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Revista mexicana de anestesiología

Print version ISSN 0484-7903


GARDUNO-LOPEZ, Ana Lilia et al. Ultrasound-guided intervention in thoracic surgery and abdominal wall. Rev. mex. anestesiol. [online]. 2019, vol.42, n.3, pp.234-234.  Epub Sep 13, 2021. ISSN 0484-7903.

The increasing use of ultrasound to identify the interfascial layers has led to the development of several injection techniques for analgesia of the thorax and abdominal wall. For this type of approach it is important to have knowledge of ultrasound, trunk blocks, local anesthetics and toxicity. These interfascial blocks were developed as alternatives to epidural, paravertebral, intercostal and intrapleural thoracic block, mainly for perioperative analgesia. In this review, we include different approaches guided by ultrasound such as: erector spinae plane block (ESP), anterior serratus block, PEC1 and PEC2 block, BRILMA block, paravertebral block, transverse abdominal plane block (TAP), quadratus lumbar block (QLB) and rectus sheath block. Links with videos are included to review the technique, indications and dosage (visit obtain full version and videos).

Keywords : Ultrasound-guided trunk blocks; abdominal interfascial blocks; thoracic interfascial blocks; regional analgesia.

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