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Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas

Print version ISSN 2007-0934

Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc vol.6 n.spe11 Texcoco May./Jun. 2015 

Investigation notes

Agronomic assessment of tiny Zapalote race maize in the Isthmian region of Oaxaca

José Manuel Cabrera Toledo1 

Aquiles Carballo Carballo2 

Flavio Aragón Cuevas3 

1Instituto Tecnológico de Comitancillo. Carretera Ixtaltepec-Comitancillo km 7.5. San Pero Comitancillo, Oax. México.

2Postgrado de Recursos Genéticos y Productividad-Producción de Semillas. Colegio de Postgraduados. Carrera México-Texcoco, km 36.5. Montecillo, Texcoco, México

3Campo Experimental Valles Centrales de Oaxaca. Melchor Ocampo No. 7. Santo Domingo Barrio Bajo, Etla, Oax. México.


In order to understand the behaviour of outstanding stocks of tiny Zapalote race maize, agronomic assessment of 18 outstanding landrace was performed. The outstanding stocks have been characterized and preserved, while advances in the selection and breeding of top four varieties. Field assessments were developed for four crop cycles in the experimental fields of Comitancillo Institute of Technology, Oaxaca. 10 variables were recorded. The experimental design was completely randomized with two replications. The results showed highly significant differences for varieties, crop year and for the interaction of both factors on grain yield, days to male flowering, and days to silking, plant height, ear height and width of grain. The main conclusions are: 1) The yield of grain varieties and years ranged from 1.73 to 2.97 t ha-1 and; 2) In the region, there is wide genetic variation among and within populations of tiny Zapalote race maize.

Keywords: genetic diversity; genetic variation; tiny Zapalote; varietal patterns


Con el propósito de conocer el comportamiento de poblaciones sobresalientes de maíz de la raza Zapalote chico, se realizó la evaluación agronómica de 18 criollos sobresalientes. Las poblaciones sobresalientes se han caracterizado y conservado, a la vez que se avanza en la selección y mejoramiento de cuatro variedades superiores. Las evaluaciones de campo se desarrollaron durante cuatro ciclos de cultivo en los terrenos experimentales del Instituto Tecnológico de Comitancillo, Oax. Se registraron 10 variables. El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar con dos repeticiones. Los resultados demostraron diferencias altamente significativas para variedades, año agrícola y para la interacción de ambos factores en rendimiento de grano, días a floración masculina, días a floración femenina, altura de planta, altura de mazorca y ancho de grano Las conclusiones más relevantes son: 1) El rendimiento de grano para variedades y años fluctuó entre 1.73 a 2.97 tha-1; y 2) En la región existe amplia variación genética entre y dentro de poblaciones de la raza Zapalote chico.

Palabras clave: diversidad genética; patrones varietales; variación genética; Zapalote chico

In Mexico are planted 9.6 million hectares annually, with an average yield of 2.2 t ha-1 (Vázquez et al., 2010). Commercial varieties are used in only about 20% of the area under maize production, and the rest, farmers use conserved seeds traditional way, with native open pollinated varieties or advanced generations of hybrids (Hernández and Esquivel, 2004; Taba et al., 2006).

The improved maize varieties are inadequate for producers because in the process of obtaining the varietal patterns and quality characteristics of the landraces are ignored. Traditional maize races are well adapted to local conditions of production and uses, as well as preferences for specific types of grain local dishes; therefore constitute a key component in household food security (Taba et al., 2006; Márquez, 2008).

The diversity of maize in Mexico is in traditional farming systems. Farmers plant native varieties, and through their knowledge, preferences and practices that have developed, continue to maintain diversity in this crop (Bellon and Berthaud, 2006) . The continuing loss of diversity of native maize has renewed interest in their rescue, conservation and use, so projects have been supported to collect, evaluate and characterize native maize in different regions and States (Martin et al., 2008; Hortelano et al., 2008).

In 1997 the activities to collect, preserve and improve the tiny Zapalote maize race, managed to raise a total of 97 collections. Evaluation and selection from 18 agronomic characteristics allow to distinguish outstanding collections, raised to evaluate grain yield and other agronomic traits in 18 outstanding landrace of tiny Zapalote race maize. Field assessments were developed in the experimental fields of Comitancillo Institute of Technology.

The following variables were recorded: days to male flowering (DFM), days to silking (DFF), plant height (ALP), ear height (ALM), ear length (LM), cob diameter (DM), number of grain rows Cob (NHM), Long grain (LG), grain width (AG) and grain yield (RG).

Table 1 Sites of collecting and naming of 18 outstanding landraces of tiny Zapalote race. 

Highly significant differences for varieties (VAR), agricultural year (YEAR) and the VAR x YEAR interaction variables for grain yield, days to male flowering, days to silking, plant height, ear height and width were found grain (Table 2). The high significance of differences between varieties reflected the variability and genetic diversity among the materials evaluated in the tiny Zapalote race maize.

Table 2 Mean squares of the combined analyses of variance for the variables study during four years of assessment in San Pedro Comitancillo, Oaxaca. 

FV= fuentes de variación; gl = grados de libertad; **= altamente significativo; ns= no significativo; RG=rendimiento de grano; DFM= días a floración masculina; DFF=días a floración femenina; ALP= altura de planta; ALM= altura de inserción de la mazorca; LM=longitud de la mazorca; DM= diámetro de la mazorca; NHM= número de hileras de la mazorca; LG=largo del grano; AG= ancho del grano.

No statistical significance for the VAR x YEAR interaction in long variables ear, ear diameter, number of rows along the cob and grain was presented; behaviour was equal to the number of rows on the cob YEAR factor. A larger variance due to VAR factor, appeared in grain yield, plant height and ear height, indicating that behaved differently in terms of climatic and agronomic management practiced in each of the years conditions. The coefficients of variation for the variables studied were relatively low; values suggest that the conduct of the trials and the results obtained are reliable (Reyes, 1990).

Means with the same letter in each column are statistically different (Tukey 0.05); RG= grain yield; DFM= days to male flowering; DFF= days to silking; ALP= plant height; ALM= height of ear position; LM= length of the cob; DM= diameter of the ear; NHM= no of rows per cob; LG= grain length, AG= width of the grain.

Grain yield

The feasibility of the crop is defined by this character, for higher profits. Average yields (t ha-1) obtained in the 4 years of trial were very different: 2.95 in 2004; 2.36 in 2005; 2.89 in 2008; 1.45 in 2010 (Table 3). The years in which the grain yield was higher are 2004 and 2008, with 2.95 and 2.89 t ha-1 in respective manner; the lowest values of both factors occurred in 2005 and 2010.

Table 3 Agronomic characters of 18 outstanding landraces of tiny Zapalote racefor during four years of assessment. San Pedro Comitancillo, Oaxaca. 

Medias con la misma letra en cada columna son estadísticamente iguales (Tukey 0.05); RG= rendimiento de grano; DFM= días a floración masculina; DFF= días a floración femenina; ALP= altura de planta; ALM= altura de inserción de la mazorca; LM= longitud de la mazorca; DM= diámetro de la mazorca; NHM = núm. de hileras de la mazorca; LG= largo del grano; AG= ancho del grano.

The varieties with the highest average yields were COL-36 with 2.97 t ha-1 and OAX-838 with 2.82 t ha-1, which belong to the people of Union Hidalgo and Santiago Laollaga respectively; identified with tiny Zapalote race, from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, distinguished as the geographic range of this race (Wellhausen et al., 1957; López et al., 2005)

Furthermore, although not considered in the assessment improved materials used as controls, Lopez et al. (2005) and Taba et al. (2006), agreed that in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, strong winds can cause lodging of stem and root, tiny Zapalote race maize, who is early maturing, provides more reliable yields, through years, that varieties more yield, identified as having late maturity. In this regard, it has been shown that often landraces exceed or equal in yield to improved varieties, and can therefore be used by other producers and breeding programs.

In 2004 and 2008, some overlaps between the higher yielding varieties were introduced, and among the lowest yield, which did not occur in 2005 and 2010. In other words, various materials evaluated with high yield in 2004 and 2008 were those of lower yield in 2005 and 2010. However, Table 4 varieties that had a good level of yield, and showed similar positions in the four years of assessment are observed, as in the case of collections: OAX-838, COL -36, COL-45 and ZAP MOR.

Table 4 Grain yield (t ha-1) of 18 outstanding landrace maize during four years of testing in San Pedro Comitancillo, Oaxaca (Tukey 0.05). 

It is observed that, the 18 collections studied had high average yield, with respect to reporting INEGI (2002), which is 1.25 t ha-1 suggesting continuing studies specifically on them to detect other attributes that allow recommending for commercial plantings or be considered in a breeding program. The recommendation refers to the physical characterization of grain and processing tests of “nixtamalización” of tortillas and tortilla chips on physical study, which is the use identifying germplasm of tiny Zapalote race.

The ANOVA reported statistical significance for variables days to male and female flowering; defining characteristics earliness of crops. The importance of this breed is its earliness (López et al., 2005), which allows for at least two crops on the same land per year; hence, for a selection criterion are defined as desirable materials with lower values are located. The period required to reach collections male flowering was 45.5 to 51.5 days after sowing (Table 5) highlighting the COL-34 as the lowest number of days, while the COL-31 was requiring more days blooming. In this regard it is noted that Taba et al. (2006) report 76 days on average for the days of anthesis. For female flowering period was 47.75 to 53.5 days, highlighting the same materials in blooming.

Table 5 Variables of 18 outstanding agronomic landrace test during four years in San Pedro Comitancillo, Oaxaca (Tukey 0.05). 

DFM= días floración masculina; DFF= días a floración femenina; ALP= altura de planta; ALM= altura de mazorca; LM= largo de mazorca; DM=diámetro de mazorca y NHM= núm. de hileras de mazorca.

In the above conditions, this breed maize responds advantageously due to its low height and its tolerance to lodging. Plant height was 110.38 cm for variety OAX-823, to 150.13 cm where the variety COL-45 (Table 5) was located. For the height of ear position, the OAX-823 range with the lowest value (58.75 cm) was located, while the highest value was for the COL-29 with 79.63 cm. The above values are consistent with those reported by Wellhausen et al. (1951), noting that plant height in this breed of maize is 1-2 m, and Taba et al. (2006), who found values of 156 cm in plant height and 82 cm for ear height.

The ear length values recorded 9.09 cm (COL-34) to 12.63 cm (COL-62), offering reduced variation in this character, perhaps because the evaluated collections are of little heterogeneity, despite the separation statistical groups in Table 5. The diameter of 3.53 points cob figures cm (OAX-823) to 4.7 cm (ZAP MOR) between genetic materials. The number of grain rows per ear in the studied was characterized germplasm 9.5 (OAX-823) to 15 (ZAP MOR). Wellhausen et al. (1951) considered that, the race tiny Zapalote can occur in 10-12 rows and ear diameter of 4 to 4.4 cm. With the values found with those reported in these variables, grain yield identifying this breed maize can be considered small.

The length of the cob is comparable to that of the landraces identified as intermediate and late by López et al. (2005). Taba et al. (2006) reported an average ear length 12 cm, diameter 4.4 cm cob and 11 rows of maize in the cob.


In the Isthmus Oaxaca there is a wide genetic variation among and within populations of breed tiny Zapalote race maize. Grain yield for varieties and years of assessment fluctuated between 1.73 to 2.97 t ha-1. The varieties with higher average yields were 36 and COL-OAX-838. The highest stability in this character was presented to OAX-838, COL-31, COL-32 and COL-51.

Male flowering showed a variation of 45.5 to 51.5 days after planting, while silking the range of 47.75 to 53.5 was days after sowing. Plant height fluctuated from 150.13 to 110.38 cm, while the height position of the ear was 58.75 to 79.63 cm.

The tiny Zapalote race maize, whose production environment is the Isthmian region of Oaxaca; has been and remains the most appropriate, for their adaptation and characteristics of production and consumption.

Literatura citada

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Received: October 01, 2014; Accepted: January 01, 2015

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