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Innovación educativa (México, DF)

Print version ISSN 1665-2673


JIMENEZ GALAN, Yasmín Ivette; HERNANDEZ JAIME, Josefina  and  GONZALEZ, Marko Alfonso. Professional competencies in higher education: Justification, evaluation and analysis. Innov. educ. (Méx. DF) [online]. 2013, vol.13, n.61, pp.45-65. ISSN 1665-2673.

The challenge of educational relevance provides educational institutions with a strategic vision for the development of countries. To respond to this difficulty, an educational model has been promoted that develops professional competencies. The National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) is responding to this challenge by issuing an educational reform that favors comprehensive professional development, autonomy, and creativity, as well as the innovation needed to solve problems that affect social development. The present research presents an evaluation of the teaching practice in an academic unit of the IPN, in relation to the achievement of educational goals established in this institution. The results of the research demonstrate the accomplishments by instructors in the comprehensive training and development of autonomy; the results also reveal the existing area of opportunity to foster creativity and innovation.

Keywords : Professional competencies; curricular design; teaching practice; problem-solving; teaching methods.

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