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Cirujano general

Print version ISSN 1405-0099


MARENTES ETIENNE, José Jorge; JOYA CERVERA, Raúl Edgardo; RODRIGUEZ HERNANDEZ, Alejandrina  and  PRIETO-DIAZ-CHAVEZ, Emilio. Efficacy of a silicone composite mesh to reduce intra-abdominal adhesions in Wistar rats: A preliminary report. Cir. gen [online]. 2014, vol.36, n.4, pp.205-208. ISSN 1405-0099.

Background: Intraabdominal adhesions of a prosthesis or mesh can occur in 80-90% of patients and can have serious consequences. Silicone is a material that has been described for the temporary closure of the abdomen and repair of ventral defects. Silicone composite meshes are not described to prevent this complication. The objective of this study was to compare the effi cacy of a composite mesh of polypropylene with silicone to prevent abdominal adhesions presence of a ventral hernia model induced in Wistar rats.

Material and methods: Two groups of 10 Wistar rats, each with an abdominal hernia defect were compared. Ventral hernioplasty was performed in the control group with polypropylene mesh and a composite silicone mesh was used in the experimental group. Adhesions were analyzed according to the macroscopic and microscopic Diamond-Shakir Kanbour ratings.

Results: Mean adherence was 60% for the experimental group versus 100% in the control group (p=.04). The severity of these adhesions were lower in the experimental group (p=.01). Fibrosis and infl ammation occurred similarly in both groups (p>.05). Vascular proliferation was lower in the experimental group compared to the controls (p=.01).

Conclusions: Composite mesh of polypropylene and silicone, at cut-off so far, appears to generate fewer adhesions than polypropylene with less extension, severity and dissection.

Keywords : Composite mesh; Silicone; Ventral hernia.

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