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Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas

Print version ISSN 2007-0934


MARTINEZ-DE LA CRUZ, Isabel et al. Edible fruits and seeds in the State of Mexico. Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc [online]. 2015, vol.6, n.2, pp.331-346. ISSN 2007-0934.

The State of Mexico combines edaphoclimatic conditions for the development of fruit that are sources of fiber, vitamins and minerals. In order to inventory the species with edible fruits or seeds, it was held a collection of specimens in June 2012 to May 2013. Key informants provided data on species with edible fruits and seeds. The specimens were identified taxonomically, the designation of growth habit (herb, shrub or tree), geographical origin, type of fruit, consumption and additional uses, it was made based on field observations and review of literature. 40 families, 83 genera and 138 species were recorded; 101 native and 37 introduced. The richest families were: Cactaceae, Rosaceae and Fabaceae with 16, 14 and12 species respectively. The best represented were Opuntia with 13 species and Citrus with five. The dominant growth habit was tree with 74 species, followed by shrubs with 35 and grasses with 29. 19 types of fruit were recognized, prevailing the berries (42.8% species) and drupe (22.5%). In 121 species the fruit is consumed and in17 the seed or adnexal structures as sarcotesta and aryl. Besides, are processed in different ways; syrup, liquor, atole and ice cream are the most frequent. 94 have additional uses, medicinal stands with 75 species and ornamental with 36. Therefore, it is important to identify these genetic resources and define their potential untapped.

Keywords : biological form; consumption type; native fruit; types of fruit.

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