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Revista mexicana de neurociencia

On-line version ISSN 2604-6180Print version ISSN 1665-5044

Rev. mex. neurocienc. vol.23 n.4 Ciudad de México Jul./Aug. 2022  Epub Oct 07, 2022 


New era of the Revista Mexicana de Neurociencia

Antonio Arauz1 

Luis Dávila-Maldonado2  * 


2Presidente de la Academia Mexicana de Neurología, Mexico City, Mexico

The Revista Mexicana de Neurociencia emerged as an informative bulletin of the Mexican Academy of Neurology. In 1999, its first issue appeared as Revista Mexicana de Neurociencia with Dr. Lilia Núñez-Orozco as Editor-in-Chief and who directed it until Volume 11, Number 1, published in January-February 2010. Key events during this period were the incorporation of the journal by the International Federation of Neurological Journals, the reservation of its title, the ISSN number that made it a formal periodical publication and the inclusion in the EBSCO, IMBIOMED, Lilacs, and Artemisa index.

In 2010, Dr. Carlos Cantú-Brito assumed the editorial leadership of the journal and during that period, the journal was renewed and achieved the CONACYT journal index. In 2017, Dr. Idelfonso Rodríguez Leyva is appointed Editor-in-Chief and during this period, the Mexican Academy of Neurology decides to give our journal a new impetus, incorporating it into the Permanyer publishing house, changing its content to English, incorporating electronic submissions and manuscript processing, all with the purpose of achieving indexation.

Over the past 23 years, Revista Mexicana de Neurociencia growth has been tremendous and is in a position to continue climbing new goals and objectives as the official journal of the Mexican Academy of Neurology. As incoming Editor-in-Chief, I will build on a strong foundation. However, our most important challenge continues to be convincing the community dedicated to neurological sciences of the importance of contributing to the journal, mainly with original research. Convince them of the need and advantages of having a strengthened journal, with the best quality standards and indexed. What cannot be achieved without the support of all members of the Mexican Academy of Neurology and the neuroscience research community.

In the next years, Revista Mexicana de Neurociencia must be influential and must attract the articles that address basic and clinical research that advances our understanding of neurological diseases. The new editorial board will work to simplify the submission of manuscripts, expedite the editorial decision-making process, and continue improving all editorial processes that will not only help us make editorial decisions but also help authors improve their manuscripts. We have changed the editorial body, modifying the editorial structure and including pediatric neurologists, neurologist, neurosurgeons, basic neuroscience researchers, neuropsychiatrists, endovascular therapy, and colleagues with biostatistical training. The number of editors increased and the editorial masthead now includes 14 editors in various capacities. Incoming coeditors include Fernando Barinagarrementeria and Sergio Iván Valdes, and eleven Associate Editors will serve in important advisory roles: Minerva López and Elma Paredes as Associate Editors in Neurology; Pablo León and Ramiro Ruiz-Garcia as Associate editors of Neuropshychiatry; Edgar Nathal as Associate Editor of Neurosurgery; Francisco Pellicer as Associate Editor of Basic Neuroscience; Fabiola Serrano-Arias and Juan Manuel Márquez-Romero as Associate editor of Endovascular therapy; Melissa Chávez-Castillo as Associate Editor of Neuropediatrics; and Miguel Barboza and Miguel García-Grimshaw as Associate Editors of Biostatistics. We are all planning the new sections that will be incorporated into the journal.

Revista Mexicana de Neurociencia must also play a role educating the next generations, so we are working on resident and fellow section that will include the participation of residents in the editorial process.

We have also invited recognized authors to contribute with reviews and original articles of specific topics. This number of the Revista Mexicana de Neurociencia includes an update of stroke and atrial fibrillation by Nicole Beaton Sur and José Romano of the University of Miami and a review of Neurological complications of interatrial blocks and Bayes’ Syndrome by Adrian Baranchuck and cols. of the Queen’s University of Canada. Both, atrial fibrillation, interatrial block and Bayes’ syndrome are conditions that increase the incidence of stroke ischemic events, cognitive impairment, and dementia. Therefore, looking for AF in ischemic stroke patients is mandatory, mainly in those older than 60 years. Atrial block and Bayes’ syndrome are easily detectable on an electrocardiogram and could explain several cases classified as embolic stroke of undetermined source. Therefore, it is highly recommended that neurologists return to review electrocardiograms in search of specific alterations of the p wave, especially in patients with suspected cardioembolic cerebral infarction, without AF.

It is a great honor to be the Editor-in-Chief of Revista Mexicana de Neurociencia, the leading Mexican Journal of Neuroscience, for the next 5 years. My goal is for the journal to be at the forefront of disseminating neurological research and educational articles, to improve medical care for each of the six people in the world affected by neurological conditions.

It is for all of the above that we believe that Revista Mexicana de Neurociencia, supported by our board of directors and with the strengths of this great group of editors, will achieve a new and better stage. We invite you to participate with scientific and academic collaborations. Grounded in experience, we dare to establish the necessary changes for the future of neuroscience. Together, we can continue to grow our journal.

Received: May 25, 2022; Accepted: June 05, 2022

* Correspondence: Antonio Arauz-Góngora, E-mail:

Creative Commons License Instituto Nacional de Cardiología Ignacio Chávez. Published by Permanyer. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license