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Revista mexicana de investigación educativa
Print version ISSN 1405-6666
MATEOS CORTES, Laura Selene and DIETZ, Gunther. New Local Meanings of the Transnational Discourse of Intercultural Higher Education in Veracruz. RMIE [online]. 2014, vol.19, n.60, pp.45-71. ISSN 1405-6666.
This paper analyzes the different ways that educational and academic conceive interculturality in the emerging subsystem of intercultural higher education in Mexico and Veracruz. The article indicates the discursive elements that intervene in the actors' construction of established definitions, and clarifies the type of linguistic screens that the actors and institutions under study generate with regard to interculturality. How do the meanings, translations, and adaptations of "intercultural" educational models change when they leave a "migrant-ological" context in Europe and enter an indigenist or post-indigenist framework in Mexico? Based on the ethnography of these discourses, the article identifies how teachers at the Universidad Veracruzana Intercultural, Selvas Campus, generate alternative discourses that are more critical of exogenous interculturality and focused on empowering local subordinate subjects.
Keywords : intercultural education; higher education; ethnography; analysis of discourse; Mexico.