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Revista mexicana de biodiversidad

On-line version ISSN 2007-8706Print version ISSN 1870-3453


LARA-TUFINO, Daniel et al. New state record for the snake Amastridium sapperi (Squamata: Dipsadidae) from Hidalgo, Mexico. Rev. Mex. Biodiv. [online]. 2014, vol.85, n.2, pp.654-657. ISSN 2007-8706.

The dipsadid snake Amastridium sapperi is reported for the first time from the state of Hidalgo, Mexico. The single male specimen was found in a shaded coffee grove, which agrees well with the habitat preference shown by other male specimens reported from Mexico. This snake is broadly distributed, but rarely encountered and was not evaluated by either the Semarnat or IUCN systems of conservation assessment, although it has been evaluated using the EVS measure. Also included are details of body length, scutellation, dentition, coloration, testicular development, diet, habitat, and conservation status.

Keywords : Amastridium sapperi; geographic distribution; Hidalgo; Mexico.

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