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Journal of applied research and technology

On-line version ISSN 2448-6736Print version ISSN 1665-6423

J. appl. res. technol vol.20 n.6 Ciudad de México Dec. 2022  Epub May 08, 2023 


Clustering algorithms with prediction of the optimal number of clusters

A. Agárdi1  * 

L. Kovács1 

1 The University of Miskolc, 3515 Miskolc-Egyetemváros, Hungary


Clustering is a widely used technique for grouping of objects. The objects, which are similar to each other, should be in the same cluster. One disadvantage of general clustering algorithms is that the user must specify the number of clusters in advance, as input parameter. This is a major drawback since it is possible that the user cannot specify the number of clusters correctly, and the algorithm thus creates a clustering that puts very different elements into the same cluster. The aim of this paper is to present our representation and evaluation technique to determine the optimal cluster count automatically. With this technique, the algorithms themselves determine the number of clusters. In this paper, first, the classical clustering algorithms are introduced; then, the construction and improvement algorithms and then our representation and evaluation method are presented. Then the performance of the algorithms with the test results are compared.

Keywords: clustering; optimal number of clusters

1. Introduction

Clustering is a data mining algorithm whose goal is the grouping of objects. Objects that are similar to each other should belong to the same cluster, and objects that are different from each other should belong to different clusters. There are several clustering algorithms in the literature, for example, partitioning methods, hierarchical methods, density-based method, the neural network-based method and the grid method, graph theory-based method, fuzzy methods. The disadvantage of clustering algorithms is that the algorithms also expect a cluster number as input. The optimal number of clusters can often not be determined by the user, therefore, an algorithm is needed to help the user determine the cluster number. In this paper, we present a representation mode and its evaluation by which the algorithms themselves determine the optimal cluster number. The article is structured as follows: Section 2 contains a brief introduction of clustering algorithms and literature review. Section 3 contains the traditional clustering algorithms, section 4 includes a cluster validation index (Silhouette index). Section 5 contains the construction algorithms, which are the followings: Nearest Neighbor, Nearest Insertion, Cheapest Insertion, Arbitrary Insertion, Farthest Insertion, Greedy. Section 6 includes the improvement algorithms, such as Genetic algorithm, Tabu Search and Particle Swarm Optimization. After that our representation and evaluation is detailed. In section 8 test results are detailed. After that conclusion remarks are made.

2. Clustering

Clustering is a widely used technique for grouping of elements. If two elements are similar, then belong to the same cluster. If they are different, they belong to different clusters. Optimal clustering is a difficult task because there are many ways to group a dataset.

There are lots of types of clustering algorithms, for example (Xu & Wunsch, 2005):

- Partitioning methods: elements are divided into k groups. Each group contains at least one element. After an initial clustering, a re-partitioning follows. At this point, the individual points may be placed in other clusters. The process ends when the elements move slightly (clustering changes only slightly). For example K-Means, Partitioning Around Medoid (PAM)

- Hierarchical methods: clusters can be represented by a dendrogram. There are two main methods of hierarchical clustering: the divisive and the agglomerative methods. The agglomerative methods are Single linkage, complete linkage, group average linkage, median linkage, centroid linkage, Ward’s method etc. The divisive methods are divisive analysis (DIANA), monothetic analysis (MONA).

- Other clustering methods include the density-based method, the neural network-based method and the grid method, graph theory-based method, fuzzy methods.

Some publications have been published in recent years that using metaheuristic algorithms for clustering. The Fast Genetic K-means Clustering Algorithm (Lu et al.,2004) combines the K-Means algorithm and the Genetic Algorithm. The algorithm applies the mutation, selection and crossover techniques (based on the Genetic Algorithm) and also has a K-Means operator. The K-Means operator (one step of the classical K-means algorithm) is the following: the elements are re-partitioned based to the closest cluster centroid. Another clustering analysis with the Genetic Algorithm is introduced in paper (Hruschka & Ebecken, 2003), where also the classical genetic operators are used. The objective function is based on the Average Silhouette Width. The author of paper (Maulik & Bandyopadhyay, 2000) is also used the Genetic Algorithm for the clustering of a data object. The objective function is the minimization of the distance of the objects to their cluster centroids. Their fitness calculation is the following: clusters are formed according to the centers encoded in the chromosome, after the clustering, the cluster centers will be the mean points of the respective clusters. Over the years many crossover and mutation techniques are developed to the Clustering Genetic Algorithm, for example, the one-point mutation, biased one-point mutation, which change the value of a center randomly picked (Kudova, 2007). The K-means mutation, which performs several steps of the k-means algorithm. (Kudova, 2007). The cluster addition and cluster removal modify the number of clusters (adds one center chosen randomly from the data set and deletes one randomly chosen center). (Kudova, 2007) For the fitness function in paper (Kudova, 2007) also the Silhouette is used.

Over the years the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is also applied to clustering data. (Li & Yang, 2009). The PSO is applied with Hierarchical Clustering method, called CPSO Algorithm. A hybrid K-Means PSO algorithm is applied in paper (Van der Merwe & Engelbrecht, 2003). In this case, the result of the K-Means algorithm is improved with the PSO algorithm. The objective function of the PSO algorithm is based on the sum of the average distance of the object to their cluster centroids. In paper (Chen & Ye, 2012) also the PSO algorithm is applied to the clustering of the dataset. In this paper the encoding is also presented, which is the following: the string of the particle contains the cluster centers (in the paper the x and y coordinates of the cluster centroids).

In the case of applying the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) to clustering data objects, the objective function can be also the minimization of the distance between the cluster elements and the centroids. (Runkler, 2005) The representation of the solution can be a string, which elements are numbers. The numbers indicate the cluster-object assignment. If the string is for example 2,1,3,1, it means, that the first object belongs to cluster 2, the second object belongs to cluster 1, the third object belongs to cluster 3, and the fourth object belongs to cluster 1. (Shelokar et al., 2004)

In paper (Osman & Christofides, 1994) the objective function of the Simulated Annealing algorithm is the minimization of the sum of distances between the clusters. The Capacitated Clustering Problem (CCP) is also solved with the Simulated Annealing algorithm. In the case of CCP, each object has a weight, and each cluster has a given capacity which must not be exceeded by the total weight of objects in the cluster.

Cluster Analysis with K-Modes and K-Prototype Algorithms in presented in (Madhuri et al., 2014). The authors used Iris Data Set and Cholesterol Data Set for Incremental k-Means, Contact-Lens Data Set and Post-operative Data Set for Modified k-Modes, Blood Information Data Set and Weather Data Set for k-Prototypes .

Automatic clustering with Teaching Learning-Based Optimization (TLBO) is presented in paper (Murty, Naik et al., 2014). The efficiency of the TLBO is compared also with Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Differential Evolution (DE). The efficiency of the algorithms is compared with the following benchmark datasets: Iris Data, Wine Data, Breast Cancer Data, Glass Data and Vowel Data.

The purpose of cluster validation indices is to compare individual clusters with each other considering certain aspects. Several such indices have been published, but these indices are not suitable for data sets of any size, density, shape. The authors of (Murty, Murthy et al., 2014) have developed a validation index (Homogeneity Separateness) that is effective for clusters of any shape, size, and density. Some clustering problems and the algorithms that solve it are illustrated in Table 1.

Table 1 Some clustering problems and the algorithms that solve it. 

Article Clustering algorithm Problem
(Milano & Koumoutsakos, 2002) Genetic Algorithm cylinder drag optimization
(Doval et al., 1999) Genetic Algorithm software systems
(Scheunders, 1997) Genetic Algorithm color image quantization
(Cui et al., 2005) Particle Swarm Optimization document clustering
(Omran et al., 2006) Particle Swarm Optimization image segmentation
(Omran et al., 2004) Particle Swarm Optimization image classification
(Paoli et al., 2009) Particle Swarm Optimization hyperspectral images
(Kalyani & Swarup, 2011) Particle Swarm Optimization security assessment in power systems
(Chiu et al., 2009) Particle Swarm Optimization intelligent market segmentation system
(Yang et al., 2010) Ant Colony Optimization multipath routing protocol
(Gao et al., 2016) Ant Colony Optimization dynamic location routing problem
(Zhao et al., 2007) Ant Colony Optimization Image segmentation-based
(Chang, 1996) Simulated Annealing Chinese words
(França et al., 1999) Tabu Search capacitated clustering problem
(El Rhazi & Pierre at al., 2008) Tabu Search wireless sensor networks
(Kinney et al., 2007) Tabu Search unicost set covering problem
(Hoang et al., 2013) Harmony Search energy-efficient wireless sensor networks
(Forsati, 2008) Harmony Search web page clustering
(Hoang, 2010) Harmony Search wireless sensor networks
(Mahdavi & Abolhassani, 2009) Harmony Search document clustering

3. Traditional clustering algorithms

In this section, the applied traditional clustering algorithms are presented based on the literature.

3.1. K-Means

This procedure belongs to a group of partitioning methods. First, the elements are clustered and then the elements move from the initial clusters to improve the quality of the clustering. The algorithm uses the SSE function. Here, the number of clusters (k) must be specified. (Wagstaff et al., 2001) Figure 1 illustrates the psedo code of the K-Means algorithm.

Figure 1 The pseudo code of the K-Means method (Wagstaff et al., 2001). 

EC=i=1kuCid(u,rCi)2 (1)

4. Hierarchical methods

These algorithms organize the clusters into a hierarchical data structure. There are two types of algorithms: bottom-up and top-down. At the bottom-up, each element is initially a cluster, and then each cluster is merged into a single cluster. The top-down procedure is just the opposite. Here at first, there is a single cluster that contains all the elements, and we continually divide the clusters. At the end of the procedure, each element means a separate cluster. The following hierarchical clustering is applied in this paper: (Murtagh, 1983; Olson, 1995)

Single Linkage: The distance of the two clusters is the distance between the nearest objects of the two clusters:

dminCi,Cj=minuCi,vCjd(u,v) (2)

Complete Linkage: the distance of two clusters is the distance between the farthest objects of two clusters:

dmaxCi,Cj=maxuCi,vCjd(u,v) (3)

Average method: the distance of two clusters is the quotient of the sum of the distances between the objects of two clusters and the number of clusters:

davgCi,Cj=1Ci|Cj|uCi,vCjd(u,v) (4)

Centroid method: the distance of two clusters will be the distance of the center of two clusters:

dmeanCi,Cj=d1|Ci|uCiu,1|Cj|uCjv (5)

Ward method: merging the two clusters that cause the least-squares error increase:

dWardCi,Cj=u,vCiCjd2u,v-u,vCid2u,v+u,vCjd2u,v (6)

5. Cluster validation index

Let {A} be a partitioning, i is the index of the data point, and Ai denotes the container cluster of element i. The silhouette index of the object i is (Wang & Xu, 2019):

si=bi-a(i)max{ai,bi} (7)

where, -1s(i)1.

a(i) is the average distance between the object i and other objects in cluster Ai,b(i) is the average distance between the object i and all other cluster elements (except elements in cluster A). Thus a(i) denotes compactness and b(i) denotes separation.

- If s(i) is large (close to 1) then the inner (within the cluster) difference is much smaller than the smallest outer cluster difference. Hence, we can say that object i . is well grouped.

- If s(i)= 0, or very close to zero, then a(i) and b(i) are nearly equal, then object i may belong to cluster A or B .

- If s(i) is close to -1, then a(i) is much greater than b(i). This means that cluster B would be a better choice than cluster A .

With the silhouette method, we can measure the efficiency of the whole cluster result. For each element, s(i) should be calculated and the results should be averaged.

The following conclusions can be made from the average silhouette:

- 0.5 or higher value: good clustering

- 0.25-0.5: the clustering method is good, but some object should be moved to another cluster

- Less than 0.25: Not good clustering

Thus, the higher the average silhouette, the better the clustering.

Therefore, the objective function of our improvement algorithms is the average silhouette value.

6. Tour-based construction clustering algorithm

Behind this approach is the shortest route path tour connects neighboring elements. The edge distance is usually small, it connects elements from the same cluster, but the length is large if the edge connects two distinct clusters. Testing the distance of the connecting edges of the optimal tour the edges with high lengths denote existence of the separate clusters.

The construction algorithms construct one possible solution. Running time is relatively low. These algorithms always take locally the best steps. Most of the time, the global optimum is not achieved by their exclusive usage. The construction algorithms are based on the Traveling Salesman Problem algorithms.

6.1. Nearest neighbor

The algorithm always selects the unselected object that is closest to the last selected object. The algorithm is fast and simple. Figure 2 illustrates the pseudo code of the Nearest Neighbor algorithm.

Figure 2 The pseudo code of the Nearest Neighbor algorithm (Nilsson, 2003). 

6.2. Nearest insertion

The algorithm belongs to the group of insertion heuristics. The algorithm always selects the unselected object that is closest to the "tour". The distance between the "tour" and an object is interpreted by the algorithm as the minimum distance between the objects in the tour. The pseudo code of the Nearest Insertion algorithm is illustrated in Figure 3.

Figure 3 The pseudo code of the Nearest Insertion algorithm (Golden et al., 1980). 

6.3. Cheapest insertion

This algorithm also belongs to the group of insertion heuristics. The algorithm always selects the object with the least "insertion cost" into the “tour". Figure 4 illustrates the pseudo code of the Cheapest Insertion.

Figure 4 The pseudo code of the Cheapest Insertion algorithm (Golden et al., 1980). 

6.4. Arbitrary insertion

This algorithm also belongs to the group of Insertion Heuristics. The algorithm randomly selects the next object to be inserted into the "tour". Figure 5 presents the presudo code of the Arbitrary Insertion algorithm.

Figure 5 The pseudo code of the Arbitrary Insertion algorithm (Rosenkrantz et al., 1974). 

6.5. Farthest insertion

This algorithm also belongs to the Insertion Heuristics group. The object that is farthest from the other objects is selected by the algorithm. Figure 6 illustrates the pseudo code of the Farthest Insertion algorithm.

Figure 6 The pseudo code of the Farthest Insertion algorithm (Golden et al., 1980). 

6.6. Greedy

Each object builds the order from "edges" (pairs of objects) so that it always selects the shortest "edge" that has not yet been selected and does not form n vertex circles (n indicates the number of objects). Also, the degree of the “edge” should not be more than two. The pseudo code of the Greedy algorithm is illustrated in Figure 7.

Figure 7 The pseudo code of the Greedy algorithm (Nilsson, 2003). 

7. Tour improvement-based clustering algorithm

Behind this approach is also the fact, that the shortest route path tour connects neighboring elements. This method tries to improve an existing path by rearranging the order of the elements iteratively. Their running time can be high, and their exclusive usage does not lead to the global optimum in most of the cases.

7.1. Genetic algorithm

The algorithm models natural processes (evolution). The algorithm works with a population of solutions. The population consists of individuals. (Milano & Koumoutsakos, 2002) Individuals have fitness values. Usually, an individual with better fitness value is better against other individuals. The pseudo code of the Genetic Algorithm is presented in Figure 8.

Figure 8 The pseudo code of the Genetic Algorithm (Whitley, 1994). 

The first step is the initialization of the population. This process is usually done with randomly generated individuals. Then the fitness values of the individuals are calculated. Then the next population is created in a cycle while the termination condition is not met. The termination condition may be to achieve a certain iteration number or runtime. The next population is created by moving certain individuals unchanged, which is called elitism. The other elements are created with crossover and mutation techniques. We have used the 2-opt (Wu et al., 2007) as mutation, and the Partially Matched Crossover (PMX) (Lazzerini & Marcelloni, 2000) (Starkweather et al., 1991), the Order Crossover (OX) (Starkweather et al., 1991), and the Cycle Crossover (CX) (Starkweather et al., 1991) as crossover operators.

7.2. Tabu search (TS)

The algorithm maintains a taboo list containing the results of the last few steps. In the process, we can only take the neighbor of the current solution that is not in the taboo list. The taboo list must be changed at each iteration. If you add a new item, you must delete the first item from the beginning if the list is already full. (Glover & Laguna, 1998) The pseudo code of the Tabu Search is illustrated in Figure 9.

Figure 9 The pseudo code of the Tabu Search (Glover & Laguna, 1998). 

7.3. Particle Swarm Optimization

It maintains a population of possible solutions. The particles move through the search space using a simple mathematical formula. Particle movement is determined by the best search space positions found (the best position of the particle and the best position on the particle - best of all).

The algorithms use the following formulas:

1. Particle velocity updating formula:

vidt+1=vidtαpid-xidtβ(gd-xid(t)) (8)

Current particle velocity updating:

xid(t+1)=xid(t)+vid(t+1) (9)

where the following notations are used:

 vid(t): the new velocity (swap sequence).

pid-xid(t): the difference between the best and current particle position (Basic Swap Sequence - BSS (Wang et al., 2003).

gd-xid(t): the difference between the globally best particle position and the current position of a given particle (Basic Swap Sequence - BSS (Wang et al., 2003).

α,β [0,1] are random numbers. The operation (Wang et al., 2003) is the sequential execution of the swap sequences. Figure 10 illustrates the pseudo code of the Particle Swarm Optimization.

Figure 10 The pseudo code of the Particle Swarm Optimization (Wang et al., 2003). 

8. Representation of clustering task, its evaluation, objective function

When applying construction and improvement algorithms for solving the clustering problem, we need to use a representation mode. In this paper permutation representation (mapping vector) is applied (Figure 11). The elements of the mapping vector are the individual objects. The objective function (of the improvement heuristics i.e., PSO, GA, TS) is to maximize the Silhouette value. The evaluation of the mapping vector is illustrated in Figure 12.

Figure 11 The permutation (mapping vector) representation. 

Figure 12 The evaluation of the mapping vector. 

9. Test results

In this section, the test results are presented. First, test results for our own data then results for benchmark datasets are presented. The abbreviations and their meaning is presented in Table 2. Figure 13-17 illustrates the test result of the algorithms.

Table 2 The abbreviations and their meaning. 

Abbreviation Meaning
KM K-Means
SL Hierarchical Clustering: Single Linkage
CL Hierarchical Clustering: Complete Linkage
AM Hierarchical Clustering: Average Method
CM Hierarchical Clustering: Centroid Method
WM Hierarchical Clustering: Ward Method
AI Arbitrary Insertion
CI Cheapest Insertion
FI Farthest Insertion
G Greedy
NI Nearest Insertion
NN Nearest Neighbour
PSO+R Particle Swarm Optimization with randomly generated initial solutions
PSO+C,R Particle Swarm Optimization with randomly and construction algorithms (AI, CI, FI, G, NN, NI) generated initial solutions
GA+R Genetic Algorithm with randomly generated initial solutions
GA+C,R Genetic Algorithm with randomly and construction algorithms (AI, CI, FI, G, NN, NI) generated initial solutions
TS+R Tabu Search with randomly generated initial solution
TS+AI Tabu Search with Arbitrary Insertion (AI) generated initial solution
TS+CI Tabu Search with Cheapest Insertion (CI) generated initial solution
TS+FI Tabu Search with Farthest Insertion (FI) generated initial solution
TS+G Tabu Search with Greedy (G) generated initial solution
TS+NI Tabu Search with Nearest Insertion (NI) generated initial solution
TS+NN Tabu Search with Nearest Neighbour (NN) generated initial solution

Figure 13 The result of average linkage for our data. 

Figure 14 The result of complete linkage for flame data. 

Figure 15 The result of K-Means for Jain data. 

Figure 16 The result of Arbitrary Insertion for Pathbased data. 

Figure 17 The result of Arbitrary Insertion for Spiral data. 

In Table 3-7 the N means the number of objects and k means the optimal number of clusters. In these tables the average values of 10 test runs are detailed. Table 8 present the summary of the test results.

Table 3 Test results for our data. 

Own data (N=100, k=10)
Method Number of clusters Silhoutte value Running time (min)
KM 6.0 0.8764 1.8126 E-5
SL 5.0 0.8470 2.7036 E-5
CL 5.0 0.8470 2.7898 E-5
AM 5.0 0.8470 2.7661 E-5
CM 5.0 0.8470 3.8139 E-5
WM 5.0 0.8470 3.8730 E-5
AI 5.5 0.8901 3.5881 E-6
CI 5.3 0.8863 3.4056 E-5
FI 5.8 0.8344 3.1482 E-4
G 5.0 0.9200 4.7099 E-5
NI 5.6 0.8152 2.9473 E-4
NN 5.0 0.9133 8.1065 E-6
PSO+R 1.0 - 0.0956
PSO+C,R 5.9 0.93055 0.09122
GA+R 1.0 - 0.0111
GA+C,R 1.0 - 0.0158
TS+R 1.0 - 0.1364
TS+AI 1.0 - 0.1342
TS+CI 1.0 - 0.1313
TS+FI 1.0 - 0.1352
TS+G 1.0 - 0.1233
TS+NI 5.3 0.7619 0.1352
TS+NN 1.0 - 0.1324

Table 4 Test results for Flame data. 

Flame (N=240, k=2)
Method Number of clusters Silhoutte value Running time (min)
KM 4.0 0.6275 2.4643 E-4
SL 3.0 0.3866 0.0010
CL 4.0 0.5545 8.8634 E-4
AM 5.0 0.5125 0.0010
CM 4.0 0.4754 0.0010
WM 4.0 0.5201 0.0010
AI 5.0 0.5662 1.0601 E-4
CI 5.2 0.4964 6.3844 E-4
FI 5.0 0.4397 0.0093
G 5.0 0.5192 0.0013
NI 5.0 0.4793 0.0094
NN 5.1 0.5155 2.1485 E-4
PSO+R 3.0 0.4377 13.1455
PSO+C,R 3.0 0.5388 13.7894
GA+R 3.0 0.5287 14.7877
GA+C,R 3.0 0.4012 12.1245
TS+R 3.2 0.5723 13.4832
TS+AI 3.1 0.5955 12.9809
TS+CI 3.0 0.4020 13.7845
TS+FI 3.0 0.5807 14.2906
TS+G 3.0 0.5292 12.8740
TS+NI 3.0 0.5237 13.1240
TS+NN 3.0 0.5070 14.1859

Table 5 Test results for Jain data. 

Jain (N=373, k=2)
Method Number of clusters Silhoutte value Running time (min)
KM 5.0 0.6530 9.8182 E-5
SL 6.0 0.6892 0.0013
CL 6.0 0.7244 0.0011
AM 6.0 0.7314 0.0011
CM 6.0 0.7313 0.0018
WM 6.0 0.7235 0.0019
AI 7.0 0.7279 2.8611 E-5
CI 7.2 0.6703 0.0015
FI 7.0 0.6295 0.0550
G 6.0 0.7294 0.0018
NI 6.6 0.6726 0.0503
NN 7.0 0.6846 2.4654 E-4
PSO+R 7.0 0.6026 21.0572
PSO+C,R 7.1 0.7367 22.7064
GA+R 7.2 0.6980 20.4734
GA+C,R 7.0 0.6777 21.9766
TS+R 7.0 0.6347 21.2806
TS+AI 7.0 0.6724 22.5610
TS+CI 7.0 0.7990 21.7342
TS+FI 7.0 0.7335 20.5112
TS+G 7.0 0.6438 20.4698
TS+NI 7.0 0.7059 21.2041
TS+NN 7.0 0.7266 21.6740

Table 6 Test results for Pathbased data. 

Pathbased (N=300, k=3)
Method Number of clusters Silhoutte value Running time (min)
KM 5.0 0.5676 4.5017 E-5
SL 5.0 0.4952 6.1105 E-4
CL 5.0 0.6247 6.0886 E-4
AM 6.0 0.5743 5.976 E-4
CM 6.0 0.6191 9.4529 E-4
WM 6.0 0.6360 0.0010
AI 6.4 0.6135 1.4689 E-5
CI 7.1 0.5564 7.6838 E-4
FI 6.1 0.5478 0.0231
G 8.0 0.6627 9.6926 E-4
NI 6.8 0.5479 0.0216
NN 6.8 0.5840 1.3669 E-4
PSO+R 6.5 0.6124 19.7260
PSO+C,R 6.8 0.4605 18.0736
GA+R 5.9 0.5030 19.0785
GA+C,R 5.7 0.5846 20.7408
TS+R 6.2 0.4322 19.4064
TS+AI 6.3 0.5785 19.3890
TS+CI 5.9 0.4850 19.3867
TS+FI 5.7 0.4553 19.8644
TS+G 6.4 0.5654 20.5816
TS+NI 6.5 0.5559 20.3076
TS+NN 6.0 0.5717 20.6610

Table 7 Test results for Spiral data. 

Spiral (N=312, k=3)
Method Number of clusters Silhoutte value Running time (min)
KM 6.0 0.5431 4.9849 E-5
SL 8.0 0.4710 7.4046 E-4
CL 7.0 0.5133 7.4932 E-4
AM 6.0 0.5448 0.0010
CM 6.0 0.5330 0.0010
WM 6.0 0.5448 0.0010
AI 7.4 0.6022 1.6550 E-5
CI 9.3 0.5499 8.5700 E-4
FI 8.1 0.5270 0.0271
G 10.0 0.5498 0.0010
NI 9.1 0.4985 0.0247
NN 9.6 0.5738 1.4543 E-4
PSO+R 8.2 0.5468 20.6559
PSO+C,R 8.5 0.4828 21.4954
GA+R 9.1 0.6571 20.0329
GA+C,R 8.4 0.8893 20.2922
TS+R 8.0 0.8092 21.0241
TS+AI 8.4 0.6826 20.5617
TS+CI 8.4 0.5627 20.8311
TS+FI 8.5 0.6349 20.1871
TS+G 7.9 0.6809 21.9084
TS+NI 8.2 0.6366 20.0576
TS+NN 8.3 0.5030 20.6369

Table 8 Summary. 

Method Silhoutte value Running time
KM + +
SL + +
CL + +
AM + +
CM + +
WM + +
AI + +
CI + +
FI + +
G + +
NI + +
NN + +
PSO+R + -
PSO+C,R + -
GA+R + -
GA+C,R + -
TS+R + -
TS+AI + -
TS+CI + -
TS+FI + -
TS+G + -
TS+NI + -
TS+NN + -

In the following test results of the benchmark datasets from (Fränti & Sieranoja, 2014) is presented.

The test results show that despite the failure to reach the desired number of clusters, the silhouette values are high, so the implemented algorithms cluster relatively well. We do not recommend using improvement algorithms due to their high running time, we only recommend modified versions of construction algorithms and traditional clustering procedures.

10. Conclusion

In this article different tour-based clustering algorithms are compared with the classical methods and analyzed. After the literature review the traditional clustering algorithms (K-Means, Hierarchical Methods) are presented, then the Silhouette index to measure the quality of the clustering result. After that construction algorithms and improvement algorithms are detailed. Then our cluster representation technique and evaluation is described. After that test results are presented. In the test we have implemented and analyzed the main clustering methods and the tour construction and tour improvement methods. The comparison test performed on self-generated dataset and several clustering benchmark test: Flame, Jain, Pathbased and Spiral. Based on the test results the traditional clustering algorithms and the construction algorithms have efficiency in partitioning datasets with our representation and evaluation technique.


Supported by the ÚNKP-19-3 New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology.


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Financing. Supported by the ÚNKP-19-3 New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology.

Received: June 23, 2020; Accepted: September 20, 2021; Published: December 31, 2022

Corresponding author. E-mail address: (A. Agárdi).

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