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vol.39 issue153Crecimiento económico, gobernabilidad democrática y desarrollo social: un enfoque integradorCrisis financieras y globalización: un análisis de sus factores determinantes author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Problemas del desarrollo

Print version ISSN 0301-7036


BANULS SILVERA, Víctor Amadeo  and  SALMERON SILVERA, José Luis. Áreas clave para desarrollo económico y social: una visión desde la actividad prospectiva internacional. Prob. Des [online]. 2008, vol.39, n.153, pp.139-157. ISSN 0301-7036.

This study situates prospective technology within the framework of economic and social development. This is based on an investigation into the key aspects of the prospective process, such as its environmental and strategic value. Once the framework for the study was established, prospective international activity was seen from the viewpoint of a technique-denominated content analysis. Concretely, more than twenty prospective activities are examined in five continents. The study aims at capturing the technological priorities in the international arena, by identifying key transverse technological areas in a global context. This proximity to the key areas for economic and social development is assumed to be something new in the literature.

Keywords : prospective technology; prospective international activity; content analysis; economic and social development; technological priorities.

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