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Journal of applied research and technology

On-line version ISSN 2448-6736Print version ISSN 1665-6423


MYKHALEVSKIY, Dmytro V.. Method for estimating the effective data rate in 802.11 channels by using a monitoring algorithm. J. appl. res. technol [online]. 2020, vol.18, n.3, pp.187-196.  Epub July 30, 2021. ISSN 2448-6736.

The rapid spread of 802.11 wireless technologies and the emergence of a significant number of networks leads to a large number of negative factors that can significantly impair the transmission characteristics of wireless transmission channels. The aim of this research is to develop a method estimating the effective rate of information transmission in 802.11 channels using a monitoring algorithm to improve the design efficiency of wireless networks. During the study, statistical processing models and methods for averaging research results were used. Novel mathematical models have been developed to estimate the effective rate of information transmission, taking into account monitoring parameters and destabilizing factors for 802.11 wireless channels. Models allow us to estimate the effective rate of information transmission at any location of user device in the coverage area of the network in real-time. The peculiarity of such models is consideration of fluctuations in monitoring parameters, which is estimated by the confidence interval between changing the primary informational parameter to determine the suitability of the channel to transmit any type of traffic. Based on the mathematical models obtained, the provisions of a new method for estimating the effective rate of information transmission in the channel of standard 802.11 were formed using a monitoring algorithm, which has high estimation, ease of implementation, taking into account the maximum possible number of destabilizing factors and possibility of adaptation for any other wireless channel standards.

Keywords : wireless channel; bandwidth; evaluation method; mathematical modeling; monitoring.

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