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vol.21 issue62Perú: el difícil camino de la transición a la democracia 2000-2003Iglesia católica, Estado y narcotráfico. Un desafío hacia el siglo XXI author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Sociológica (México)

On-line version ISSN 2007-8358Print version ISSN 0187-0173


MOYA LOPEZ, Laura Angélica  and  OLVERA SERRANO, Margarita. La sociología mexicana de Daniel Cosío Villegas: recuento de un legado. Sociológica (Méx.) [online]. 2006, vol.21, n.62, pp.109-138. ISSN 2007-8358.

Thirty years after the death of Daniel Cosío Villegas, one of our most lucid liberal thinkers, this article attempts to recover part of his legacy for developing sociology in Mexico as an independent discipline. The bases of what he called “Mexican sociology” lie in its inter-disciplinary perspective, observation oriented by technical and humanist knowledge and the description and comparative analysis of territorial, economic, demographic and cultural factors. The reinterpretation of the intellectual legacy of the “Athenians,” of some Mexican positivists and his study of economics abroad allowed him to formulate a route of knowledge about concrete problems in the years after the 1910 Revolution that even today can have a decided influence on contemporary Mexican sociology.

Keywords : Daniel Cosío Villegas; Mexican sociology; social sciences in Mexico; modernization.

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