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Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society

Print version ISSN 1870-249X


DIAZ-COUTINO, Francisco D.  and  ESCALANTE, Jaime. Efficient 'One Pot' Nitro Reduction-Protection of γ-Nitro Aliphatic Methyl Esters. J. Mex. Chem. Soc [online]. 2009, vol.53, n.3, pp.93-95. ISSN 1870-249X.

A simple and efficient protocol has been developed for the direct conversion of γ-nitro aliphatic methyl esters to N-(tert-butoxycarbonyl)amine methyl esters using NH4+HCO2- and Pd/C in the presence of (Boc)2O. There was a significant decrease in the reaction time under these conditions, increased yields and the purity of the products using this 'one pot' procedure.

Keywords : 'One-pot' reaction; γ-nitro reduction; N-Boc-amino protection.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in English     · English ( pdf )


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