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PARRA-PIEDRA, José P. et al. Explicit and implicit timber growth projection of Pinus patula Schiede ex Schltdl. et Cham. in commercial plantations. Agrociencia [online]. 2017, vol.51, n.4, pp.455-470. ISSN 2521-9766.

In Zacualpan, Veracruz, Mexico, there are 3500 ha of commercial forest plantations of Pinus patula, but until now no evaluations of growth have been made that would allow an adequate programming of harvest. The objective of the present study was to evaluate growth and yield of timber, using an explicit and an implicit system with diametric distribution, both constructed with data of permanent forestry measurement plots. The hypothesis proposes that permanent observation plots, of different ages re-measured over time, will make it possible to obtain an explicit and implicit projected system of timber growth and yield. The first system is comprised of the polymorphic Schumacher-Korf type non-linear model in dominant height, of compatible equations of prediction-projection for basal area, total volume and mortality. The explicit system utilizes the Weibull probability distribution function of three parameters. For this study 50 sites of 400 m2 were randomly selected, distributed in age classes of three to 21 years, which were established in 2011 and were re-measured in 2012 and 2015. Results showed four site indices (SI): 10, 15, 20 and 25 m at the base age of 15 years. The technical rotation in volume for the average condition (SI of 20 m) was at 14 years, age at which 251 m3 ha-1 are produced as expected total volume and a mean yield of 17.9 m3 ha-1 year-1. The diametric distribution projected a total volume of 242 m3 ha-1 at the age of technical rotation, and also made it possible to know that the proportion of trees with normal diameter -30 cm is presented prior to 10 years in rich sites and afterwards is incremented exponentially.

Keywords : site index; diametric class; Weibull; yield.

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