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Acta médica Grupo Ángeles

Print version ISSN 1870-7203


PERALTA GALLO, Giovanni Josué et al. Complications of carpal scaphoid fractures: magnetic resonance evaluation. Acta méd. Grupo Ángeles [online]. 2018, vol.16, n.3, pp.200-203. ISSN 1870-7203.


To identify the magnetic resonance characteristics of complications of carpal scaphoid bone fractures, as well as to evaluate the most frequently associated lesions.

Material and methods:

A retrospective observational study was performed on 14 patients who were admitted to the magnetic resonance imaging service of the Ángeles Pedregal Hospital, with a diagnosis of scaphoid fracture and with an evolution time of more than two weeks. The results of magnetic resonance imaging were evaluated by medical radiologists with high expertise in musculoskeletal magnetic resonance imaging. We assessed how many had complications from pseudarthrosis, avascular necrosis and how many had only bruising and fracture in the process of consolidation.


Of the 14 patients who were evaluated, five patients (35%) had simple fracture without complication data, other five patients (35%) had pseudoarthrosis data, and four patients (30%) had avascular necrosis data. The most frequent site of fracture was the scaphoid waist, finding eight cases (57%), two cases with fracture of the distal portion (14%), three cases with fracture of the proximal portion (21.5%) and only one case of multifragmentary fracture (7.5%).


MRI is the study of choice for the evaluation of complications of scaphoid fracture and added injury.

Keywords : Magnetic resonance; scaphoide fracture; pseudoarthrosis; avascular necrosis.

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