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On-line version ISSN 2007-7033Print version ISSN 1665-109X


CERVANTES MURRIETA, Jesús Antonio  and  GARCIA RIVERA, Edna Lucía. Belonging and strategies from Yaqui women in their entry to higher education. Sinéctica [online]. 2024, n.62, e1584.  Epub June 03, 2024. ISSN 2007-7033.

The article analyzes the experiences of Yaqui women in their access and admission to the first year of university, emphasizing the cases that implied the temporary mobility from their community to the city. In this sense, tensions caused by their belonging (Saraví, 2021) and the consolidation of strategies during this stretch of their educational trajectory (Santamaría, 2016; Bourdieu, 2001) were identified. Intersectionality is used as an analysis framework (Hill and Bilge, 2019) in reason that with this, it is possible to track the circumstances faced by the indigenous women in spaces where they represent a form of otherness. For its making, ethnographic technics based on three in-depth interviews and informal conversations with professional Yaqui women from different communities where retaken. As a finding, it is proposed that the belonging, and specially the ethnic belonging, generates tensions in spaces where they represent otherness but that also allows them to break into homogeneous and exclusion processes due the strategies, which show de potential, strength and persistence that, characterize the Yaqui women. As conclusion, generating further studies from intersectionality point of view is proposed in order to understand the educational trajectory of indigenous women from a multidimensional perspective.

Keywords : Yaqui women; strategies; restrictions; intersectionality; ethnic belonging; higher education.

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