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Educación química

Print version ISSN 0187-893X


SOLER CONTRERAS, Manuel Guillermo; CARDENAS SALGADO, Fidel Antonio  and  HERNANDEZ-PINA, Fuensanta. Characterization of the learning approach in students who study chemistry in the eleventh grade in the municipality of Soacha, Colombia. Educ. quím [online]. 2018, vol.29, n.4, pp.92-108. ISSN 0187-893X.

The learning approach characterization, that was carried out with the Learning Approach Questionnaire (LAQ) reported in chemistry students from tenth grade at Soacha, Cundinamarca I Colombia. The associations that can be presented between this approach and some social and demographic variables such as gender, stratum, school hours, kind of institution and some others. The conclusions that emerged show that tenth grade students form Soacha have superficial learning approach in chemistry, females have a bigger tendency to the deep leaning approach and superficial is bigger among the male; the lack of meaningful correlations between the learning approaches an the stratum; the appearance of the deep learning approach in the continuous study day and the night studying day and superficial at the morning and afternoon studying day.

Keywords : Learning Approach Questionnaire; deep leaning approach; superficial learning approach; social and demographic variables.

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