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On-line version ISSN 2521-9766Print version ISSN 1405-3195

Agrociencia vol.50 n.7 Texcoco Oct./Nov. 2016


Food science

Effect of thermal treatment on the rheological behavior of habanero chili (Capsicum chinense) sauces added with guar and xanthan gums

Manuel O. Ramírez-Sucre1 

Diana K. Baigts-Allende1  *

1 Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco, A.C. Unidad Sureste. Parque Científico Tecnológico de Yucatán km 5.5 Carretera Sierra Papacal-Chuburná Puerto C.P. 97302 Yucatán, México. Tel.:+52 999 920 26 71. (


In foods with disperse multicomponents, such as sauces, the physical stability of the system is a parameter of the final quality. The rheological behavior of this type of product depends on intrinsic factors, such as size of the particle, molecular weight and molecular interactions, and extrinsic factors, such as temperature, pH and ionic force. In this study, habanero chili (Capsicum chinense) sauces were prepared with commercial chili pastes and water; guar or xanthan gums were added, in 0.2, 0.5 and 0.7 %, as thickening hydrocolloids. The effect of the thermal treatment was evaluated in the rheological behavior (flow and viscoelasticity) with a mixed factorial design, with three factors, in different levels. The thermal treatment affected the molecular interaction of the guar gum with water, decreased the values of viscosity, critical deformation and elastic modulus (G’), and increased those of the viscous modulus (G”). The inverse effect was observed with xanthan gum, which conserved a more stable and betterstructured matrix. Xanthan gum in 0.5 % concentrations conserved the rheological (thickening) properties, after having been heated up to high temperatures; therefore, it can be used in the elaboration of habanero chili sauces with thermal treatment.

Key words: Capsicum chinense; sauces; rheological properties; guar gum; xanthan gum; thermal treatment


En alimentos con multicomponentes dispersos, como las salsas, la estabilidad física del sistema es un parámetro de la calidad final. El comportamiento reológico de este tipo de productos depende de factores intrínsecos, como tamaño de partícula, peso molecular e interacciones moleculares, y factores extrínsecos, como temperatura, pH y fuerza iónica. En este estudio se prepararon salsas de chile habanero (Capsicum chinense) con pastas de chile comercial y agua, se adicionó 0.2, 0.5 y 0.7 % de gomas guar o xantana como hidrocoloides espesantes. El efecto del tratamiento térmico se evaluó en el comportamiento reológico (flujo y viscoelasticidad) con un diseño factorial mixto, con tres factores, en diferentes niveles. El tratamiento térmico afectó la interacción molecular de la goma guar con el agua, redujo los valores de viscosidad, deformación crítica y módulo elástico (G’) y aumentó los del módulo viscoso (G”). El efecto inverso se observó con la goma xantana, la que conservó una matriz más estable y mejor estructurada. La goma xantana en concentraciones de 0.5 % conservó las propiedades reológicas (espesantes) después de haberse calentado a temperaturas altas, por lo cual se puede usar para elaborar salsas de chile habanero con tratamiento térmico.

Palabras clave: Capsicum chinense; salsas; propiedades reológicas; goma guar; goma xantana; tratamiento térmico


México occupies the second place globally, after China, as producer of a broad variety of chili species (Jaramillo-Flores et al., 2010) with an annual production of 2.29 thousand Mg in 2013 (FAOSTAT, 2013). Spicy chili (Capsicum spp.) is a popular additive in several places of the world and is valued because of its sensory attributes, such as color, pungency, and aroma. Habanero chili (Capsicum chinense) is among those with highest demand and it is cultivated in the Yucatan Peninsula (Yucatán, Campeche and Quintana Roo, México). This region contributes with more than half of the national chili production (SIAP, 2013), and achieved the denomination of recent origin (IMPI, 2010). The fruit of the habanero chili is consumed fresh and dehydrated (powdered chili), it is raw material to extract oleoresins, capsaicinoids, but, mostly, it is used to produce purees or pastes. These are used to prepare habanero sauces for the national and international market (Ruiz et al., 2011). The elaboration of chili sauces consists in the selection and disinfection of the fruit, the reduction of the particle size (grinding), and the addition of stabilizing, flavoring and preserving agents.

Sauces are complex multiphase emulsions of small and deformable solid particles, which are dispersed in a continuous aqueous phase (Sikora et al., 2003). Emulsions are thermodynamically unstable dispersions of a liquid that is immiscible in another, and one of the liquid phases is dispersed in the other in form of small drops (Desplanques et al., 2012). Among the physical phenomena that help to characterize them are those related with gravitational, electrostatic, steric, Van der Waals, and other forces that affect the size, distribution and spatial disposition of the dispersed particles, and which can destabilize the system (phase separation). To control and improve their physical stability, it is convenient to understand the effects of the forces of interaction between the particles and the dispersing medium (Tadros, 2009).

Additives in foods, such as hydrocolloids, participate in the preservation of the sensory quality of the product, primarily in the consistency, and they improve their physical stability in time (Sikora et al., 2008; Gamonpilas et al., 2011). The structure, distribution, and arrangement of the compounds that integrate the food emulsions (sugars, coloring, salts, preservatives, and others), determine in great measure the chemical affinity and the system’s free energy. Additives, such as those derived from cellulose and gums, have been studied for the improvement of the rheological properties of mixed systems (Dipjyoti and Suvendu, 2010; Hesarinejad et al., 2014). Gums are polysaccharides that at low concentrations form viscous dispersions or gels. Among them, the guar (GG) and xanthan (XG) gums are used in the food industry because they are thickening and stabilizing, but also gelling. The GG is obtained from the endosperm of the guar plant seed, it is a non-ionic polysaccharide soluble in water, which has a central linear segment of D-manose units in its molecule, with β (1,4) bonds, connected to units of D-galactose, with α (1,6) bonds in a proportion of 2:1 (Chenlo et al., 2010). The hydrocolloid of this gum is relatively stable at pH 2.0 to 3.5, and at high temperatures (Wang et al., 2000). The XG is a linear chain of D-glucose with β (1-4) bonds, glucose residues in C3 alternate with lateral chains of a trisaccharide with charge that contains a residue of glucuronic acid between two units of mannose. The ordered conformation of rigid chains in this molecule allows it to form more viscous solutions than other gums, such as carrageenins, in similar concentrations (Marcotte et al., 2001). The rheological properties are useful to predict the physical stability of a food product. The rheological behavior of chili sauces is considered pseudoplastic; however, hydrocolloids allow improving this characteristic (Martínez-Padilla and Rivera-Vargas, 2006; Gamonpilas et al., 2011).

Chili sauces are classified as acidified products with high water activity and must be subjected to a thermal treatment, to guarantee the export quality (FDA, 2010). In México, national commercialization of most of the habanero chili sauces uses only chemical preservatives as a measure of product innocuousness. Applying thermal treatments as a method to improve the useful life of the product is an alternative to increase product innocuousness and to decrease the browning (inactivation of polyphenol oxidases) without applying chemical additives. One disadvantage is that there could be structural changes of the system’s components that cause physical instability and phase separation (FDA, 2010).

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of the thermal treatment on the rheological characteristics (flow and viscoelasticity) of habanero chili (Capsicum chinense) sauces, elaborated with commercial chili paste supplemented with GG and XG.

Materials and methods

Sauce elaboration

The sauces were elaborated with commercial habanero chili paste (Brand: PAPIK, INDUSTRIA AGRÍCOLA MAYA, S.A. de C.V.; mixture of ground habanero chili, size of particle 500 mm, with acetic acid and salt), water (1:1; control), and 0.2, 0.5 and 0.7 % of GG or XG. The mixtures were shaken at 3000 rpm, with a homogenizer (IKA, T18; Germany, with a 18N-19G dispersor), approximately 2 min. The chemical compounds used were of reactive grade (Sigma Aldrich Inc; USA).

The sauces prepared (50 mg) were placed in bags (48.0x14.5 cm) resistant to extreme temperatures and high pressures (pouch), sealed at 1.6 s and 40 % vacuum (Koch Equipment, UV250; USA, 2009), heated for 15 min at 121 °C in a vertical autoclave (ECOSHEL, CVQ-B50L; USA), and stored at 25 °C for 24 h before being analyzed. All of the samples were prepared in duplicate.

Analytical determinations

The partial physical and chemical characterization of chili paste and of the sauces before and after the thermal treatment included: pH according to the NMX-F-317-S-1978 norm and with a potentiometer (Hanna Instruments, HI3222; USA); total soluble solids according to the NMX-FF-015-1982 norm and with a refractometer (Atago, NAR-1Tliquid; Japan); and moisture content with the fast method described in the NMX-F-428-1982 norm, with a thermobalance (Ohaus, B45; USA).

Rheological determinations

The rheological properties of the sauces were determined with a controlled effort rheometer (TA Instruments, DHR2; USA) and the parallel plate geometry (40 mm of diameter) with a gap of 1050 μm. The flow was evaluated with the flow curves in function of the deformation speed (0.2 to 200 s-1), cutting effort and viscosity. The experimental data were adjusted to the mathematical expression of the Carreau model (Carreau, 1972), which describes the pseudoplastic behavior of polymers of a more realist form than the power law, since it adapts better to a broad interval of deformation speeds. The determination of the model of best fit to the flow curves was carried out with the software of the equipment (Trios 3.2.0 3877, DHR TA instruments) with R2=0.999.


where η 0 is the constant viscosity at very low deformation speeds (close to resting), η is the Newtonian viscosity for high values of deformation speed, and c and b are the consistency and the index of deformation speed.

The viscoelastic properties were evaluated in the linear viscoelastic region (LVR) determined by assays of deformation amplitude, logarithmic increments (0.02 to 100 %), and frequency of 10 rad s-1. The mechanical spectra were obtained with angular frequency sweeping assays (0.1-100 rad s-1), with a deformation of 0.5 % through the analysis of the elastic modulus (G’), and the viscous modulus (G”) in function of the frequency.

Statistical analysis of the results

The experimental design was mixed factorial of three factors (gum, temperature, and concentration) with different levels. The results were analyzed with ANOVA and the means were compared by the Tukey test (p≤0.05), with the statistical software Statgraphics Centurion XVI. I. version 16.1.17 (Stat Point Technologies, 2011). γ

Results and discussion

Analysis of the physical-chemical properties

The chili pastes showed in average 84.3 % of humidity, 1.17 % of titrable acidity, 20 °Brix and pH 3.43. The GG and XG and the thermal treatment did not cause significant changes in pH or soluble solids (3.4 and 20.0 °Brix). The humidity (h) of all the sauces tended to decrease with the gums (haverage=70.0 %) in comparison to the control (haverage= 77.8%) and was significantly lower in the sauces with 0.7 % of XG (haverage=68.0 %). This behavior could be due to the combination of the concentration and structural changes of the XG. A higher number of chains of XG could have favored the intramolecular interaction (network formation) and electrostatic interactions, between polar molecules of water and the polyelectrolyte that allowed retaining water and decreasing the global humidity of the system.

Flow properties

All the samples had a non-Newtonian pseudoplastic behavior, a common characteristic in emulsions, suspensions or dispersions, where viscosity is reduced with the increase of the deformation speed (Figure 1). With the gums, the pseudoplastic behavior was prominent. The index of consistency of the sauces after the thermal treatment decreased significantly only in sauces with 0.2 and 0.5 % of GG. The viscosity of the sauces increased with the gum concentration (h 0 0.2 %<h 0 0.5 %<h 0 0.7 %) (Table 1). The viscosity decreased in the sauces with GG and thermal treatment; in contrast, in those that contained XG the values increased significantly. The environmental conditions and the interactions of the hydrocolloid with other molecules (water, soluble solids and salts) could affect the viscous behavior of the matrix. Opposite to the case of sauces with XG, the thermal treatment in sauces with GG could weaken the interactions between the medium and the gum, or the structure of the disperse particles, which decreased the viscosity.

Figure 1 Flow curves of habanero chili sauces, with 0.2, 0.5 and 0.7 % of gums and thermal treatment. 

Table 1 Rheological parameters obtained from the curves adjusted to the Carreau flow model of sauces complemented with gums. 

Goma (%) Sin tratamiento térmico Con tratamiento térmico
η 0 C b η 0 C b
(Pa.s) (s) (Pa.s) (s)
Guar 0.2 128a 4.1a 0.21a 100a 2.6a 0.16a
0.5 297b 9.4b 0.23a 159b 5.3b 0.23b
0.7 371c 9.7b 0.22a 319c 11.8c 0.25b
Xantana 0.2 79d 2.5c 0.25a 103d 2.8d 0.18b
0.5 202e 5.9d 0.26a 253e 6.1e 0.18b
0.7 254f 6.0e 0.21c 319f 11.8f 0.25c

Values with different letter in a column for one of the gums were statistically different (Tukey p≤0.05). η 0=constant viscosity; c=consistency; b=index of deformation speed.

The viscosity in emulsions with heated GG or XG depended on XG (Desplanques et al., 2012). Naji et al. (2012) obtained opposite results and observed that dispersions of XG, heated up to 121 °C for 15 min, decreased significantly the viscosity, and they studied the gum without taking into consideration other components, such as salts. The sauces, due to the number of components such as salt, plant particles, water, gum or others, are more complex systems than a binary solution. XG, in addition to having a higher molecular weight than GG, has anionic polyelectrolyte nature, which is why the rheological behavior could be impacted by the presence of salts in chili pastes. Sodium or potassium chloride in solutions with xanthan gum help to maintain the ordered structure and increase the thermal stability (Katzbauer, 1998). The instability of the system formed with GG could be due to the increase in temperature and decrease of pH (higher dissociation of H+ ions from heat). Both extrinsic factors, in high levels, could affect the hydration speed of the gum and decrease the viscosity (Carlson and Ziegenfuss, 1965; BeMiller and Whistler, 1996; Srichamroen, 2007).

Viscoelastic properties

The dynamic modulus of storage (G’) and loss (G’’), the viscoelastic region, and the critical deformation (point at which the dynamic modulus cease to be constant), represented by the horizontal lines in a specific deformation (vertical lines), increased in sauces with GG in relation to the increase in concentration (0.2 % < 0.5 % <0.7 %). However, in the sauces with XG the differences occurred only between the lowest and the highest concentrations; it seems that the lowest concentration didn’t impact the viscoelastic properties (Figures 2A and 3A). The loss of linearity in presence of XG took place in higher deformations (g≤1), and the fall in the dynamic modulus was more drastic in comparison to the samples with GG. This behavior could be because the structure of the system formed with GG was more altered or because the structural reordering was greater (Figures 2B and 3B).

Figure 2 Elastic modulus (G’, dark symbols) and viscous modulus (G’’, grey symbols) as function of the deformation (γ) of habanero chili sauces added with 0.2 (▲), 0.5 (■) and 0.7 % (♦) of guar gum without thermal treatment (A) and with it (B) 

Figure 3 Elastic modulus (G’, dark symbols) and viscous modulus (G’’, grey symbols) as function of the deformation (γ) of habanero chili sauces added with 0.2 (▲), 0.5 (■) and 0.7 % (♦) of xanthan gum without thermal treatment (A) and with it (B). 

Frequency sweeps

In all the samples the elastic response predominated over the viscous character during the interval of frequencies studied (G’>G”). The dynamic modulus (G’ and G’’) of the sauces supplemented with gums increased significantly with the increase of frequency in comparison with the control sample (Figures 4 and 5). This behavior indicated the formation of a network of a slightly structured, weak type of gel, typical of disperse viscoelastic systems. The positive slope of the lines of behavior showed the contribution of the solid phase in the structure of the system, without reaching the formation of a tridimensional network (Rao, 2013).

Figure 4 Elastic (G’) and storage (G’’) modulus in function of the angular frequency of habanero chili sauces with different concentrations of guar gum without thermal treatment (A) and with it (B). 

Figure 5 Elastic (G’) and storage (G’’) modulus in function of the angular frequency of habanero chili sauces with different concentrations of xanthan gum without thermal treatment (A) and with it (B). 

The dynamic modulus (G’, G”) of the sauces with GG increased with the concentration (G’, G”0.2 % < G’, G”0.5 % < G’, G”0.7 %); however, for sauces with XG there were no significant differences between 0.5 and 0.7 % (G’, G”0.2 %<G’, G”0.5 %=G’, G”0.7 %). This could be due to the higher concentration of XG (0.7 %), the molecular interaction and because the ionic force favored the repulsive forces or the shielding of charges, decreasing the polymer association and impeding the formation of a structured and rigid network. The effective critical concentration that was observed for XG was lower than for GG (0.5 %), since there was no significance in the flow and viscoelasticity at greater concentrations.

The G’ and G’’ values of all the treatments decreased slightly with the thermal treatment; but for sauces with GG the separation between G’ and G’’ was higher than with XG (Figure 4B and 5B). This could be because of the degradation of the structure of GG from temperature, which affected the molecular interactions with the aqueous medium and between its chains. In the XG molecules, the temperature favored the hydration speed and, therefore, the formation of a stable network (Sworn, 2000).

The rheological properties of habanero chili sauce improved with the three concentrations of gums. In addition, the temperature affected positively the sauce with XG, since it improved the viscosity and the dynamic modulus (elastic and loss) as compared to GG.


Gums (xanthan or guar) added to habanero sauces improve the rheological behavior. XG can be used as an additive in the food industry in sauces, which will be subjected to thermal treatment, because in low concentrations its characteristics of thickening and ionic association (in presence of salts) are thermally stable.

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Received: June 2015; Accepted: June 2016

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