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vol.13 issue1The gender wage gap and occupational segregation in the Mexican labour marketA comparative approach of economic sectors in Sinaloa, Mexico, based on multicriteria decision aiding author indexsubject indexsearch form
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On-line version ISSN 2007-9869Print version ISSN 1870-6622


GOMEZ AGUIRRE, Mario  and  RODRIGUEZ, José Carlos. Análisis de la relación de causalidad entre el índice de precios del productor y del consumidor incorporando variables que capturan el mecanismo de transmisión monetaria: El caso de los países miembros del TLCAN. EconoQuantum [online]. 2016, vol.13, n.1, pp.73-95. ISSN 2007-9869.

In this paper we analyze the causal relationship between the producer price index and the consumer index in the member countries of the Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), incorporating variables that capture the monetary transmission mechanism (1994:01-2012:06). To do this, we use unit root tests (Dickey-Fuller 1979 and 1981; Phillips-Perron, 1988; Lee-Strazicich, 2003) and causality test (Toda and Yamamoto, 1995). The results indicate that there is a bidirectional causality, running from producer prices to consumers and the latter to the former in the case of Mexico and Canada, using a measure of inflation; and in the case of the United States, it is bidirectional, using prices index in levels.

Keywords : Price; causality; unit root; Mexico.

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