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vol.13 issue4Preferred temperature of the mexican native cichlid Cichlasoma istlanum (Jordan and Snyder, 1899)Fish diversity patterns in Pueblo Viejo lagoon, Veracruz, México author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Print version ISSN 0188-8897


BUCKLE R., L. Fernando et al. System for temperature, oxygen and salinity research in ecophysiology. Hidrobiológica [online]. 2003, vol.13, n.4, pp.277-287. ISSN 0188-8897.

The objective of this work was to build an infrastructure in which one could generate a gradient of temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen in the water. With the control of these parameters and the combination of them is possible to carried out many experiments in the field of the ecophysiology. The tank was constructed with sheets of clear acrylic with walls 1.1 cm thick, 365 cm length, 31 cm wide, 26 cm high that harbors a volume of 220 L of water. With other systems added to the tank, the dissolved gases in the water can be extracted by mean of degasification or displace with nitrogen. With an electronic control, the temperature can be constant in ± 0.1 ºC or generate a temperature gradient adding chiller to the system. Salinity and dissolved oxygen can be maintained constant or generate a gradient. Another additional electronic control unit allows simulating different daily cycles of light/darkness to imitate circadian rhythms. This light/darkness system and those to control the temperature and the degasification unit were developed and build in the Institution.

Keywords : System; temperature; oxygen; salinity; ecophysiology.

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