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Revista de la Sociedad Química de México

Print version ISSN 0583-7693

Rev. Soc. Quím. Méx vol.44 n.2 Ciudad de México Apr./Jun. 2000




Infrared and Raman Spectra (Solid State) of Diamminediiodidecadmium (II) Complex with 15N and 2H Isotopic Subtitution


Claudio A. Téllez*1 and Dilson N. Ishikawa2


1 Instituto de Química. Departamento de Físico-Química. Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Morro do valonguinho s/n. Niteroi-Centro. Cep.: 24210-150 Rio de Janeiro-RJ-Brazil.

2 Departamento de Química. Universidade Estadual de Londrina-UEL. Londrina-Pr-Brasil.


Recibido el 29 de febrero del 2000.
Aceptado el 16 de mayo del 2000.



The Raman and infrared spectra of the Cd(NH3)2I2 complex with 15N and 2H substitution have been obtained in the solid state. Based on a normal coordinate treatment as an eleven-body problem, the vibrational spectra were assigned. With exclusion of the ammine torsional vibration, the vibrational modes of the ligand, framework-coupling and skeletal frequencies have been determined. Valence force constants values fCdN and fCdI were compared with the analogous force constants of Cd(NH3)2Cl2 and Cd(NH3)2Br2. The results of the calculations are discussed in terms of the present assignment for Cd(NH3)2I2 and previously reported potential constants for the Cd(NH3)2X2 and Zn(NH3)2X2 (X = Cl, Br, I).

Key Words: Infrared, Raman spectra. Diamminediiodidecadmium (II) isotopic complex. Force constants.



Se obtuvieron en el estado sólido los espectros Raman e infrarrojo del complejo Cd(NH3)2I2, con substitución isotópica 15N y 2H. El espectro vibracional se asignó con la ayuda del análisis de coordenadas normales considerando un problema de once núcleos. Con la exclusión de las vibraciones torsionales de los grupos -NH3, se determinaron los modos vibracionales y los números de onda correspondientes a los ligantes, acoplamiento ligantes-esqueleto, y esqueleto estructural. Las constantes de fuerza de valencia fCdN y fCdI se compararon con constantes de fuerza análogas de los complejos Cd(NH3)2Cl2 y Cd(NH3)2Br2. Los resultados de los cálculos se discuten en términos de la presente asignación vibracional para Cd(NH3)2I2, y en términos de las constantes de potencial reportadas previamente para los complejos Cd(NH3)2X2 y Zn(NH3)2X2 (X = Cl, Br, I).

Palabras clave: Infrarrojo, espectros Raman, complejo diamino diyoduro de cadmio (II), constantes de potencial.


In Memory to Prof. Dr. Jacobo Gómez Lara



There are many scientific works concerning the infrared and Raman active vibration of coordinated amine groups [1,2], but there is not enough information about the low-frequencies framework or skeletal metal-ligand modes, specifically on the diammine complexes. As a continuation of our studies on the infrared and Raman spectra and structure of diamminedichloridezinc (II), diamminedibromidezinc (II), diamminediiodidezinc (II), diamminedichloridecadmium (II) and diamminedibromidecadmium (II) complexes with 15N and 2H isotopic substitution [3], we have investigated the infrared and Raman spectra (solid state) of normal diamminediiodidecadmium (II) and with 15N and 2H - labeled isotopomers from 70 to 4000 cm−1.

Assignment of the ammine vibrational modes is straight-forward and follows the conventional pattern [1,3]. The experimental vibrational attribution of skeletal metal-ligand modes, have been made using the 15N and 2H isotopic labeled complexes, assuming that the diammine cadmium complexes have a C2v planar symmetry, and by comparison with the analogous infrared and Raman spectra of the Cd(NH3)2Cl2 and Cd(NH3)2Br2. The assignment of the vibrational spectra was confirmed by means of the normal coordinate analysis.

The obtained valence force constants were compared with the values of the Zn(NH3)2X2 (X = Cl, Br, I) complexes. Bond orders were also obtained.


Results and Discussion

Vibrational irreducible representations: Information: the Cd(NH3)2Cl2 complex, has a rhombic unit cell. The space group is C2v11 - Cmm with two formula weights per unit cell [5]. Assuming a C2v symmetry for a geometrical structure of trans planar configuration of Cd(NH3)2I2, the 3n - 6 = 27 normal vibrations after discarding two torsional NH3-Cd frequencies (a2 and b1) and two out of plane skeletal bending modes (a1) can be distributed among the symmetry species:

The observed infrared absorption's bands and the Raman shifts with the approximate assignments are given in Table 1.

Ligand vibrations: The ν(NH) stretching, δ(HNH) bending and ρ(NH3) rocking modes are considered as characteristic frequencies in amine complexes [1,2] and their assignments are straightforward.

Metal-nitrogen and metal-halogen stretching vibrations: According to the assumed C2v symmetry for the trans geometry of the Cd(NH3)2I2 complex, the metal-nitrogen and metal-halogen stretching vibrations should be infrared and Raman active. The νas(CdN)(b2) modes were observed in the spectra at 367, 355 and 349 cm−1 for the normal Cd(NH3)2I2 and for the 15N and 2H isotopomers, respectively. In the Raman spectra the νs(CdN)(a1) vibrational modes were found at 320, 311 and 304 cm−1 for the normal and for the 15N and 2H isotopic complexes. The infrared bands found at 136, 130 and 122 cm−1 for the three isotopic complexes, were assigned to the νas(CdI)(b1) vibrational modes. The Raman shifts at 133, 130 and 126 cm−1 in the normal compound and in the two isotopomers, were assigned to the νs(CdI)(a1) stretching modes. Table 2 are listed the Cd-N and Cd-I stretching frequencies together with literature values.

X-Cd-X deformations: The Raman shifts at 115, 112 and at 110 cm−1 for Cd(NH3)2I2, Cd(15NH3)2I2 and Cd(ND3)2I2 isotopic complexes were assigned to the δ(NCdI)(a2) vibrational mode. For the b1 and b2 δ(NCdI) vibrational modes, we assigned tentatively the values of 90, 82 and 81 cm−1 for Cd (NH3)2I2, and his isotopomers. The values of 74, 74 and 71 cm−1 were assigned tentatively for the b2 δ(NCdI) vibrational modes. Table 2 shows also our approximate assignments together with another values of wavenumbers found for the Cd(NH3)2X2 (X = Cl, Br) with 15N and 2H isotopic substitution. Fig. 1 illustrates the low region of the Raman spectra.

Normal coordinate analysis (NCA)

A normal coordinate analysis for the whole structure of diamminediiodidecadmium (II) was carried out to aid principally the assignment of the framework or skeletal frequencies. The molecular structure and the internal coordinates for Cd (NH3)2I2 are shown in Fig. 2. Some of the geometrical parameters which describes the skeletal structure CdA2I2 (A = NH3), were taken from the literature [5], other geometrical parameters were assumed: dCd-N = 2.10 Å; dCd-I = 2.90 Å; dN-H = 1 Å; N-Cd-I angle = 90° and M-N-H angle = 109.47°.

For the Cd(NH3)2I2 complexes, initial symmetry force constants values for the NH3-ligands were transferred from the values given by Cyvin et al. [6], while the rocking force constants value was calculated from Fii = λii / Gii, in which, Gii means the ith element of the kinematics coefficient matrix ( it is not the kinetic energy matrix), and λii = 0.589141 (ωii/ 1000)2. Using the point mass model (PMM) in conjunction with the isotopic shifts, the starting set of skeletal force constants was obtained. The initial set of force constants F0 so obtained was refined by two methods to reproduce the experimental frequencies. In the least square method [7,8] a Modified General Valence Force Field (MGVFF) was used in which the off diagonal force constants pertaining to different blocks between i) NH3-ligand and rocking vibration, ii) NH3-ligand and framework vibrations as well as iii) framework and rocking vibrations were all constrained to zero. In the iterative autoconsistency method [8], the off diagonal force constants between the different blocks were not constrained to zero. Results also show, that there are no significant differences between the force constants obtained by the two methods. Table 3 shows the more significative set of valence force constants. The symmetry coordinates used in the calculations are given below:

The following trends were observed in the internal (valence) force constants. The force constants value for the Cd-N stretching, fR, increases from 1.05 mdyn/Å for Cd (NH3)2I2 to 1.21 mdyn/Å for Cd(NH3)2Cl2. The opposite trend was observed for the Cd-X (X = Cl, Br, I) stretching force constants, fR-. The values goes from 0.86 mdyn/Å to 0.48 mdyn/Å. For the Zn(NH3)2X2 (X = Cl, Br, I) complexes. The fR-= fZnX force constants increases from 0.78 to 1.15 mdyn/Å from Zn(NH3)2 Cl2 to Zn(NH3)2I2 [9,10]. Structural differences also exist between the Zn(II) and Cd(II)-diamminedihalogenide complexes. The Zn (II) diamminedihalogenide one's are tetrahedral and the Cd(II) diamminedihalogenide have square-planar structures. The observed trend in the Cd-X (X = Cl, Br, I) force constants related to the Zn-X force constants can be explained as: 1) When X = Cl, we observed that fCd-Cl = 0.48 mdyn/Å and fZn-Cl = 1.15 mdyn/Å. This trend can be explained by the effect of the reduced mass for the differents oscillators M-X: (Cd-Cl = 26.95 and (Zn-Cl = 22.97, resulting from the almost 72% higher atomic mass of Cd compared with the Zn atomic mass. It is well know that when the reduced mass in a particular bond such as C-C, C-Si, C-Ge, C-Sn and C-Pb, increases, the force constants decreased. 2) When X = I, we observed that fCd-I = 0.86 mdyn/Å and fZn-I = 0.78 mdyn/Å. This trend can be explained through the different Pearson classification of Lewis acids [12]; Zn+2 is in the border line between hard and soft acids; Cd+2 is a soft acid. F- and Cl- are hard Lewis bases, and I- is a soft base. The general rule is: hard acids are those acids that react preferentially with hard bases, whereas soft acids are those that react preferentially with soft bases. In our case, Cd+2 react preferentially with I- (soft acid + soft base). The reaction between Zn+2 with I- being a reaction between an acid of the border line with a soft base. We do not have the Kps0 values for the Cd(NH3)2I2 and Zn(NH3)2I2 complexes, but, for the above reasons we think that Zn(NH3)2I2 has higher solubility than Cd(NH3)2I2.

It is well known that the force constants for a particular bond increases with the bond order (for C2H2, C2H4 and C2H6, the bond orders for CC are 3.00, 2.12 and 1.11, respectively), magnitude which can be considered as a relative measure of the electronic cloud effective in holding the two atoms together, and represents the effective number of covalent (electron pair) or electrovalent (ionic) bonds acting between the two atoms considered [11]. As the normal coordinate has revealed, there are not coupling between the skeletal ν(CdN) and ν(CdI) normal modes, then as an approach the Cd-N and Cd-X bond order were calculated by the Gordy's equation [11]

where F is the Cd-N force constant, N is the bond order, d is the Cd-N bond length, and Xcd and XN are the Cd and N atom eletronegativities according to Allred and Rochow [13] and Mulliken [14].

Table 4 gives the bond order of the Cd-N and Cd-X bonds with X = Cl, Br in the Cd(NH3)2Cl2, Cd(NH3)2Br2 and Cd(NH3)2I2 complexes, these values reflect the influence of the halogenide ligand on the square planar coordination of Cd+2 cation, and indicate rather little covalent degree.

The potential energy distribution reveals that the vibrational modes pertaining to the ligands and framework coupling are nearly pure (values higher than 95%).



The complexes Cd(NH3)2I2, Cd(15NH3)2I2 and Cd(ND3)2I2 were prepared in mg quantities using the suggestion given by Perchard and Novak [4]. The samples as nujol mulls are on polyethylene supports. The infrared spectra from 4000 to 40 cm−1 were run with a Nicolet 60 SXB Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrometer equipped with a DTGS detector with polyethylene windows. For the IR measurements the resolution was 4 cm−1 in the 4000 - 1500 region, 2 cm−1 between 1500 and 700 cm−1 and 0.25 cm−1 in the range from 700 to 40 cm−1. The Raman spectra were recorded on a Jarrel-Ash 25-300 double grating monochromator with an RCAC31034A photon counting system. The resolutions used in the measurement were: 5 cm−1 in the spectral range from 3500 to 2000 cm−1 and 2 cm−1 in the range from 2000 to 20 cm−1. The measurement was carried out using 514.5 nm radiation from an Ar+ laser. The samples were sealed in capillary tubes.



The authors thanks the financial assistance of FINEP/PADCT, process number Nº 6595038100 and the CNPq (research grant).



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