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vol.9 issue39Legal Perspectives of International Relations: Constitutionalism, Fragmentation and Legal Pluralism in DebateThe Restorative Justice, Sociological, Psychological and Pedagogical Foundation for its Operability author indexsubject indexsearch form
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On-line version ISSN 2594-0716Print version ISSN 1870-6916


ZAMORA LOMELI, Carla B.. Social Movements, Democracy and the Rule of Law. A Look to the Contribution of Social Movements to Democratization and Institutionalization of the Rule of Law. Tla-melaua [online]. 2016, vol.9, n.39, pp.152-171. ISSN 2594-0716.

This paper aims to understand the impact of social movements in the society's democratization processes and the establishment of the Rule of Law.

Taking as an axis the constitution of democracy, the contributions of Jürgen Habermas, Robert Dahl and Guillermo O'Donnell are addressed, in order to establish the principles that theoretically should govern in contemporary democracy.

In addition, such contributors are linked to define their correspondence with the institutionalization of standards through the democratic rule of law.

It is estimated that in democratic regimes, the triad social movements, democracy and Rule of Law contributes to political openness and to the acquisition of rights in society. Every occasion, a structure of political opportunities is found, that enables the inclusion of the demands of social movements to the legal system, and obtains democratic advances in life regulations.

Thus, democracy goes beyond the institutional framework and it can find new channels through social conflicts that start social movements, as long as a democratic regime, aimed to include such expressions, is found.

Keywords : Social Movements; Democracy; Rule of Law.

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