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Journal of applied research and technology

On-line version ISSN 2448-6736Print version ISSN 1665-6423


MURALI, D.  and  GIRIJA, V.. Use of boost power stage for static voltage gain improvement of a non-isolated continuous input current three-level DC-DC converter. J. appl. res. technol [online]. 2022, vol.20, n.2, pp.160-172.  Epub Jan 27, 2023. ISSN 2448-6736.

The work presented in this paper describes the steady state analysis of a non-isolated and continuous conduction mode (CCM) operated three-level DC-DC converter with input boost power stage for achieving high static voltage gain. The proposed converter configuration is a double boost DC-DC conversion scheme. A boost power module consisting of a power switch, an inductor, a pre-charge diode, and a diode rectifier is introduced as the input stage in the conventional three-level DC-DC converter configuration to obtain the DC-DC converter topology suggested in this research work. The role of the input boost power stage is to extend the voltage gain of the conventional three-level boost converter. The proposed topology employs two power switches in addition to a boost power switch with simple control strategy so that the switching losses are reduced. The switches are subjected to low voltage and current stresses. The suggested non-isolated converter is operated under continuous inductor current mode in open loop configuration. The converter configuration has been simulated in MATLAB / SIMULINK platform. The input boost power stage receives a voltage of 24 V from a DC source. With low duty ratio (= 0.8) of the power switches, a DC voltage of around 208 V is obtained at the load end. The passive components of the converter are so designed that the filtering requirements on the DC output voltage and current waveforms are reduced. The voltage gain of the proposed converter is compared with that of the three-level boost converter without input boost power stage. The various modes of operation of the suggested converter are discussed with relevant equivalent circuits. The proposed system is validated using a developed hardware prototype model of 100 W converter with a low cost KA3525A PWM controller. Both simulation and prototype model results demonstrate that the proposed converter suits for high voltage gain applications.

Keywords : Boost power stage; CCM; Duty ratio; MATLAB/SIMULINK; Prototype model; PWM controller; Three-level Non-isolated DC-DC converter; Voltage gain.

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