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Tópicos (México)

Print version ISSN 0188-6649


POLO BLANCO, Jorge. Also exploitation, but not only: An essential and controversial dialogue between Marx and Karl Polanyi. Tópicos (México) [online]. 2015, n.49, pp.81-121. ISSN 0188-6649.

In the present work we wish to explore the outlines of the main interpretations that have formed around a decisive problem: namely, an understanding of the historical meaning of the advent of capitalist industrial society from the point of view of the popular and working classes. We will have to outline the bourgeois or liberal interpretation that has arisen from a similar secular process, as well as the Marxist interpretation and its consequences and, as the common and problematic thread of the work, the interpretation put into effect by the historian and anthropologist Karl Polanyi. Yet we will also have to bear in mind that this diversity of interpretations around the meaning of industrial society and the market is in response to a deeper divergence that ultimately reflects different concepts in a general sense of human societies in their historical evolution.

Keywords : industrial revolution; market society; economicism; economic improvement; social catastrophe; Marxism; Polanyi.

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