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Perfiles latinoamericanos

Print version ISSN 0188-7653


BARRENENGOA, Amanda  and  KAN, Julián. Mauricio Macri’s foreign policy from a regional perspective: ¿back to the world?. Perf. latinoam. [online]. 2023, vol.31, n.61, 00005.  Epub June 10, 2024. ISSN 0188-7653.

With the ascension of Macri to the Argentinian Presidency after a period of Kirchnerist governments, an important change occurred in foreign and domestic policies. We analyze foreign policy between 2015- 2019 in relation to the South American region and other important international actors such as the United States of America, China, European Union and United Kingdom. This analysis shows a regional scene of relevant reconfigurations as result of the search for realignment with United States of America, which meant the end of a regionalism that reached greater margins of autonomy. We also approach the relationship between the political platform that was maintained and the policies that were implemented. The study of the Argentinian case allows us to address the transformation process of political and regional integration dynamics that characterized the first decade of the 21st century.

Keywords : foreign policy; regional integration; Argentina; Mauricio Macri; Mercosur.

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