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Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas

Print version ISSN 2007-0934

Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc vol.7 n.1 Texcoco Jan./Feb. 2016



Child abuse from the voice of children

Aida Gisell Tovar Domínguez1 

Silvia Xochilt Almeraya Quintero1  § 

Lenin Gerardo Guajardo Hernández1 

Mercedes Borja Bravo2 

1Colegio de Postgraduados. Carretera México-Texcoco, km 36.5 Montecillo, Estado de México. Tel. (595)9520200. (;

2Campo Experimental Pabellón-INIFAP. Pabellón de Arteaga, Aguascalientes, km 32.5, C. P. 20660, Tel. 4659580167. (


The mistreatment and abuse of children has gone from being an everyday practice in homes to become a public health problem worldwide. Huichapan municipality has special features like high poverty in their communities, population migration and dropout childhood, making it an enabling environment for child abuse exists place; therefore becomes essential evidence and visualize this problem in the municipality, for which it was necessary to apply a questionnaire to 1,506 children from primary education in 17 communities, the application was made in 2014. The purpose is to know the perceptions of girls and children about child abuse, it identified that they and they only perceived mistreatment action when it causes them serious physical, psychological and emotional harm, a situation that does not allow you to provide them timely support.

Keywords: children; rights; violence


El maltrato y abuso a las niñas y niños ha pasado de ser una práctica cotidiana en los hogares a convertirse en un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial. El municipio de Huichapan presenta características especiales como alta marginación en sus comunidades, migración de su población y deserción escolar entre su niñez, que lo convierten en un lugar propicio para que exista el maltrato infantil; por lo tanto, se vuelve indispensable evidenciar y visibilizar este problema en el municipio, para lo cual fue necesario aplicar un cuestionario dirigido a 1 506 niñas y niños de educación primaria de 17 comunidades, la aplicación se realizó en 2014. La finalidad es conocer la percepción que tienen las niñas y los niños acerca del maltrato infantil, esto permitió identificar que ellas y ellos únicamente perciben como maltrato una acción, cuando ésta les causa daño grave a nivel físico, psicológico y emocional, situación que no permite que se les pueda brindar un apoyo oportuno.

Palabras clave: derechos; niñas y niños; violencia


"Conflicts appear as a constant in the history of mankind" Calderon-Concha (2009), altering the development of any society; This has led to violence between human beings, from a collective and public life as wars, to the individual and private and family violence. Today we live in a world full of violence, where girls and boys are the ones who suffer the ravages of this situation are suppressed, punished, insulted, beaten, raped and killed; no one listens let alone understand. Violence directed to children has always been justified, since religious beliefs, discipline, improving the race, to the sense of power and belonging that fathers and mothers think they have on their children (Fontana, 1979; Santana-Tavira et al., 1998; Perea-Martinez et al., 2005; OMS, 2014).

Currently the mistreatment and abuse of children has gone from being an everyday practice in homes to become a public health worldwide has grown dramatically, without regard to color, race, religion or social class, resulting with grave consequences that last a lifetime impact on its victims; which it has caused countless adults there with a history of child abuse and those most at risk of repeating patterns of violence from one generation to another (Miranda, 2007).

The concept of child abuse is relatively recent, the first described was "battered child syndrome" by Tardieu in 1868, after conducting autopsies of 32 children beaten and burned. Later Caffey (1946) described the presence of subdural hematomas associated with radiological abnormalities of the long bones in children.

Kempe and Silverman (1962) created the expression child syndrome, defining it as "the use of non-accidental physical force directed to hurt or injure a child by their parents or relatives", based on the clinical features presented for cases that entered the pediatric ward of the General Hospital of Denver, Colorado and finally Fontana (1979) expands the concept, indicating that these children could be attacked not only physically but also emotionally or negligently, replacing the term "beaten" by that of abused (Kempe, 1971; Fontana, 1979; Kempe and Kempe, 1985; Loredo, 1994; Osorio, 1995 cited in Santana-Tavira et al., 1998; Azola, 2007).

Cabral (2014) mentions that child maltreatment can be, and is many things. In psychological terms it is a pathology of behavior. In legal terms, it says it is a crime or criminal behavior that must be defined and legally sanctioned. Sociologically is a problem and a social and moral or ethical terms, an issue of violation of rights phenomenon.

To conduct a study on child abuse is necessary to have a definition, which is why this work is resumed which he made the Foundation Display Against Child Violence, which says it is "any intentional act or omission or negligence or breach of duty of care, aimed at harming children and adolescents, and generate risk or harm to your health; are included any form of insult, slander, insult, offense, humiliation, indignity, mortification, contempt, beatings, physical and emotional injury; abandonment; trafficking, sexual abuse; institutional abuse; bullying; mobbing; parental neglect and analogous forms, which place the child at risk or helplessness" (FUPAVI and Sotelo, 2014). Within that context, it builds on the following types of child maltreatment (Table 1).

Table 1. Type of child abuse. 

Tipo de maltrato Definición Características Comportamiento
Físico Es la agresión física que produce lesiones corporales en el menor Huellas de objeto agresor (plancha, lazo, cadena, cinturón, etc.) hematomas, eritema, quemaduras, fracturas, inflamación, deformación de la región ruptura viseral o envejecimiento, ingresos frecuentes al hospital por lesiones cuya causa no es clara Actitudes agresivas, destructivas, rebeldes, hiperactividad o apatía, timidez, miedo, ansiedad, aislamiento, culpa, sentimientos de ser malos. En ámbito escolar es frecuente la inasistencia y el bajo rendimiento
Sexual Es cualquier tipo de contacto sexual con un menor por parte de un familiar o cualquier adulto con el objeto de obtener excitación y/o gratificación sexual y que puede variar desde la exhibición de los genitales, los tocamientos corporales, hasta la violación Presencia en genitales y/o año de: equimosis, laceraciones, sangrado, prurito, inflamación, himen perforado (niñas), dificultad para caminar, semen, infecciones, somatización. En adolescentes dispareunia Miedo, ansiedad, culpa, desconfianza, enojo. En adolescentes, atracción homosexual, anorgasmia, pérdida o disminución de la líbido, autodevaluación
Psico-emocional Son actitudes dirigidas para producir daño a la integridad emocional de los menores a través de gestos o expresiones verbales que humillan o lo degradan Retraso psicomotor, no juegan, se aíslan, se observan silenciosos y tristes, desvalorización, baja autoestima e inseguridad personal Deterioro de las facultades mentales, principalmente en el área cognitiva, autodevaluación y bajo rendimiento escolar, retraimiento depresión, poca sociabilidad, sensación de no ser queridos, bloqueo emocional
Abandono o Negligencia Cualquier conducta que prive al niño o niña de la supervisión o atención indispensable para su desarrollo Higiene deficiente, desnutrición en grado variable, aspecto enfermizo, ropa inadecuada para el lugar o clima. Sin asistencia médica oportuna y adinamia permanentes Retraimiento, apatía, asistencia irregular a la escuela, bajo rendimiento escolar, indiferencia al medio ambiente externo

All definitions have served at the time the scholars to generate information and knowledge about child abuse; However, despite these studies and research on the phenomenon "the figures are reported underestimate the true magnitude of the problem" (OMS, 2014).

Internationally OMS reports that approximately 20% of women and 5% to 10% of men report having been sexually abused in childhood. The same OMS notes that 23% of people of both sexes relate physically abused as children, while other children are subjected to psychological or emotional abuse and neglect; and estimated that each year 34,000 children under 15 die by homicide.

Moreover Bascuñán and Larraín (2009) through the newsletter of childhood and adolescence on the progress of the Millennium Development Goals, report that "every year 275 million children worldwide are victims of violence within their homes (space that should be protective, affection and safeguard their rights) and about 40 million children under 15 suffer violence, abuse and neglect, phenomena that are reported in various areas such as family, school, the community, the streets and work". In the same perspective (UNICEF, 2010) estimates that between 500 and 1 500 million children worldwide experience violence annually while 275 million children worldwide witness domestic violence. According to the world health survey, an estimated 150 million girls and 73 million boys under 18 have been sexually abused and exploited.

In the case of Mexico, the situation of domestic violence and especially child abuse are alarming and urgent care situations. About FUPAVI and Sotelo (2014) mention that according to INEGI data, in 2010 had a total 39.2 million children in the country, of which 19.9 million were 19.3 million children and girls; Various studies report that 10% as child victims of abuse and abuse and claim that about 4 million are vulnerable and risk; in Mexico, the leading cause of death and disability among children is abuse and mistreatment, ranking first in physical violence, sexual abuse and murder of children under 14 years among the countries belonging to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); also it listed as the first in the world in child pornography.

According to figures reported for the Rights of Children in Mexico (REDIM) Network, between 2006 and 2008 around 23 000 homicides were recorded children aged between 0 and 17 and that the highest incidence of death was It occurs between girls and younger children, concentrating 78% in children under 3 years and 38% in children under 1 year, with the infants and those with greater number of head injuries in some cases ending in death. Meanwhile UNICEF Mexico (2014) reports that 2 children under 14 die every day in the country, generating a total number of 700 children who die each year from violence.

With regard to the state of Hidalgo, INEGI (2013) according to the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (CONEVAL) mentions that "in 2010 more than half of the population under 15 years (61.6%) is in multidimensional poverty, defined as the situation of a person when he has guaranteed the performance of at least one of their rights for social development, and the income received by household members where he resides is insufficient to acquire the goods and services required to meet their needs".

The Office of the Defense of Children and Families (incorporated into the National System for Integral Family Development) said that in 2009, the abuse of 957 girls and 915 children registered. Although these figures may sound alarming, the country suffers from child abuse to official figures that show the reality of the phenomenon. To be considered a domestic problem, the cases that are known are those that stem from a complaint; however, it is alarming that for every case known to the authorities, there are about 100 that are not recorded, and cases that are reported very few receive care or timely follow, which reveals the problem is bigger than it looks (SSP Gobierno Federal, 2010).

Girls and boys have become the protagonists of violence, in order to protect the millions of children in the world, it was created the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989, giving way to the most important international instrument legally binding instrument to incorporate the full range of human rights for all children of the world, such as: the right to survival; to full development; to protection from harmful influences, abuse and exploitation, to full participation in family, cultural and social life; governed by four fundamental principles: non-discrimination, dedication to the best interests of the child, the right to life, survival and development; and respect for the views of the child (UNICEF, 2013).

Mexico as a signatory state of the convention, is obliged to comply with its provisions and to adopt various measures to give effect to the rights recognized therein. Consequently, the Mexican state made many reforms to its legislation since 2000, highlighting the made to Article 4° of the Constitution, in recognizing that in all decisions and actions of the state will be ensured and comply with the principle of the best interests Childhood, which is nothing more than the guarantee and satisfaction of their rights; for which, who are obligated to preserve and enforce them are parents, guardians and custodians. As a result of this reform, exudes the Law for the Protection of the Rights of Children and Adolescents, enacted in 2000, at national level, which provides in its fifth chapter, Article 21, the right to be protected in its integrity and liberty, and against abuse and sexual abuse (Legal Research Institute, 2014).

In this sense, the home is one of the most dangerous places for a girl or a boy, as are their parents or relatives the main aggressors, so the main goal of this research is to analyze the perception that girls and Huichapan children in the municipality of Hidalgo, Mexico, about child abuse in the school context, in order to know if they can identify when they are in a situation of risk, harm or abuse by an adult in their family environment or close to it; and what are the main problems identified in their homes that can generate stress in adults and that it could trigger violence against them / you, and what kinds of abuse directed at them / os by the members and his family and acquaintances.

Based on the foregoing, it can be said that the school environment is conducive to survey the girls and boys to the issue concerning because they feel free and safe to express what they feel and think, allowing determine which effectively They are able to perceive the abuse that threaten their lives and integrity mainly physical abuse and abuse, but that when they do not cause them serious damage, interpret them as "normal" as part of the discipline their parents towards. They are also aware that there are problems at home that create tension between family members and that can contribute to the generation of violence within the family environment, mainly aimed.

Description and methodology

The research was conducted in the municipality of Huichapan, Hidalgo, Mexico. This is located to the west in the state of Hidalgo, bordered on the north by the municipality of Tecozautla, south to the town of nopala and Chapantongo, the west with the state of Queretaro and east with the municipality of Alfajayucan (Table 3). It has an area of 668.1 km, representing 3.2% of the state surface. It is a territory located in an area of the plains, with irregularities of the land where a mountainous region is observed. It has a temperate-cold climate. It consists of 67 communities, of which only 3 are considered urban and 44 of them have primary school belonging to the Ministry of Public Education (SEP). It has a total population of 44 253 inhabitants, of which 21 176 are men and 23 077 are women (INEGI, 2010).

Table 2. Type mode and generator of child abuse in the home. 

Tipo de maltrato Modo Generador Total (%)
Físico Golpes, coscorrones, pellizcos, lanzar objetos, encerrar 1. Mamá 2. Papá 3. Hermano/a 122
Psicoemocional Regaños, gritos, prohibir diversión y esparcimiento y, ser testigos de violencia en su hogar 1. Mamá 2. Papá 3. Hermano/a 226
Negligencia o abandono Ignorarlos, no tomar en cuenta su opinión, no cubrir sus necesidades básicas como alimentación, descanso y limpieza 1. Papá 2. Mamá 3. Abuelo/a 103
Abuso sexual Tocamientos, violación 1. Familiar 2. Persona conocida 9
Bullying Gritos, insultos, golpes, burlas Compañeros/as de la escuela 131

It ranks 32 of the state migratory intensity, with 10 847 homes, of which 5.43% receive remittances. It has an index of marginalization of -0.57894, which means that their degree of marginalization is average and ranks 52 in the state; however, it is noteworthy that 56.7% of its communities have a high rate of marginalization among those covered 9 of the 16 communities surveyed for purposes of this investigation (COESPO, 2010), thus, girls and boys of the village Huichapan belong to a vulnerable, rural, high poverty problems in most sectors, a situation that led to the increase in child abuse among the population, a feature that has been crucial for these children suffer abuse in their homes. Starting from this assumption, it is considered that violence affects a greater extent to certain sectors of the population, as are rural and indigenous areas, where the level of poverty tends to be higher (Contreras, 2001).

Figure 1. Location. 

The issue was approached from a qualitative method (Sampieri, 2010). The target population were children from 6-14 years of age who were enrolled from 1st to 6th grade of primary school, 16 rural communities: Bondojito, Boyé, Dantzibojay, Dongoteay, El Cajón, El Carmen, El tendido, Hacienda Comodejé, Llano Largo, Pedregoso, Vitejhé, Xajay, Yonthé, Zequetejé, Zothé; and the county seat; the only urban area considered in our sample; the sample unit was 18 primary schools basic education, of which 16 are public and are located in rural areas as well as public and private that are located in the county seat; is I surveyed 1 506 infants, of whom 743 are children and 763 are girls, for the selection of the sample was used as a criterion the dropout rate from 2% and reprobates from 1% to primary level due that violence in Mexico is a key determinant of dropout (UNICEF Mexico, 2014), based on data from the National Schools Information System of the Ministry of Public Education 2012-2013 (SEP, 2012- 2013).

To carry out the field work, he had the support 8 applicator surveys is received training for the correct application of the data collection instruments. A questionnaire consisting of 27 closed reagents, divided into two parts, the first focused on knowing the relationship of the child and family environment was designed. The second part refers to the relationship of the child or the child and their educational environment. The instruments were applied by group with a guide applicator for correct answer, the children who were in first and second grade was applied in a personalized way, because they could not read and write or had deficiencies to do. For data analysis the SPSS system and pivot tables in Excel was used.

Analysis and discussion

From information derived from the data obtained, it can be said that today in the city of Huichapan most students at the elementary level are girls with 50.7%, although there are still communities in predominantly male students, as is the case Bondojito, Comodejé, El Cajón, Sabina Grande, Xajay, Yonthé y Zothé. According to the study by the World Mother State (Save The Children, 2006), and World Bank data (World Bank, 2014) shows that children are those who have had and have greater opportunity to access the education. In the case of Mexico in 2012, the number of school age children attending primary school was 211 401; while the number of girls was only 79 665. For Huichapan, this figure is reversed in most of the schools surveyed, however there is still much work to do. It is important that girls continue to access increasingly to education, because in addition to being a right, is paramount to achieve gender equality in access to education, because with this, you will achieve a better life, that will guarantee them are adult assertive, empowered with greater opportunities for advancement (ONU-women, 2004).

The main problems experienced by the families of the municipality of Huichapan seen from the perception of girls and boys are: 1). 46% say their parents do not spend quality time with them. I do not spend their time for recreation and family game; 2). 35% mentioned that his family has lack of financial resources to cover expenses and more basic household needs; This confirms the high level of poverty living in rural areas of the municipality of Huichapan; and 3). 34% say they currently have at least one member of the family sick, this situation generates anxiety and concern, coupled with the lack of financial resources and the rurality of the place by the lack of health centers in your area, this situation It gets worse. 30% say that someone in their family is out of work, affecting them to a greater extent when the unemployed person is the parent, and that girls and boys in this age are completely dependent on his family situation is closely related to the lack of economic resources and poverty.

And finally 21% are as a major problem the absence of the father; is understandable concern in this regard, as in childhood, maternal and paternal figures are essential for the proper development of children, because will completely depend on their parents. It is to draw attention to girls and children do not perceive significant problems violence between family members, alcoholism or any of them; these data show two scenarios, the first, they do not realize it because there really this problem in the municipality, which is almost impossible because of bad treatment manifested itself by their families; second, that the issue of family violence, including child abuse, coupled with alcoholism as the main risk factor that generates violent behavior in people, are so everyday actions that are fully approved by the members of the family and society, which are not made visible far reported (SSP Gobierno Federal, 2010; OMS, 2014; Aranda, 2014).

Earlier evidence has prevented real data today about the problem of child abuse worldwide are taken. In the specific case of the municipality of Huichapan it observed that ill-treatment are still part of the family dynamic, which does not allow girls and boys perceive them as bad or as a problem.

In Table 2, the following findings emerged: according to the Centre for Social Studies and Public Opinion (2005) domestic violence in Mexico occurs in one in three households, the main causes of child abuse are: economic as monetary deprivation and unemployment in the family; social, such as drug or alcohol abuse, family disintegration; biological and physical limitations in minor neurological damage; and emotional and inability of parents coping, emotional immaturity, low self esteem, lack of expectations and problems between couples that lead to the child abuse, skipping the basic requirements for training and development. All these causes have been detonated in child abuse within households Huichapan township.

The statements of girls and children, psycho-emotional abuse is the main affecting huichapense childhood, since 100% of the surveyed population reported receiving such abuse in its various forms, in addition to which it is present in all types of abuse, but mainly arises when girls and boys are insulted, ignored or testify in person or heard domestic violence and violence against women, a situation which in most cases is difficult to prove unless the mother denounces (SNDIF, 2011; OMS, 2014); This type of problem has been increasing in recent years, its features make it difficult to detect, because it shows no visible physical injuries for medical-legal certification.

Conclusions and proposals

When violence is starring girls and boys, it indicates the great discomfort that is experiencing a society. The municipality has Huichapan children starring in this terrible reality. Live, talk and interact with you in a different atmosphere to your home and away from his attackers, allowed to enter a different world, where the only voice was that of childhood; restless and cheerful but sometimes, quiet and sad.

Working with children showed a different face of child abuse, a different perspective. Gaps that have schools where they study were observed; where in some rural schools have only two or three teachers, including two of them have only one teacher, this situation means that these professionals make titanic to fulfill the commitment they have with all these children work. Even with its shortcomings, these schools become, for many children, in a safe place and relief; that is why on this occasion was the ideal time to apply the questionnaires and get very important conclusions as the following location:

Most families consist of nuclear shape, however, migration is a phenomenon that living the huichapenses families, and that affects the emotional dynamics of families, leaving the majority of them headed by a single adult figure, which mostly is the mother, because it forces parents, mostly mothers and in their minority, they have to leave their homes and with them to their children in order to meet the needs of your family. While girls and children do not perceive this as a problem, it does affect them emotionally by the lack of maternal and paternal image that are irreplaceable.

Violence between family members is not a problem they perceive girls and boys, not because they exist, but because this has become part of family dynamics and resolution of conflicts among these, regardless of whether they are displayed alarming rates in these areas. The results related to the ill-treatment of girls and boys are raised and these show the power relations that exist within the family, where and younger are those repercussions these actions.

In this understanding, some actions that help to promote respect for the rights of girls and children, and to prevent, detect and address timely and correct the problem of child abuse and displayed are the following:

In the social: the social welfare institutions such as the System for Integral Family Development (DIF), the Attorney for the Defense of Children and Family and the Municipal Agency for Women Huichapan Township, train your staff or incorporate specialized professionals in care for children victims of child abuse. Providing courses, counseling and workshops in schools to four focus groups, children from 1st to 3rd grade children from 4th to 6th grade, parents or guardians of family and teachers, managers and administrative staff about child abuse; forming a multidisciplinary group (health sector, psychology, social work, legal) to deliver these courses. And create a hotline, social network, etc. where girls and boys have access to express their problems and provided with timely and appropriate attention to their age.

In legal: it is necessary to create a specialized legal framework in line with reality lower, that is efficient to resolve conflicts and provide support to victims of abuse; train and sensitize and imparting justice and mediators in the field of child abuse and family violence, who know the complexity of the issue and avoid revictimizarlas.

Health: all girls and children in need of medical attention for reasons of abuse, immediate, compulsory, free quality.

In education: that training to teachers and the issue of child abuse and family violence, being designed specialized courses for children within the curriculum to learn to recognize a risky situation and report should be victim. A space is created, in all primary schools level, suitable to provide psychological care throughout the school year. That all primary schools have a file for each student, which contains the history of personal, social, medical and academic life, facilitating support you with appropriate monitoring.

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Received: November 2015; Accepted: January 2016

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