.

16Owing to the difference in the trade statistics codes (seven-digit vs. 10-digit), these indexes are inconsistent between 1988 and 1989. As in Feenstra and Kee (2007), we re-scaled the earlier indexes so that export variety in 1988 equals that in 1989 for each country.

17It is not 1 750 (=35 times 50) because the data are not available for the maximum years of 35 years for many countries.

Appendix to section 2

Trade data code

Exports and imports are recorded by each custom authority, using each country’s own product code. The United States, for example, keeps records of its trade at its own 10 digit code, while Japan uses its own 9 digit system. These codes were internationally harmonized at the six-digit level by the United Nations. Thus, the codes are identical across customs authorities up to six-digit, thus called the Six-digit International Harmonized System code.

Harmonized System code

The HS code has three tiers: 2-digit, 4-digit, and 6-digit. The broadest category of 2-digit has 96 codes in total, while the most disaggregated category of 6-digit code has approximately 5 000 codes. The Harmonized System has been revised every five years and the most recent version is HS 2012. The earliest available year differs across reporting nations, with 1988 being the earliest possible year.

Standard International Trade Classification code

The United Nations also prepares the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) code. The trade data using this code is compiled by the United Nations, using the data reported by the member countries using the Harmonized system. This code has 5 tiers: 1-digit, 2-digit, 3-digit, 4-digit, and 5-digit. The broadest category of 1-digit has 10 codes, while the most disaggregated category of 5-digit has approximately 1 200 codes. The earliest available year differs across reporting nations. The data are available from 1962, the earliest available year, for some countries. SITC has been revised periodically and the most recent version is SITC revision 4.

Both HS and SITC could be used for trade analyses. However, it is better to use HS code for product level trade analysis, such as impacts of tariff reduction, while SITC is appropriate for analyses of longer time-series because SITC data are available from 1960s, as mentioned above. SITC data is also more appropriate for analyses of trade structures at industry level because, as the United Nations mentions:

“... The commodity groupings of SITC reflect (a) the materials used in production, (b) the processing stage, (c) market practices and uses of the products, (d) the importance of the commodities in terms of world trade, and (e) technological changes...” (2004:13).

Panel unit root tests

Several panel unit root tests have been proposed in the literature, including Levin, Lin and Chu (2002); Harris and Tzavalis (1999); Breitung (2000); and Im, Pesaran and Shin (2003) (hereinafter IPS). In general, panel unit root tests are based on the following regression:

Δ yit =α i + ρ i y i , t−1 + ε it

where i represents the individual and t represents time.

We use IPS for several reasons. First, while the first three tests require a balanced panel, IPS allows the use of an unbalanced panel. Second, while the first three tests have a major limitation of assuming an identical value for ρ(ρ i =ρ), IPS relaxes this assumption and allows for different ρ values.

The null hypothesis of IPS is that all the variables have unit roots, against the alternative in which the fraction of panels that are stationary are non-zero. More specifically,

H 1: ρ i < 0, i =1,2,...,N 1,ρ i =0, i =N 1 +1,N 1 +2,...,N

such that

limNN1N = δ,0<δ1

Then, the null and alternative hypotheses can be written as

H 0: δ = 0

H 1: δ = 0

In order to have a finite number of δ as N goes to infinity, N 1 must be large enough.1

It would be beneficial to have the alternative hypothesis of each series being stationary, but no such test is available.

Appendix to section 3

The essence of Feenstra and Kee’s (2007) variety index is best explained in an illustration. As the following figure illustrates, there are hundreds of possible comparison bases (some of which are represented by crosses in the figure) on which to compute the variety index of Mexico for 1994 (represented by the double circle). Feenstra and Kee (2007) choose to take all products with the amount averaged over time as the comparison base. Instead, we propose computing the index for a particular country in a particular year, say Mexico in 1994, using each comparison base and taking the geometric mean in the spirit of the Fisher index.

The next illustration shows the problem caused by the selection of Feenstra and Kee (2007). Put simply, consider the variety index of country c at time t and that of comparison country a at time t. Thus, here we ignore changes over time and focus on cross-country differences for the sake of simplicity. The typical case is illustrated in the following figure. As described above, the variety index is computed as

ψa,tc,t=λtaIλtcI where λtcI iIpitcqitciIitcpitcqitcand λtaIiIpitaqitaiIitapitaqita

When country c, say Mexico, starts to export a new product that is not exported by country a, as in the following figure, λtcI decreases, whereas there is no change in λtaI and consequently the variety index ψ increases.

By contrast, the following figure illustrates the case of Feenstra and Kee’s (2007) selection of comparison base.

In this case, when Mexico starts to export a new product, that product is also exported by other countries because the comparison base is the products exported by all countries to the US. Therefore, the picture changes to the following. In this case, there is no change in λtcI despite changes in the variety of country c’s exports λtcI is always 1), while the denominator of λtaI changes. Note that only the export values of country a enter the computation of λtaI. In other words, total export value across countries and averaged over time of the new product is the only factor that changes the variety index. The export value of Mexico does not change the index at all.

Received: February 18, 2013; Accepted: September 18, 2014

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