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América Latina en la historia económica

On-line version ISSN 2007-3496Print version ISSN 1405-2253


ANDRADE ARRUDA, José Jobson de. Brazilian raw cotton in the epoch of the industrial revolution. Am. Lat. Hist. Econ [online]. 2016, vol.23, n.2, pp.167-203. ISSN 2007-3496.

There is little disagreement between specialists over the role of raw cotton in the context of Industrial Revolution in Europe. There is much discussion about the importance's level of this strategic commodity in the beginning of industrialization, considering that dynamics of this industry has become vital reference in the determination of the acceleration rate of the textile segment and its impact on the others industry sectors, which allows us to identify this sector as revolutionary. The raw cotton manufacture was of great importance not only to England, but also to other continental countries such as France and Portugal, in which, in the early nineteenth century, the textile manufactures dynamism escalated, rising the public and private interest in elevating the pre-industrial manufactures to modern productive structure, setting, thus, these specific historical context as the Industrial Revolution period.

Keywords : raw cotton; Industrial Revolution; colonies; metropolis.

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