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vol.7 issue14Las encrucijadas del catolicismo intransigente-demócrata (1929-1932)La otra cara del comercio: sobre mecanismos comerciales en la Cartagena de la primera mitad del siglo XVII author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Print version ISSN 1665-4420


AMEZOLA, Gonzalo De. La izquierdización de los moderados. Partidos políticos tradicionales entre 1970 y comienzos de 1971 en Argentina. Sig. his [online]. 2005, vol.7, n.14, pp.74-107. ISSN 1665-4420.

This article propose to present, based on periodistical font´s analysis, the change on the ideas that were taking place on Argentina since the decadence of the Juan Carlos Onganía´s dictatorship, after the popular insurrection in Cordoba in 1969 («Cordobazo»). This situation and the access to power of left through military governments (in Peru and Bolivia) or civil ones (in Chile) seemed to predict an irresistible advance of this ideas in Latin America. This work centers its attenttion on the argentinian political parties with a double problem: its positionning before the possible politic exits that were propossed by different military factions and the influence that the new ideas situation had over its traditionalarguments.

Keywords : politics; military government; change of ideas; left tendency; electoral exit.

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