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vol.41 issue160Alcances de la reforma de la política de financiamiento y condicionalidad del FMI author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Problemas del desarrollo

Print version ISSN 0301-7036


VELTMEYER, Henry. La crisis global y Latinoamérica. Prob. Des [online]. 2010, vol.41, n.160, pp.13-38. ISSN 0301-7036.

This study provides a critical perspective of the current global crisis in its Latin America dynamic. It refutes the central argument or the one that prevails both in popular and academic magazines that the crisis is a fundamentally financial phenomenon, precipitated by a lack of regulation of capital and a wave of financial speculation, that can be resolved by the construction of new financial arrangements, which are more efficient and subject to better global governance. But our argument is that in the context of Latin America we are dealing with a crisis of the system and of the prevailing model, which requires a different response to those predominating in the region's political orbit.

Keywords : crisis; global capital; financialization; global governance; regulation; political regime; social movements.

        · abstract in Spanish | French | Portuguese     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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