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Agricultura, sociedad y desarrollo

Print version ISSN 1870-5472

agric. soc. desarro vol.14 n.2 Texcoco Apr./Jun. 2017



Adoption of vermiculture among indigenous women of Oaxaca’s High Mixtec region, México

José Mariano López-Fuentes1  * 

Enrique Ortiz-Torres1 

Ignacio Carranza-Cerda1 

Adrián Argumedo-Macias1 

Rolando Rueda-Luna2 

1Colegio de Postgraduados Campus Puebla. Boulevard Forjadores de Puebla No.205 Santiago Momoxpan, Municipio de San Pedro Cholula, Puebla, México. 72760. ( (

2Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Departamento de Investigación en Ciencias Agrícolas. 14 Sur 6301, Col. San Manuel, Puebla. 72570. (


In 2007 and 2008, 74 indigenous women from six Mixtec communities in the District of Nochixtlán, Oaxaca, were trained in the preparation and use of vermiculture. In 2010 and 2011, a survey was applied to the participating women with the objective of determining the effect of the technological, economic, social and cultural factors on the adoption of vermiculture. The data were analyzed through correlations and multiple regression. The results revealed that 100% of the women adopted vermiculture, 89.2% at a high level, 10.8% at a medium level, and none at the low level. The factors that correlated to Adoption were, from the technological ones, Knowledge of technology (r=0.59) and Relevance of technology (r=0.24); from the social ones, Age (r=-0.53) and Schooling (r=0.45); and from the cultural ones, Language (r=0.41). In the multiple regression model, only Knowledge of technology, Age and Schooling showed that they were defining factors in the Adoption of vermiculture. It is concluded that the training course and economic backing granted were efficient in teaching the vermiculture technique to participating women. It is suggested to have a translator in the local language to improve the teaching.

Key words: subsistence agriculture; indigenous communities; organic residues


En 2007 y 2008 se capacitó a 74 mujeres indígenas de seis comunidades Mixtecas del Distrito de Nochixtlán, Oaxaca, en la preparación y uso de la lombricultura. En 2010 y 2011 se aplicó una encuesta a las mujeres participantes con el objetivo de determinar el efecto de los factores tecnológicos, económicos, sociales y culturales sobre la adopción de la lombricultura. Los datos se analizaron mediante correlaciones y regresión múltiple. Los resultados revelaron que 100% de la mujeres adoptaron la lombricultura, 89.2% en un nivel alto, 10.8% en un nivel medio, y ninguna en el nivel bajo. Los factores que se correlacionaron con Adopción fueron, de los tecnológicos, Conocimiento de la tecnología (r=0.59) y Relevancia de la tecnología (r=0.24); de los sociales, la Edad (r=-0.53) y la Escolaridad (r=0.45); y de los culturales, Lengua (r=0.41). En el modelo de regresión múltiple, solo Conocimiento de la tecnología, Edad y Escolaridad mostraron ser factores determinantes en la Adopción de la lombricultura. Se concluye que el curso de capacitación y apoyos económicos otorgados fueron eficientes en enseñar la técnica de lombricultura a las mujeres participantes. Se sugiere contar con un traductor en la lengua local para mejorar la enseñanza.

Palabras clave: agricultura de subsistencia; comunidades indígenas; residuos orgánicos


The use of organic residues in rural communities is an ancient and frequent practice. This action seeks to improve the content of organic matter in the soil to maintain its fertility and productive capacity in the crops they grow. Among the organic residues applied to the soil there are kitchen scraps, stubble, manure, coffee pulp or husks, bagasse and residues from sugar plants, among others. However, in most cases the incorporation of residues such as manure to the plants does not include any prior management. The adequate processing of residues decreases the loss of nutrients that are useful to the plants and which reduce the negative effects of air, soil and water pollution. One of the most highly recommended techniques is vermiculture (Colomer and Gallardo, 2007; UACH, 2006; Calderón et al., 2003; Martínez, 1995), which allows the stabilization of organic residues with low technological requirements and financial investment. Vermiculture is a biotechnological procedure that uses the earthworm (Eisenia foetida) to accelerate the decomposition of organic matter; the results are high quality fertilizers, such as humus and earthworm leachate (UACH, 2006; Calderón et al., 2003), and the possibility of using the earthworms to breed small species such as fowl. In addition, it allows for organic residues not to become a source of contamination (Colomer and Gallardo, 2007). Because of its technological ease and low level of financial investment, vermiculture has been recommended in areas of subsistence agriculture (Gupta et al., 2014; Del Toro and Limón, 2011).

Adoption has been defined in several ways. Mosher (1979) defines it as a new way of doing something or a practice of change. Aguilar and Ortiz (2004) define adoption of technology as the appropriation and application of technology by the final user. For Leeuwis (2000) adoption is a process of appropriation that considers a cognitive change as prerequisite. De Schutter (1986) argues that adoption of agricultural technology undergoes the farmer’s change of knowledge, where the producers understand the technology; the second change is of attitude, when the farmer puts the new technology to the test; and, finally, when the producer uses the new technology habitually. According to CIMMYT (1993), the adoption of a new technology can be defined in several ways, so the criteria to define what constitutes the adoption in a concrete study should be specified, because sometimes it is enough to have a record of the number of producers who use the technology and other times the actual surface where it is applied must be determined.

Various authors (Galindo et al., 2002; Feder et al., 1998; Feder and Umali, 1993; CIMMYT, 1993) point out that numerous variables influence the adoption of a technology, such as: cognitive change, level of cosmopolitism, contact with agricultural and livestock institutions, participation in external projects, contact with input suppliers, age, schooling, gender, ethnic group, attitude towards innovation, exposure to communication media, income from outside the farm, standard of living, level of training, workforce available, equipment and machinery available, crops in the system, land tenure, occupational profile, available financial resources, relationship with agents of change, hectares cultivated on slopes, agroclimate environment, years of living in the zone of residence, relevance of technology, initial level of technological knowledge, and index of initial technological adoption; however, the technology is adopted for its relevance (Kurwijila, 1981), understanding by this the ability to be useful or indispensable, for which technology should be suitable to the circumstances of the producer.

The studies on adoption of technologies have been used to explain the motives for the farmers’ decisions; they are useful to refine the generation of technology, to optimize a strategy of technology transfer; to improve the flow of information between researchers, extension agents and policy makers; and to evaluate the effects of technology generation or extension (CIMMYT, 1993).

The National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples (Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas, CDI), with the Program of Productive Organization for Indigenous Women (Programa Organización Productiva para Mujeres Indígenas, POPMI), through the Unit of Coordination and Contact in Nochixtlán, Oaxaca, implemented training courses in vermiculture and financial supports to groups of women from diverse indigenous communities in the region of Nochixtlán. During these, technical training and advising was provided for the adequate management and exploitation of the organic solid residues that are produced daily in the rural communities. However, there are no evaluations of the level of adoption of technology by indigenous women, of the benefits of this technology and of recommendations to improve the teaching of this type of courses. Therefore, this study has the objective of determining the effect of the technological, economic, social and cultural factors on the adoption of vermiculture.

Research methods and techniques

The research was carried out in the communities of Cumbre Ixtaltepec, San Isidro Apazco, Almacén Apazco, Yutanduchi de Guerrero, Ranchería Buenavista and San Antonio Nduayaco from the District of Nochixtlán, Oaxaca, in the region called Oaxaca’s High Mixtec. The geographical coordinates are located between parallels 16° 55’ and 170° 54’ of latitude north and 97° 00’ and 97° 13’ of longitude west, an altitude above the sea level of 2080 m (Plan Nochixtlán, 1998). In physiography, it is characterized by a mountainous landscape with strong slopes (Frausto and Ortiz, 1986; Rodríguez et al., 1987). The main types of soil are Regosol, Lithosol, Phaeozem, Chernozem and Vertisol, with Regosols and Lithosols dominating (Frausto and Ortiz, 1986). The mean annual temperature is 15°C on the northern and central part of the District, increasing toward the south until reaching a mean of 22°C. The minimum temperatures vary from 4 to 7°C. The mean annual precipitation is 700 mm on the northern part of the area, and 400 mm in the central part (Plan Nochixtlán, 1998). According to García (1988), the predominant climates are temperate dry C(s) and temperate sub-humid C(w). There are three water currents throughout the year, with reduced volume flow rate, which are the Chachoapan River, Grande River, and Tilantongo River (Plan Nochixtlán, 1998). The most important types of vegetation are pine-oak forest, juniper forest, scrubland and grassland (Miranda and Hernández, 1963). The main agricultural and livestock activities are rainfed maize growing; maize associated with bean, broad bean and squash, cajete maize, rainfed wheat, irrigation wheat, shrub bean, alfalfa, as well as breeding sheep (INEGI, 2010).

The CDI under the POPMI has as one of its objectives training women through sustainable projects, for which they provide the initial financial support for the establishment of vermiculture modules. In 2007, the POPMI program supported groups of women from the communities of Cumbre Ixtaltepec, San Isidro Apazco, el Almacén Apazco, Yutanduchi de Guerrero, Ranchería Buenavista and San Antonio Nduayaco from the District of Nochixtlán, Oaxaca. The support consisted in financial resources for the training, construction of vermiculture modules, and earthworm purchase. The process of training and construction of vermiculture modules was divided into two stages. The first was from July 12th to 29th, 2007, when 34 indigenous women from the communities of Cumbre Ixtaltepec, San Isidro Apazco and Almacén Apazco were trained. The second was from August 2nd to 19th, 2008, and 40 women from the communities of Yutanduchi de Guerrero, Ranchería Buenavista and San Antonio Nduayaco were trained.

The course consisted in a theoretical stage and a practical stage. The first was imparted in two days and consisted in a presentation, introduction, exposition of general information and basic elements of the technology, types of exploitation and technology for production. The second was three days and the way to set up a vermiculture module was shown in a practical manner, as well as how to build an earthworm bed, prepare the substrates (food), carry out the box or biological test, spread the earthworm, irrigate outside and inside the beds, separate or divide the earthworms, and harvest humus and earthworm leachate. In total, 74 vermiculture modules were built in the six communities, that is, one module per producer, and two kilograms of earthworms of the species Eisenia foetida were delivered to each module.

The adoption of vermiculture by indigenous women of Oaxaca’s High Mixtec region was studied taking into account technological, economic, social and cultural factors. The technological ones included the variables Knowledge of technology, Relevance of technology, and Contact with the information. The economic ones included the variables Costs, and Auto-consumption. The social ones included the variables Age, Schooling, Size of family, and Total surface; and the cultural ones the variables Origin, Language, and Social organization. Next, each one of the variables studied, their operational definition, and the criteria for measurement are described.

  • Age: it was considered as the number of years the woman had at the time of the interview and was measured in a proportional scale.

  • Schooling: it was the number of years studied and finished by the woman at the time of the interview and was measured in a proportional scale.

  • Size of the family: it was determined by the number of individuals who collaborate in the home, contribute labor, and consume in the family production unit and, therefore, collaborate in the process of technology application; it was measured in a proportional scale.

  • Origin: it was measured at the nominal scale based on two categories: Mixtec and Zapotec.

  • Language: it was established according to the level of speech and understanding of Spanish, and it was measured in a ordinal scale. It was assigned from zero to one, where zero means she doesn’t understand or speak Spanish, and one is full knowledge, that is, she understands and speaks Spanish.

  • Knowledge of technology: it was the degree of knowledge that the indigenous woman manifested having about what was learned and recommended of the technology. This variable included as indicators: knowledge about the construction of beds, preparation of substrates for earthworm food, box test, earthworm spreading, feeding, irrigation, separation or division of earthworms, and harvest of humus and earthworm leachate. It was measured in ordinal scale. The indicators were pondered according to their importance to achieve good management. The ordinal index was obtained with the following formula: knowledge of technology: index of knowledge of bed construction (0-1), index of knowledge of substrate preparation for earthworm feeding (0-1), index of knowledge of the box test (0-1), index of knowledge of earthworm spreading (0-1), index of knowledge of feeding (0-1), index of knowledge of irrigation (0-1), index of knowledge of earthworm separation (0-1), and index of knowledge of harvest of humus and earthworm leachate (0-1).

  • Surface destined to the technology: it was operationalized by the total surface in square meters that the woman destined to the technology and includes different areas such as: area of pre-composting, area of breeding stock, area of production or beds, and area of benefit. It was measured in a proportional scale.

  • Production costs: they were the expenses made by the producer for the purchase of the earthworm, construction materials, tools and cost of human resources. It was measured in a proportional scale.

  • Auto-consumption: it was the amount of products destined for consumption in the fertilization of fruits and vegetables, and to feed domestic, burden and breeding animals within the family unit. Auto-consumption was measured in a proportional scale; that is, in kilograms of humus, earthworm and liters of earthworm leachate.

  • Relevance of the technology: it was operationalized based on the degree of concordance of the technology proposed and the needs of indigenous women according to their benefits. The variable was measured in a Likert type ordinal scale and it was constructed in function of the benefits it brought the family and/or community, and it had four levels which were: very important, important, slightly important and not important.

  • Contact with the information: it was operationalized as the level of communication that the producer has and was defined according to the degree of contact that she had with the technological information and which can be present at the location through radio, television, printed media, group meetings, meetings with other producers, meetings with technicians from the sector, meetings with the divulging engineer and government program. It was measured in ordinal scale. The indicators that formed the variable contact with the information were: contact with radio, contact with television, contact with printed media (flyer, newspapers, books, magazines, others), group meeting, meeting with other producers, meeting with technicians from the sector, meeting with the divulging engineer and government program.

  • Social organization: it was operationalized according to the type of participation of the producer in social, religious or civic organizations, and which are recognized in their community. A point of participation was assigned in each one of them, within and outside the group of women, among which those of social type were included (school committee, health, Oportunidades, others), and religious (stewardship, others). It was measured in ordinal scale.

The adoption of vermiculture or of the technology was calculated with an index of adoption of the vermiculture technique, and it was measured in an ordinal scale from 0 to 1.0. In order to calculate the Adoption Index of vermiculture, the variable of knowledge of technology was considered with the components: bed construction, substrate preparation, box test, earthworm spreading, earthworm feeding, irrigation of earthworms in beds, separation of earthworms, and harvest of humus and earthworm leachate. Each component was assigned a value according to its relative importance in the success of the production of vermi-composting. The relative importance of each component was pondered based on the opinion of three experts in vermiculture. The sum of the value of all the components resulted in an ordinal index number that represented the degree of technology adoption for each observation. The variable Degree of technology adoption was built with the sum of the indicators and defined with the following formula: Technology adoption=Bed construction (0.07)+Substrate preparation (0.17)+Box test (0.15)+Earthworm spreading (0.06)+Earthworm feeding (0.26)+Irrigation of earthworms in the beds (0.23)+Earthworm separation (0.04)+Harvest of humus and earthworm leachate (0.02).

The compilation of information was divided into two stages: the first was recording information from secondary sources and the second was obtaining direct information from primary sources, that is, a questionnaire was applied to each one of the indigenous women trained from the six communities under study.

The questionnaire contemplated 108 questions and was made up of closed questions and of questions with open responses. The questions were divided in two: 21 questions regarding personal and family data, and 87 about general data of the technology.

A census was carried out and the number of interviewees was 74 indigenous women, of which 12 belonged to the community of Cumbre Ixtaltepec, eight to San Isidro Apazco, 14 to Almacén Apazco, 14 to Yutanduchi de Guerrero, 13 to Ranchería Buenavista and 13 to San Antonio Nduayaco, to whom the questionnaire was applied directly through a personal interview with each of them. Due to the distance from each of the communities, the application of the questionnaire was divided into two periods. The first period was from December 15-23, 2010, and contemplated the communities of Cumbre Ixtaltepec, San Isidro Apazco and Almacén Apazco, and the second period, from January 14-22, 2011, included the communities of Yutanduchi de Guerrero, Ranchería Buenavista and San Antonio Nduayaco. The time of application of the questionnaires in each of the communities was three days. The average duration of the application of each questionnaire was 45 minutes.

The data obtained were codified and captured in a spreadsheet to generate a database and proceed to the statistical analysis through the use of the Excel and SPSS 15.0 software (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences).

The level of adoption of technology, distribution of frequencies and percentages, was calculated with the Excel software. The Pearson Correlation coefficient (r) was calculated with the SPSS software to determine the degree of association between the adoption and the parametric variables. Spearman’s correlation coefficient was used to determine the degree of association between the adoption and the variables with ordinal scales (Relevance of technologies, Contact with information and Organization) and the Multiple linear regression, to model the mathematical form, the behavior of the dependent variable Adoption with the independent variables, which resulted in a higher level of correlation with the variable Adoption of technology.

With the aim of studying how the adoption of technology behaves in function of the dependent variables with higher correlation: Age, Schooling, Language, Relevance of technology and Knowledge of technology, the data were adjusted to a polynomial of first order. Through the multiple linear regression, the estimators of the regression coefficients were produced and later an estimated function. The model used was the following:

y i =β 0+β 1 Age+β 2 Schooling+β 3 Language+β 4 Relevance+β 5 Knowledge+e i

where y i : represents the value of the variable adoption of technology for the i-th observation β 0: represents the value of the origin ordinate; β 1: is the regression coefficient for the independent variable age; β 2: is the regression coefficient for the independent variable schooling; β 3: is the regression coefficient for the independent variable language; β 4: is the regression coefficient for the independent variable relevance of technology; β 5: is the regression coefficient for the independent variable knowledge of technology; ei: random error due to the error of the i-th observation.

With the model once adjusted, a variance analysis was performed to test whether it was adequate to explain correctly the response in function of the independent variables studied. Later, with the Student’s t-test the significance of each of the coefficients that defined the response equation was tested, in order to determine if they contributed and to what degree in explaining the function of adoption of technology.

Results and Discussion

The results indicated that the degree of adoption of vermiculture technology by indigenous women in Oaxaca’s High Mixtec region was 89.2%, corresponding to a high level; 10.8 % adopted it at the medium level and none at the low level. The mean in adoption of vermiculture technology was 0.86 and is located in the high range of adoption (Table 1).

Table 1 Distribution of the indigenous women by degree of adoption of vermiculture technique. 

Nivel de adopción Rango Frecuencia Porciento Media
Bajo 0-0.51 0 0.00 0.00
Medio 0.51-0.76 8 10.81 0.71
Alto 0.76-1.0 65 89.19 0.87
Total 74 100.00 0.86

Table 2 presents the correlations between the variables studied; it shows that the dependent variable Adoption of technology shows a direct relationship with the independent variables Knowledge of technology (r=0.588), Schooling (r=0.452), Language (r=0.413), Relevance of technology (r=0.243) and an inverse relationship with Age (r= -0.529); in all of the previous cases the correlation coefficients were at least significant (p≤0.05). With the variables Size of family, Surface, Contact with information, Social organization, no relationship was found.

Table 2 Correlation analysis between the variables studied. Oaxaca’s High Mixtec region, 2012. 

Escolaridad Edad Tamaño Lengua Superficie Relevancia Contacto Organización Conocimiento
Adopción 0.452** -0.529** 0.175 ns 0.413** 0.016 ns 0.243* 0.203 ns 0.195 ns 0.588**
Escolaridad 1 -0.434** 0.144 ns 0.502** -0.052 ns 0.223 ns 0.370** 0.001 ns 0.202 ns
Edad 1 -0.266* -0.481** 0.004 ns -0.277* -0.189 ns -0.003 ns -0.288*
Tamaño 1 0.242* 0.108 ns 0.042 ns 0.09 ns 0.374** 0.162 ns
Lengua 1 0.051 ns 0.287* 0.282* 0.126 ns 0.258*
Superficie 1 -0.114 ns -0.044 ns 0.364** 0.166 ns
Relevancia 1 0.211 ns -0.229* 0.047 ns
Contacto 1 0.142 ns 0.127 ns
Organización 1 0.156 ns

Pr<0.05; **: Pr<0.01; ns: non-significant; r: correlation coefficient; Adoption: adoption of technology; Size: size of the family; Relevance: relevance of technology; Contact: contact with information; Organization: organization of the social structure; Knowledge: knowledge of technology.

Other combinations of variables that showed regression coefficients which were at least significant (p≤.05) were the following (Table 2): the variable Schooling revealed a direct correlation with Language (r=0.502), Contact with information (r=0.370) and an inverse correlation with Age (r=-0.434). Age showed a negative correlation with Language (r=-0.481), Knowledge (r=-0.288), Relevance of technology (r=-0.277) and Size of family (r= -0.266). Size of family had a direct correlation with Social organization (r=0.374) and Language (r=0.242). Language showed direct correlation with Relevance of technology (r=0.278), Contact with information (r=0.282) and Knowledge of technology (r=0.258). That of Surface used for the technology presented a direct correlation with Social organization (r=0.364) and Relevance of technology with Organization (r=-0.229).

The multiple linear regression analysis used as explicative variables the following independent ones: Schooling, Age, Language, Relevance of technology, and Knowledge of technology, which were significantly associated to the dependent variable Adoption of technology in the correlation analysis. The results were adjusted to the multiple linear regression model proposed, and it was found in the variance analysis of the regression equation obtained that the model used proved to be highly significant (F=15.968; p=0.001), which indicated that at least one of the coefficients β j , con j=1...5, is different from zero, and that the model used explained well the response in function of the variables studied. The R squared showed that 0.540 of the variation in Adoption of technology is explained by the variables Age, Schooling, Language, Relevance of technology, and Knowledge of technology, where Knowledge of technology is the most important one followed by Age and Schooling.

The determination of the significance of each one of the parameters that define the response equation (Table 3) showed that the estimators that were significant (p≤0.05) were Age, Schooling and Knowledge of technology; therefore, they contribute to explaining the function. The variables Language and Relevance of technology were not significant.

Table 3 Student’s t-test for the estimators of coefficients from the multiple regression model obtained to estimate Adoption of technology in function of the dependent variables Age, Schooling, Language, Relevance of technology, and Knowledge of technology in Oaxaca’s Mixtec region. 

Parámetro Estimador tc Pr>t
Coeficientes no estandarizados Coeficientes estandarizados
β 1 -0.001 -0.264 -2.639 0.010
β 2 0.005 0.205 2.083 0.041
β 3 0.010 0.036 0.352 0.726
β 4 0.013 0.98 1.126 0.264
β 5 0.109 0.458 5.252 0.000

β1: regression coefficient for the dependent variable age; β2: regression coefficient for the dependent variable schooling; β3: regression coef ficient for the dependent variable language; β4: regression coefficient for the dependent variable relevance of technology; β5: regression coefficient for the dependent variable knowledge of technology; tc: is the Student’s t-value calculated

With these results each one of the relationships suggested was proven. The data evidenced that the indigenous women interviewed present a high level of adoption of the technology (Table 1). This means that the theoretical-practical course imparted had positive results in the six communities of Oaxaca’s High Mixtec region. Next, the results are discussed based on the hypotheses set out.

Technological factors

The degree of adoption of vermiculture technology is related to the degree of knowledge that indigenous producers have of the technology. In Table 2 correlation analysis shows that the degree of Adoption of vermiculture technology presented a direct relationship with the degree of Knowledge that indigenous producers have of the technology (r=0.588); that is, as they understand the technology better, they show a higher level of adoption and use of it. The regression analysis (Table 3) shows that the Knowledge of technology is a factor that explains the Adoption of vermiculture technology. The high adoption of vermiculture has been reported by other researchers. Sigh et al. (2008) reported an adoption of 75% in tribal farmers from Rajasthan, India. Sunil and Manjula (2009) found levels of adoption from medium to high in farmers from India. Hiremath (2013) reported that 100% of the farmers from Kamataka, India, adopted 100% of the vermiculture practices. This high adoption is due among other reasons to the fact that technologies that require few specialized abilities and are of low cost are adopted quickly by the farmers (Sunil and Manjula, 2009; Gupta et al., 2014). In addition, it is of easy adaptation to the cultural environment, as was found by Del Toro and Limón (2011), El grado de Adopción de la técnica peasant women in Chiapas, México.

There is a low relationship between Adoption of vermiculture by the producers interviewed and the level of Relevance that they consider vermiculture has for the recycling of solid organic residues. Pearson’s correlation analysis showed a direct relationship (r=0.243) between degree of Adoption of vermiculture technique and Relevance of the technology (Table 2); that is, that the more that producers perceived the technology as useful, the higher adoption of the technology they showed. However, the regression analysis (Table 3) shows that Relevance of technology was not a variable that explained the Adoption of vermiculture technique. Because of this, despite there being an association between the variables Adoption of technology and Relevance of technology, it was not enough to explain it causally.

The degree of Adoption of vermiculture technique is not related to the Contact that the indigenous producers have with Technological information. Pearson’s correlation analysis did not show an association between these variables (Table 2). This result contradicts what was reported by Sunil and Manjula (2009, who showed that the producers with participation in extension programs and innovators acted as catalyzers for producers from India to adopt vermiculture. The lack of relationship between Adoption and Technological information can be due to the lack of information in the Mixtec language, since a correlation was found between Contact with information and Schooling (r=0.370) and Language (r=0.282), which indicates that the higher Schooling and better comprehension of Spanish, there is a better opportunity to understand information through different media, which can point to the need of increasing Information of the technology in Mixtec.

Economic factors

The degree of Adoption of vermiculture technique is related to the Costs of installation of a vermiculture module. This relationship was not tested, because the total of women in the sample studied did not carry out any investment expenditure for the application of the technology, since they obtained this benefit from the Productive Organization Program for Indigenous Women (Programa Organización Productiva para Mujeres Indígenas, POPMI) from the CDI. However, it has been reported that the amount of financial resources that the producer has can influence the adoption of technology. Innovations that involve high fixed costs are adopted at a high index by large-scale farmers, while those that are neutral at scale are adopted by all the classes of farmers (Feder et al., 1998). The producers with more resources can be the first to adopt the technology because they can purchase the inputs necessary, gain access more easily to information media, and have the capacity to face risks (CIMMYT, 1993). A way of solving the lack of economic resources is credit. It has been reported that financing can be an important factor for the adoption of vermiculture. In India, the inexistence of credit reduced the adoption of vermiculture (Aski and Hirevenkanagoudar, 2010; Suni and Manjula, 2009), which is why perhaps the existence of sufficient resources provided by the POPMI for training and installation of vermiculture modules by the program’s participants favored their adoption.

The relationship between the degree of Adoption of vermiculture technique and the level of Auto-consumption of products obtained from vermiculture was not verified because the variable did not show difference in Auto-consumption of the products obtained from the technology. It was found that the total women studied in the sample destine 100% of the vermicompost, leachates, and earthworms themselves to Auto-consumption. The modules are at an initial stage, where all the producers began with the same size of module, which is what was recommended in the training course; maybe with time a differentiation among the producers can take place.

Social factors

The degree of Adoption of vermiculture technique is related to the Age of the indigenous producers. Pearson’s correlation analysis (Table 2) showed that the degree of Adoption of vermiculture technique presents an inverse relation (r=-0.529) and highly significant (p≤0.01) with the Age of the indigenous producers; that is, the higher the Age, the Adoption of the technology decreases. In addition, in the regression analysis (Table 3) it was found that the Age of the indigenous producers is an important factor that explains the Adoption of vermiculture technique. Therefore, there is a relationship of dependence between the variable Adoption of technology and Age of the indigenous women. This result does not agree with what was found by Hiremath (2013), who reports that there was no association between the age of the producers and the adoption of vermiculture in India. This possible contradiction can be due to the different forms of influence that age has, as CIMMYT (1993) suggests regarding age; on the one hand, older producers may have greater authority, experience and resources to try out a new technology and, on the other, the younger producers may have more studies and contact with other ideas as migrant workers. Also, Age correlated negatively with Schooling (r=-0.434), Language (r=-0.481) and Relevance of technology (r=-0.277), which can mean that older people find vermiculture less interesting due to the scarce opportunity to understand and to difficulties with the Spanish language.

The degree of Adoption of vermiculture technique is related to the level of Schooling of indigenous producers. Pearson’s correlation analysis (Table 2) showed that the degree of Adoption of vermiculture technique presented a direct relation with Schooling of the indigenous producers (r=0.452), that is, that the more years of school studied by the producer there is higher Adoption of technology. In addition, in the regression analysis (Table 3) it can be seen that Schooling is a defining factor that explains Adoption of the technology. Therefore, there is a relationship between the variables Adoption of technology and Schooling of indigenous women. This association agrees with what was reported by Sunil and Manjula (2009) and Hiremath (2013). These authors found association between age of the producers and adoption of vermiculture in India. On the other hand, CIMMYT (1993) mentions that it has not always been the case where a relationship was found between level of schooling and adoption of technology; it is possible that as the technology is more complex the level of schooling would have a function. This is because a higher educational level can make the producer more receptive to recommendations and, therefore, able to apply suggestions where a more complicated handling of numbers is necessary (CIMMYT, 1993). Also, Schooling was correlated to Age (r=-0.434); this can be because older people had less opportunities of attending school and also of learning Spanish better, which is corroborated with the high correlation that Age had with the variable Language (r=-0.529).

The degree of Adoption of vermiculture technique is independent from the Size of the family of the indigenous producers (Table 2). This result can be due perhaps to the size of the module built, which was adequate for any family to care for; however, problems might take place in handling larger modules. The conflict with size of the family and Adoption has been reported in other places when the technology demands workforce (CIMMYT, 1993; Feder et al., 1998).

The level of Adoption of vermiculture technique is not related to the Total surface of installation of the vermiculture module. Pearson’s correlation analysis did not find correlation between these variables (Table 2). The size of the module may be adequate for training, since its adoption did not affect and because it was the same for all the participants.

Cultural factors

The degree of Adoption of vermiculture technique is related to that of Origin of the indigenous producers. The hypothesis did not hold because the variable did not manifest a difference in terms of ethnicity of the sample studied. That is, all the women in the sample were from the same ethnic origin, that is to say, they were all Mixtec. This hypothesis was tested because it has been found that different customs and traditions can influence the adoption of technologies (CIMMYT, 1993).

The degree of Adoption of vermiculture technique is partially related to the Language spoken by the producers. The correlation analysis (Table 2) showed that in the degree of Adoption of vermiculture technique and Language spoken by the indigenous producers there was a direct relationship (r=0.413); that is, the more Spanish they speak, the higher the adoption of technology that they show. However, in the regression analysis (Table 3) it can be seen that Language was not a defining factor to explain the Adoption of vermiculture technique. With the evidences exposed, it can be said that the Language of the producers is a factor associated partially with the Adoption of technology. Therefore, there is certain evidence of the importance of the Language spoken by the participants in the training courses, which is why it is important for future training courses to take into account the Language that the farmers speak, and for there to be a translator, especially with older people because there was a correlation between Language and Age (r=-0.481) and Language and Schooling (r=0.502), perhaps because people of more Age had less opportunities to attend school and learn Spanish better.

The degree of Adoption of vermiculture technique is not related to the Social organization of indigenous producers. Independence was found between the variables Adoption and Social organization; Pearson’s correlation analysis did not show association between these variables. This result can be because the training was directed to an organized group that works with the CDI, which could be the factor that prevented there being differences between the producers; a different case would have been if the training course had been imparted to people without any type of participation.


In general, 100% of the women evaluated adopted vermiculture, 89.2 % were at a high level of adoption, the remaining 10.8% were at a medium range, and none were at the low level.

Of the technological factors studied, Knowledge of technology (r=0.59) and Relevance of technology (r=0.24) presented direct correlations with Adoption of vermiculture technique, although Relevance of technology was not a defining factor. With regards to Contact with information, there was no relationship with Adoption of vermiculture technique.

Of the economic factors explored, Costs and Auto-consumption did not show a relation with the levels of Adoption of vermiculture technique because the installation costs of the modules and the training were financed by the POPMI and they were the same for all the participants.

The social factors that were related to the Adoption of vermiculture technique were Age (r=-0.53) and Schooling (r=0.45). Age showed an inverse relation with Adoption of technology so there is a trend in which as the Age of the indigenous women is higher, the Adoption of vermiculture technique decreases. Schooling presented a direct relation with Adoption of technology, indicating that among indigenous women, as more years of school are studied there is a higher level of Adoption of technology. Both variables were determinant factors that influence the Adoption of technology. The Size of the family and the Total surface did not relate to the levels of Adoption of technology.

Of the cultural factors, Origin, Language and Social organization, only Language (r=0.41) manifested a direct relation of dependence with the level of Adoption of vermiculture technique, so that among indigenous women the more they speak Spanish the higher Adoption of technology there is. Origin and Total surface did not show dependence with the levels of Adoption of technology.

It is quite likely that with time the factors that today turned out not to be defining in adoption of technology will be later, when women and other members of the family diversify their infrastructure and the destination of the products from vermiculture; therefore, further studies with the same population are recommended.

The study performed and the results found are considered important, because they refer to poor indigenous women, in marginalized localities, and are about the adoption of a low-cost technique for investment and operation, which, in addition, is a sustainable practice that contributes to caring for the environment and to the efficient use of the scarce resources available.


To the National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples (Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas, CDI) for the support provided for graduate studies. To the women from the six communities: Cumbre Ixtaltepec, San Isidro Apazco, Almacén Apazco, Yutanduchi de Guerrero, Ranchería Buenavista and San Antonio Nduayaco from the District or Nochixtlán, Oaxaca, for the conveniences granted.

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Received: November 2015; Accepted: August 2016

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