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Ginecología y obstetricia de México

Print version ISSN 0300-9041


CASTILLO-MACIAS, A et al. Anti-Fya antibodies with anamnestic reaction associated to anti-D in intrauterine transfusion: A case report. Ginecol. obstet. Méx. [online]. 2018, vol.86, n.2, pp.158-163. ISSN 0300-9041.


Hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn occurs after alloimmunization with red blood cells antigens by blood transfusion, maternal-fetal hemorrhage during pregnancy or at delivery. Currently, the incidence of alloimmunization by anti-D antibody has been reduced from 14% to 0.1% of D-negative mothers, however, there is no immunoglobulin that prevents or decreases alloimmunization by other red blood cells antigens during pregnancy. The incompatibilities of the Duffy blood group are a common cause of hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn.


To present the case of a neonate with perinatal hemolytic disease secondary to anti-Fya and anti-D antibodies managed with intrauterine transfusion.


A 22-year-old patient with a history of multiple blood transfusions and clinical data of anemic syndrome. In the 28th week of pregnancy it was evaluated for the application of anti-D immunoglobulin. The blood bank was asked for two units of Rh negative erythrocyte concentrate. Incompatibility (++) in the human antiglobulin phase (Coombs) was observed, so the irregular antibody gel was screened, which was positive in cells I and II (+++). An identification protocol for irregular antibodies was initiated with a panel of 11 cells, which reported agglutination in cells 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 11, without specificity. The adsorption study of the anti-D antibody showed D + antigen cells. The diagnosis of anti-Fya and anti-D antibodies was established. The pregnant woman was terminated by caesarean section, from which a male with a group was born and Rh O positive, of 30.1 weeks of gestation (size of 40 cm and weight of 2000 g) with fetal hydrops. He underwent resuscitation cycles, entered the neonatal intensive care unit, without pharmacotherapy and died after one hour of extrauterine life. The mother withdrew 36 hours after the puerperium, without additional complications.


The antibodies anti-Fya alone or next to other alloantibodies produce severe hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn. The laboratory of immunohematology in the blood bank is an essential tool in the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn.

Keywords : Intrauterine transfusion; Antibodies; Fetal hydrops; anti-D immunoglobulin.

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