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Revista latinoamericana de derecho social

On-line version ISSN 2448-7899Print version ISSN 1870-4670


VILLASMIL PRIETO, Humberto. Past and present of labour law in latinamerica and the mishaps of the employment relationship. Rev. latinoam. derecho soc [online]. 2015, n.21, pp.203-228. ISSN 2448-7899.

The irruption towards the end of the XIXth century of a guarantees law speech was the frame of reference for the birth of the Latin-American Labour Law (LLL). It was, from its birth, a heterono-mous and guarantees law; it would progressively cover every aspect of labour on its own account; it was constitutionalised, in the first decade of the last century, with the Constitution of Queretaro (1917); it raised over the paradigm of subordination; it received a clear influence from the international labour law and finally, in a double sense, it was an interventionist law: protective, in the case of individual relationships but, controlling, in respect to the collective rights. The foundational legislations of the LLL came to be at the end of the last century, although there were previous antecedents that are relevant. The codification of the LLL was a process that started in 1931, with the Mexican Federal Law of Labour and the Chilean Code of Labour, and culminated in El Salvador, with the Code of Labour of 1963. The classic LLL, raised from a fordism vision of labour relations, assumed a work setup that was thought of from the point of view of an industrial model of production in series of goods and services. These paradigms have been redefined and the LLL is looking to accommodate itself to a new social and juridical context. The crisis of labour law of the post-fordism is above all a crisis signalled by the reduction of the environment in which the protective legislation of law applies.

Keywords : Latin-American labour law; labour legislation; history of the labor law; Relation of work.

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