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Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society

Print version ISSN 1870-249X


SEEMAN, Jeffrey I.. A Debt Repaid: Ernest L. Eliel's Life Made Possible by Five Years in Latin America. J. Mex. Chem. Soc [online]. 2009, vol.53, n.3, pp.78-92. ISSN 1870-249X.

A review is presented of Ernest L. Eliel's contributions and dedication to chemists and chemistry in Latin American, in general, and México, in particular. During his long and productive career as a successful academic (and member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences), Eliel taught many students from Latin America. During an equally long and productive 'extra-curricular' professional career, Eliel was Chairman of the Board of the American Chemical Society (ACS), president of the ACS, and chair as well as a member of a number of ACS committees dealing with international activities. It was through those associations as well as through his scientific achievements that he was able to have great influence and positive effect on the chemistry in developing countries, in general, and in México, in particular.

Keywords : Ernest L. Eliel; Stereochemistry; Chemical Societies; Chemistry in Latin America.

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