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Computación y Sistemas

On-line version ISSN 2007-9737Print version ISSN 1405-5546

Comp. y Sist. vol.26 n.2 Ciudad de México Apr./Jun. 2022  Epub Mar 10, 2023 


Evolutionary Instance Selection Based on Preservation of the Data Probability Density Function

Samuel Omar Tovias-Alanis1  * 

Wilfrido Gómez-Flores1 

Gregorio Toscano-Pulido1 

11 Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados, Mexico.,


The generation of massive amounts of data has motivated the use of machine learning models to perform predictive analysis. However, the computational complexity of these algorithms depends mainly on the number of training samples. Thus, training predictive models with high generalization performance within a reasonable computing time is a challenging problem. Instance selection (IS) can be applied to remove unnecessary points based on a specific criterion to reduce the training time of predictive models. This paper introduces an evolutionary IS algorithm that employs a novel fitness function to maximize the similarity of the probability density function (PDF) between the original dataset and the selected subset, and to minimize the number of samples chosen. This method is compared against six other IS algorithms using four performance measures relating to the accuracy, reduction rate, PDF preservation, and efficiency (which combines the first three indices using a geometric mean). Experiments with 40 datasets show that the proposed approach outperforms its counterparts. The selected instances are also used to train seven classifiers, in order to evaluate the generalization and reusability of this approach. Finally, the accuracy results show that the proposed approach is competitive with other methods and that the selected instances have adequate capabilities for reuse in different classifiers.

Keywords: Instance selection; probability density function; evolutionary algorithm

1 Introduction

Nowadays, ubiquitous computing and the Internet of Things are generating massive amount of multivariate data. As a result, researchers in many scientific and engineering fields have applied machine learning (ML) techniques to take advantage of this information for data modeling and decision making [5].

In supervised learning, ML algorithms are used to create prediction models based on a set of labeled training data. A dataset is typically represented by a matrix Xn×d composed of n instances and d predictor variables. Furthermore, the ith instance is represented by the vector xi=[xi1,,xid], associated with an actual class label yiΩ={ω1,,ωc}, where c is the total number of classes. Thus, training of the model implies the supervised learning of a mapping function g:n×dy^, where y^Ω is a predicted class label [11].

The computational complexity of ML algorithms depends mainly on the number of training instances and prediction variables. Thus, for extensive datasets, building a classification model within a reasonable computing time is a challenging problem. In addition, the model evaluation stage and hyperparameter tuning increase the training time [3]. Instance selection (IS) algorithms remove unnecessary patterns based on some elimination criterion. The aim is to select a representative subset (denoted by XS) from the original dataset (denoted by XO) to reduce the training time when building prediction models.

IS algorithms can be divided into wrapper and filter methods; the former uses a classification rate from a supervised learning algorithm, whereas the latter uses statistical information from data [13]. In addition, metaheuristic-based IS techniques generally use evolutionary algorithms (EAs), in which each member of the population represents a subset of selected instances. EAs encode the individuals as a fixed-length binary vector of size nO, corresponding to the number of instances in XO. In this encoding scheme, a value of 1 means that the corresponding instance is selected, whereas a value of 0 indicates the opposite. Optimization is commonly performed using a wrapper scheme that maximizes both the classification accuracy and the reduction rate [9].

According to Reeves and Bush [17], the training set should be an accurate representation of the actual probability distribution over the input space. However, selecting instances using an EA-based wrapper scheme may lead to solutions that fulfill the classifier’s criteria but cannot preserve the original probability distribution. For instance, if a support vector machine (SVM) is used, the selected instances may be biased towards the local distribution of the support vectors. We can therefore state that the selection of instances should be made only once, and the resulting data subset can then be used to train different classifiers without loss of generalization, thus avoiding the need to repeat the selection process for each type of classifier.

This work presents an evolutionary IS method based on a filter approach, in which the fitness function incorporates both preservation of the probability density function (PDF) and a reduction rate. The underlying concept is to preserve the original data distribution by maximizing the similarity between the XO and XS PDFs, while reducing the number of instances in XS. Both objectives are combined through the use of a weighted sum, and a global optimization scheme based on a genetic algorithm (GA) with binary encoding is used to carry out instance selection.

2 Related Work

2.1 Classical IS Methods

Classical IS methods generally reduce the number of instances using the nearest neighbor rule. These approaches can be divided into condensation, edition, and hybrid methods. The condensed nearest neighbor (CNN) method retains points closer to the decision boundaries, while internal points are removed, since they do not affect the decision boundaries [14]. The edited nearest neighbor (ENN) approach preserves internal samples while removing points closer to the decision boundaries with class labels that are different from their neighboring points (i.e., noisy points) [20]. The decremental reduction optimization procedure (DROP3) is a hybrid method that removes border points by first applying ENN to filter noisy instances, and then removes internal instances far from the decision boundaries [21]. Finally, the iterative case filtering algorithm (ICF) produces data clusters based on reachable and coverage sets, where points with a reachable set size greater than the coverage set size are removed [4].

2.2 Evolutionary IS Methods

An IS based on an EA is generally classed as a wrapper scheme. In this context, Kuncheva [15] proposed a GA with binary encoding, where the fitness function measured the error rate of the k-nearest neighbors (kNN) classifier.

In another work, Cano et al. [6] analyzed the performance of four binary-based representation EAs. The objective function adopted in this case was a weighted sum of the classification error and the reduction rate, with the same relative importance. Likewise, Garcia et al. [12] proposed a memetic algorithm that combined the heuristic approach of population-based algorithms with local search methods. The fitness function in this approach maximized both the accuracy and the reduction rate.

Aldana et al. [2] introduced a method based on an eclectic GA (EGA). This approach adopted a binary string encode in which two positive integers represented the number of randomly sampled instances. The EGAs objective function evaluated the reduction rate, and two constraints were considered: the error between the original and selected sets, and the proportion of elements between the quantiles of both sets.

Rosales-Pérez et al. [18] used a multiobjective EA to solve the IS problem. Their solution encoded the reduction technique and the hyperparameters of an SVM, and the two objective functions were the classification rate and the reduction rate.

3 Kernel Density Estimation

Kernel density estimation (KDE) is a non-parametric method for estimating the PDF of a random variable, and can handle an arbitrary distribution without requiring any assumptions about the form of its underlying density [11].

Let x1,x2,,xn be independent and identically distributed samples, taken randomly from a distribution with unknown density p(x). KDE in a region centered at x^ is given by:

p^h(x^)=1nhi=1nϕN(x^xi2h), (1)

where 2 denotes the Euclidean distance, ϕN() is the Gaussian kernel function with zero mean and unit variance, expressed as:

ϕN(u)=12π(1/2)exp(u22), (2)

and h>0 is a smoothing parameter, also known as the bandwidth. This parameter must be fine-tuned, since it has a strong influence on the result of the density estimation. When h0, the shape of the estimated PDF is noisy and may include spurious peaks; conversely, if h, the shape of the estimated PDF is over-smoothed.

The optimality criterion that is typically applied to select h is the expected L2-risk function, also known as the mean integrated squared error (MISE). In this work, we use the direct plug-in rule (DPI), which is a method for automatically selecting a near-optimal h value by minimizing the MISE quality estimates (ψ). The following steps are used to calculate h based on the DPI rule [19]:

1. Estimate ψ8 using an estimator of dispersion σ^, such as the median absolute deviation:

ψ^8σ^=10532π1/2σ^(x)9, (3)

2. Estimate ψ6 using the estimator ψ^6(g1), where:

g1=(11.9683ψ^8σ^n)1/9, (4)

3. Estimate ψ4 using the estimator ψ^4(g2), where:

g2=(2.3937ψ^6(g1)n)1/7, (5)

4. The value of the bandwidth h is then calculated as:

h=(0.2821ψ^4(g2)n)1/5. (6)

In Steps 2 and 3, the estimator ψ^r(g) is:

ψ^r(g)=g(r1)n(n1)i=1nj=1nϕN(r)(xixjg), (7)

where ϕN(r) is the rth derivative of the kernel ϕN.

4 Proposed Approach

Finding the optimal subset of instances in the IS task implies exploring a search space of size 2nO1. This number reflects the possible subsets XS, with cardinality nS=1,,nO1, chosen from XO with nO instances. Although the search space is finite, it grows exponentially, making an exhaustive exploration intractable, and IS is therefore generally addressed as an optimization problem, using metaheuristics to find a sub-optimal solution within a reasonable computing time. In this following, we describe the proposed evolutionary IS method based on a PDF preservation approach.

4.1 Fitness Function

We propose a novel fitness function for use in an evolutionary IS algorithm. It has two components: (i) maximizing the similarity between the XO and XS PDFs; and (ii) minimizing the number of instances in XS.

This first component uses the Hellinger distance to measure the distributional divergence. The Hellinger distance between two densities p and q is defined as [8]:

(p,q)=(12(p(x)q(x))2dx)1/2. (8)

and satisfies the property 0(p,q)1, where a value closer to zero indicates a higher similarity between the densities p and q. Hence, maximizing the similarity between p and q implies minimizing the Hellinger distance.

It is worth noting that p and q are univariate density functions. In contrast, the dataset XO usually contains instances in d. To handle multivariate data, the Hellinger distance is calculated for each predictor variable for each class, to form the following matrix:

H=(1,11,dc,1c,d), (9)

where i,j(pi,j,qi,j) is the Hellinger distance between the original, pi,j, and approximated, qi,j, densities of the jth variable in the ith class. The PDF of a predictor variable is obtained using KDE, as described in Section 3. It is worth mentioning that the DPI rule is calculated on the jth dimension of the ith class of XO (for i=1,,c and j=1,,d ), and the resulting bandwidth hi,j is used to estimate the densities pi,j and qi,j.

The second objective is addressed by measuring the fraction of selected instances as:

sf=nSnO, (10)

where nS and nO denote the number of instances in XS and XO, respectively. This objective varies in the range [0,1], and a value close to zero indicates an adequate reduction rate.

Finally, the fitness function is used to combine the two criteria in (9) and (10) through a weighted sum, as follows:

f=wcdi=1nj=1ni,j+(1w)sf, (11)

where w(0,1) is a weight coefficient that expresses the importance of each objective. This weighted fitness function varies in the range [0,1], where an aptitude value close to zero indicates that XS achieves a high reduction rate and preserves the probability distribution of XO. We evaluated the impact of w by varying its value in the range [0.50,0.95] with steps of 0.05. Algorithm 1 presents a pseudocode for the evaluation of the fitness function.

Algorithm 1 Fitness function evaluation 

4.2 Evolutionary IS

In this work, we use a GA to minimize the objective function in (11). Each individual in the population is a fixed-length binary vector of size nO, where a value of 1 means that the corresponding instance in XO is selected, and 0 indicates the opposite.

Solutions are randomly initialized with a discrete uniform distribution in the range [0,1]. The parent selection strategy uses a two-way tournament approach. Next, a two-point crossover is performed in the recombination step to exchange the selected parents’ genetic information to generate new offspring. Then, based on the mutation probability factor, the mutation operator performs a bit flip in random positions of each offspring vector. An elitist strategy is also applied to ensure that the quality of the solution does not decrease over the generations. Finally, the GA returns the best individual in the last generation.

In this case, a population of 100 individuals was evolved over 2000 generations. The crossover and mutation probabilities were set to 0.9 and 1/nO, respectively.

5 Experimental Setup

5.1 Datasets

The datasets used in the experiments were obtained from the KEEL repository [1] and the UCI Machine Learning Database [10]. Table 1 summarizes the characteristics of 40 small datasets (with no more than 5,456 instances). In order to test the performance of the proposed method with large datasets, two medium-sized datasets were considered: Magic Gamma Telescope (MGT) with n=19,020, d=10, and c=2, and Letter Recognition (LT) with n=20,000, d=16, and c=26.

Table 1 Characteristics of the datasets: n is the number of instances, d is the dimensionality, and c is the number of classes 

ID Dataset n d c ID Dataset n d c
1 Appendicitis 106 7 2 21 Ionosphere 351 33 2
2 Australian 690 14 2 22 Iris 150 4 3
3 Balance 625 4 3 23 Led7digit 500 7 10
4 Banana 5,300 2 2 24 Mammographic 830 5 2
5 Bands 365 19 2 25 Monk-2 432 6 2
6 Breast 277 9 2 26 LIBRAS 360 90 15
7 Bupa 345 6 2 27 New Thyroid 215 5 3
8 Car 1,728 6 4 28 Pima 768 8 2
9 Cleveland 297 13 5 29 Saheart 462 9 2
10 Contraceptive 1,473 9 3 30 Sonar 208 60 2
11 Crx 653 15 2 31 Spectfheart 267 44 2
12 Dermatology 358 34 6 32 Tae 151 5 3
13 Flare 1,066 11 8 33 Tic-Tac-Toe 958 9 2
14 German 1,000 20 2 34 Vehicle 846 18 4
15 Glass 214 9 6 35 Vowel 990 13 11
16 Haberman 306 3 2 36 Wall Following 5,456 2 4
17 Hayes-Roth 160 4 3 37 WDBC 569 30 2
18 Heart 270 13 2 38 Wine 178 13 3
19 Hepatitis 80 19 2 39 Wisconsin 683 9 2
20 Housevotes 232 16 2 40 Yeast 1,484 8 10

5.2 Instance Selection Methods

The proposed approach, denoted as Fw (i.e., the proposed filter method with a specific weight value w), was compared against six other IS methods.

The first alternative approach was an evolutionary IS algorithm based on a wrapper scheme. This method used the same GA as the proposed approach but applied a fitness function that is commonly adopted in the literature, in which a weighted sum is used to combine the classification accuracy and the reduction rate with the same relative importance [17, 6, 12]. When evaluating the fitness function, the selected subset XS, given by a potential solution, is used to train the classification model, whereas the validation set is obtained as XV=XOXS, and is used for measuring the classification accuracy. Two classifiers are considered, SVM and kNN, and the two variants of this approach are denoted as WSVM and WkNN (i.e., the wrapper method with SVM and kNN, respectively).

In addition, the soft margin parameter (C) and the bandwidth of the Gaussian kernel (γ) used for the WSVM algorithm were found using the grid search method in the ranges C=[25,23,,215] and γ=[215,213,,23], with 5-fold cross-validation [7]. Appendix 7 lists the C and γ hyperparameters found.

The four remaining IS methods are CNN, ENN, DROP3, and ICF, as depicted in Section 2.1. The number of nearest-neighbors for WkNN and the classical methods are set to k=3.

5.3 Performance Assessment

The performance of the IS methods was measured using four indices:

  • — Accuracy (ACC): A classifier was trained using the selected instances, and the accuracy (success rate) was measured on an independent test set.

  • — Reduction rate (RR): The fraction of removed instances was calculated as 1sf, where sf is given by (10).

  • — Hellinger distance complement (HDC): The similarity between the densities XO and XS was calculated using the mean Hellinger distance (HD) for the matrix in (9). From a maximization perspective, HDC = =1 HD.

  • — Efficiency (E): The geometric mean ACC×RR×HDC3 was used to calculate the tradeoff between accuracy, reduction rate, and PDF preservation.

A t-times k-fold cross-validation method (where t=10 and k=5) was used to split the small datasets into training and test sets. This resampling process reduced the influence of randomness introduced by data splitting [22]. To divide the medium-sized datasets, a 10-fold cross-validation technique was applied. The procedure illustrated in Fig. 1 was then performed on each fold.

Fig. 1 Evaluation framework for IS methods 

The reusability of the selected instances is related to the ability to train different classifiers without losing generalization. In this sense, in wrapper techniques, the subset XS could fulfill the classifier’s criteria to increase the accuracy, but loses similarity with the XO distribution when the number of instances is reduced; thus, XS may be useless for training other types of classifiers. To measure the reusability of XS, we use two types of accuracy:

  • — Type 1, which measures the classification performance on the test set using only the classifier within the wrapper method.

  • — Type 2, which measures the classification performance on the test set using different classifiers that are not used by the wrap-per method.

Seven classifiers were considered when measuring the classification accuracy: classification and regression tree (CART), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), quadric discriminant analysis (QDA), na¨ıve Bayes classifier (NB), radial basis function network (RBFN), SVM, and kNN. Furthermore, max(3,n) hidden nodes were used for the RBFN architecture (where n is the number of the training instances), the number of nearest neighbors in kNN was set to k=3, and the hyperparameters of the SVM classifier were tuned for each subset using the grid search method depicted in Section 5.2 [11, 3].

The non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test, followed by a Bonferroni correction (α=0.05), was performed for multiple comparisons to determine the statistical significance between the proposed approach and the six IS methods in terms of the four indices listed above.

Additionally, the McNemar test (α=0.05) was used to statistically assess the accuracy of two classification models trained with XO and XS against the actual labels. It detects whether the difference between the misclassification rates is statistically significant. The null hypothesis establishes that the two predicted class labels, y^1 and y^2, have equal accuracy when predicting the actual class labels, y.

The testing platform used a computer with four cores at 3.5 GHz (Intel i7 4770k) and 32 GB of RAM. All the algorithms were developed in MATLAB 2018b [16], and the source codes are available upon request to the authors.

6 Results

6.1 Instance Selection Performance on Small Datasets

Fig. 2 shows the average performance results on the 40 small datasets, for all of the classifiers specified in Section 5.3. For the proposed method, the Fw performance changed according to w, as expected. As w increases, the values of ACC and HDC also increase, while the values of E and RR decrease. However, the first five values of w (i.e., 0.50 to 0.70) produced the same efficiency (E=0.81), which was the highest for all of the IS methods. Furthermore, F65 and F65 yielded a value of ACC=0.70 and a fairly similar PDF preservation (HDC=0.93). F65 gave the best tradeoff, as it achieved a higher reduction rate (RR=0.85).

Fig. 2 Average performance results. They were calculated over the seven classifiers on the 40 datasets. Above each marker is shown the accuracy (ACC). The squared label shows the efficiency (E). The weight values (w) for the proposed approach Fw are shown at the bottom 

Moreover, the Fw variants gave better PDF preservation than the wrapper and classical IS algorithms. Notably, only ENN achieved the same Hellinger distance complement as F50 (HDC=0.90), the Fw variant with the lowest PDF preservation.

Of the classical IS methods, ENN obtained the best accuracy (ACC=0.76) and PDF preservation (HDC=0.90), although it had the worst efficiency of all of the methods (E=0.51) due to the low reduction rate (RR=0.24). CNN obtained the second-best value of accuracy (ACC=0.71) and PDF preservation (HDC=0.89) of the classical techniques, although it outperformed ENN in terms of efficiency (E=0.71) and reduction rate (RR=0.59). The hybrid methods yielded better reduction rates and efficiency but lower accuracies and PDF preservation than CNN and ENN. For instance, DROP3 had a better reduction rate (RR=0.83) and efficiency (E=0.74) than ICF, but the lowest accuracy (ACC=0.67) and PDF preservation (HDC=0.76) of all the methods. In contrast, ICF achieved a better accuracy (ACC=0.70) and PDF preservation (HDC=0.81), but a lower reduction rate (RR=0.72) and efficiency (E=0.73) than DROP3.

The wrapper methods achieved better efficiency and reduction rate than the classical techniques. Specifically, WkNN obtained the highest efficiency (E=0.76), and WSVM the best reduction rate (RR=0.87). However, in terms of the accuracy index, the wrapper methods did not outperform the classical ones. For example, WkNN had the highest classification performance of the wrapper methods, but this was the same as for DROP3 (ACC=0.67), which was the worst of the classical algorithms in terms of accuracy. Regarding PDF preservation, the wrapper methods were again surpassed by CNN and ENN; however, WkNN slightly outperformed ICF, while WSVM had the second-worst HDC index, only outperforming DROP3.

Fig. 3 shows a detailed comparison of the results from F65 against all the IS methods. Tables 2 and 3 show the resulting p-value of the Kruskal-Wallis test for multiple comparisons of each performance index.

Fig. 3 Average performance results over the seven classifiers on the 40 datasets. Above each bar, the value of the corresponding measure. The dashed line marks the average accuracy obtained by the seven classifiers trained on the original datasets 

Table 2 Bonferroni correction results. The upper triangular matrix shows the p-values for ACC, and the lower triangular matrix shows the p-values for RR. In bold, p<0.05 

F65 -1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
WkNN 1.000 - 1.000 1.000 0.158 1.000 1.000
WSVM 1.000 1.000 - 1.000 0.022 1.000 1.000
CNN 0.000 0.000 0.000 - 1.000 1.000 1.000
ENN 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.010 - 0.355 1.000
DROP3 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 - 1.000
ICF 0.007 0.016 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.086 -

Table 3 Bonferroni correction results. The upper triangular matrix shows the p-values for E, and the lower triangular matrix shows the p-values for HDC. In bold, p<0.05 

F65 - 0.297 0.057 0.000 0.000 0.023 0.005
WkNN 0.000 - 1.000 0.437 0.000 1.000 1.000
WSVM 0.000 1.000 - 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000
CNN 1.000 0.005 0.000 - 0.000 1.000 1.000
ENN 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 - 0.000 0.000
DROP3 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 - 1.000
ICF 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.012 0.000 1.000 -

Regarding accuracy, F65 attained the third-best result, and was only outperformed by CNN and ENN; still, according to Table 2, there are no statistical differences from IS methods. Although F65 obtained the second-best value in terms of reduction rate, there was no significant difference from WSVM, which achieved the highest performance for this index.

These methods also showed statistical differences from CNN, ENN, and ICF. Despite the high reduction rate of F65, it achieved the highest PDF preservation and showed statistical differences from WkNN, WSVM, DROP3, and ICF on the HDC index.

For the efficiency, F65 attained the highest value, and the results in Table 3 show that this method gave statistical differences from all of the IS methods except WkNN.

These results suggest that for a specific value of w, the proposed approach selects a subset of instances that preserve the probability distribution of the original dataset with a high reduction rate. The selected subset is also useful for training distinct classification models with good generalization performance.

6.2 Instance Selection Performance on Medium-Size Datasets

The medium-sized datasets described in Section 5.1 were used to test the performance of the Fw method, with w=0.50 to give both objectives in the fitness function the same relative importance. The accuracy was calculated as the average over the results from the seven classifiers described in Section 5.3.

On the MGT dataset, the accuracy of the subsets was slightly better (ACC=0.81) than that obtained on the original dataset (ACC=0.80). The F50 method attained a regular efficiency (E=0.74) due to the poor reduction rate (RR=0.52) and a high PDF preservation (HDC=0.98).

Regarding the LT dataset, the accuracy on the original set (ACC=0.81) was slightly higher that attained on the subsets (ACC=0.79).

However, similarly to the MGT dataset, the efficiency was regular (E=0.73) due to the low reduction rate (RR=0.52) and the high PDF preservation (HDC=0.96).

6.3 Reusability of Selected Instances

The reusability results are shown in Fig. 4, where the Type 1 and 2 accuracies are displayed as pairs of box plots. The upper graphic relates to WkNN, in which the Type 1 accuracy was measured only using the kNN classification, while the Type 2 accuracy was measured using the remaining six classifiers.

Fig. 4 Two types of accuracy results on the 40 datasets. Type 1: accuracy considering a single classifier, i.e., kNN (upper) and SVM (lower). Type 2: accuracy of six classifiers disregarding kNN (upper) and SVM (lower) 

Likewise, the lower graphic considers WSVM, in which the Type 1 accuracy was measured only using SVM classification, while the Type 2 accuracy was measured using the remaining six classifiers.

For the proposed approach Fw, the accuracy improved with the values of the weights, i.e., the higher the weight, the better the accuracy. For each weight value, the median values for the two types of accuracy were quite similar. This suggests that the proposed method can give similar Type 1 and 2 accuracies, independently of the classifier, due to the criterion used to preserve the PDF of the original data.

The classical methods gave slightly better performance for Type 1 than Type 2, and ENN attained the highest accuracy due to its lower reduction rate. On the other hand, WkNN and WSVM obtained consistently better accuracy for Type 1 than Type 2. These results confirm that XS is biased towards the classifier characteristics in the wrapper method, limiting the reusability of the selected data for training other classifiers.

Finally, Fig. 5 shows the number of datasets for which there was no rejection of the null hypothesis in the McNemar test for each classifier. The higher the count, the more similar the classification accuracy between models trained with XO and XS.

Fig. 5 Counts of no rejections of the null hypothesis of the McNemar test 

In the proposed approach Fw, the higher the values of the weights, the lower the number of rejections. Thus, F95 obtained the highest number of selected subsets that did not show a statistical difference from XO for all of the supervised learning algorithms. Of the wrapper methods, WkNN had a higher count of no rejections than WSVM.

For the kNN classifier, WkNN attained a significantly higher count than any other classifier, which was as expected since the selection criterion involved maximizing the accuracy of that specific classifier. WSVM attained inferior results, even for the SVM classifier, where the count was not notably higher for the different classifiers, unlike the behavior of WkNN for the kNN classifier.

Of the classical IS methods, ENN achieved a higher count in most cases, but gave a similar count to CNN for the kNN classifier, and was slightly outperformed by the same condensation method for RBFN. In terms of the number of counts for each classifier, the NB attained the highest value, and the QDA obtained the lowest counts for most IS methods.

These results reveal that the proposed method produces subsets of instances that can be reused to train different classifiers with a similar classification performance to that achieved from training with the original dataset.

6.4 Case Study on the Banana Dataset

Fig. 6 shows a case study carried out on the Banana dataset to compare the performance indices obtained by XO and XS. In terms of accuracy, F65 achieved a competitive result (ACC=0.74) for XO and obtained better performance than its counterparts except for ENN. For the reduction rate, F65 removed more than 85% of the samples (RR=0.86) and surpassed WSVM, CNN, and ENN. It also yielded a competitive reduction rate with regard to WkNN, DROP3, and ICF.

Fig. 6 Instance selection results on the Banana dataset. The average (ACC, RR, HDC, E) measures are shown in parenthesis inside each plot 

For PDF preservation, F65 gave the highest performance (HDC=0.98), and the data points in the feature space show that the selected subset follows the distribution shape of the original dataset, despite the high reduction rate. In contrast, the selected subset generated by ICF had holes and clumps, and produced the worst PDF preservation of all the methods compared here (HDC=0.79).

Finally, the F65 method gave the best efficiency (E=0.85) due to the high accuracy, reduction rate, and highest PDF preservation. ENN had the worst efficiency (E=0.44) as it gave the lowest value of the reduction rate (RR=0.12), despite its high accuracy (ACC=0.77) and PDF preservation (HDC=0.96).

Fig. 7 shows a comparison between the XO and XS PDFs for each class and dimension of the Banana dataset. The three IS methods yielded the highest HDC values in this case study, namely F65, WSVM, and ENN.

Fig. 7 KDE results by class and predictor variable on the Banana dataset for XO and XS subsets obtained with F65, WSVM, and ENN, respectively 

The results show that the proposed approach produced a selected subset that correctly matched the probability distribution of XO. In contrast, WSVM and ENN gave a set of instances with slightly different distributions regarding XO, even when these methods obtained a lower reduction rate than F65.

7 Hyperparameters for the WSVM Method

Table 4 shows the hyperparameters used by the WSVM method.

Table 4 log2C and log2γ are the logarithms of the soft margin parameter and the Gaussian kernel’s bandwidth, respectively, corresponding to the SVM classifier used in the WSVM method 

ID Dataset log2C log2γ ID Dataset log2C log2γ
1 Appendicitis 11 5 21 Ionosphere 5 1
2 Australian 1 15 22 Iris 5 7
3 Balance 13 7 23 Led7digit 15 15
4 Banana 3 1 24 Mammographic 13 11
5 Bands 1 9 25 Monk-2 1 1
6 Breast 1 3 26 LIBRAS 5 1
7 Bupa 9 15 27 New Thyroid 9 15
8 Car 3 1 28 Pima 1 15
9 Cleveland 9 15 29 Saheart 11 15
10 Contraceptive 11 9 30 Sonar 3 1
11 Crx 1 15 31 Spectfheart 3 15
12 Dermatology 13 15 32 Tae 11 13
13 Flare 1 3 33 Tic-Tac-Toe 11 7
14 German 5 7 34 Vehicle 9 15
15 Glass 5 5 35 Vowel 7 3
16 Haberman 13 13 36 Wall Following 15 1
17 Hayes-Roth 5 5 37 WDBC 5 15
18 Heart 9 15 38 Wine 11 15
19 Hepatitis 13 15 39 Wisconsin 3 13
20 Housevotes 3 7 40 Yeast 5 1

8 Conclusions

This paper has presented an evolutionary IS method called Fw, which maximizes the PDF similarity between the original dataset and the selected subset and minimizes the number of selected instances. In this method, we consider the IS task as an optimization problem, and aim to find subsets of instances that appropriately represent the original samples in the feature space.

We used the Hellinger distance to compare the similarity between two PDFs, since this is a measure of distributional divergence. Thus, we introduced a fitness function that calculates a weighted sum of the Hellinger distance between the original and selected subsets and the reduction rate of the selected subset. To examine the influence of the weight values on the performance, 10 different values were evaluated in the range w=[0.50,0.95] with steps of 0.05.

The results revealed that these two objectives conflict, i.e., the higher the weight value, the better the PDF preservation but the lower the reduction rate.

Unlike the EA wrapper methods in the literature, the proposed technique does not use a classifier to bias the search process towards samples that maximize the classification accuracy, but instead uses a PDF preservation approach as a novel heuristic. We evaluated the reusability of the obtained subsets to train different classifiers, comparing them against six IS methods: two EA wrappers (WkNN and WSVM) and four classic IS techniques (CNN, ENN, DROP3, and ICF). We also used four performance indices (the average accuracy, reduction rate, PDF preservation, and efficiency) to evaluate and compare the IS methods.

The results revealed that depending on the weight value, the proposed approach was able to outperform the alternative methods.

For instance, F95 attained the highest accuracy, while F50 obtained the best reduction rate. However, for 0.50w0.70, Fw obtained the higher efficiency, and for all w>0.50, the proposed approach outperformed all the EA wrappers and classical techniques in terms of PDF preservation.

It is worth mentioning that the results in Fig. 4 show that the proposed approach yields better generalization of the classification performance of different supervised learning algorithms than the EA wrappers; that is, Fw produces selected instances with good reusability capabilities in terms of training different classifiers.

The results of a McNemar test showed that the F95 method gave more subsets that did not have statistical differences from the original datasets than any alternative algorithm; this was due to the weight value in the fitness function (w=0.95), which produced a high PDF preservation but poor performance in terms of the reduction rate.

The F50 method attained a regular efficiency on the medium-sized datasets due to its high PDF preservation and low reduction rate. Given the numbers of instances in these larger datasets, the proposed method may require more generations to explore the vast search space, which grows exponentially due to the original patterns.

It will therefore be necessary to investigate new representation schemes for evolutionary IS algorithms that do not explicitly encode all the original dataset instances and reduce the search space size for the IS problem.

Future work could focus on using multiobjective optimization to maximize the PDF preservation and minimize the reduction rate, so that non-dominated Pareto front solutions are obtained to make decisions and choices from among the different possible selected subsets.


Samuel Omar Tovias-Alanis thanks the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT, Mexico) for the doctoral scholarship.


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Received: September 30, 2021; Accepted: December 16, 2021

* Corresponding author: Samuel Omar Tovias-Alanis, e-mail:

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