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Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas

Print version ISSN 2007-0934

Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc vol.7 spe 14 Texcoco Feb./Mar. 2016



Evidence of climate change in the state of Tabasco from 1961-2010

Benigno Rivera Hernández1 

Lorenzo Armando Aceves Navarro2  § 

Agrícola Arrieta Rivera3 

José Francisco Juárez López2 

Jesús Manuel Méndez Adorno2 

Carlos Ramos Álvarez2 

1Universidad Popular de la Chontalpa-Ingeniería en Agronomía. Carretera Cárdenas-Huimanguillo, km 2.0, R/a Pazo y Playa, Cárdenas, Tabasco. C. P. 86500. Tel: 01 937 3727050. Ext. 7027. (

2Colegio de Postgraduados-Campus Tabasco. Carretera Cárdenas-Huimanguillo km 3.5. Tel: 937 3722275. Ext. 5002. (;;

3Instituto Tecnológico de la Zona Olmeca. Prol. Ignacio Zaragoza S/N, Villa Ocuiltzapotlán, Centro, Tabasco, México. (


Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Model (AOGCM's) at regional level and for different scenarios, indicate that by the end of this century, in Tabasco the temperature can increase from 1 to 3.8 °C and annual precipitation can decrease to 14.4%. That is what regional scale models report. Little has been investigated with observed data at regional level to compare these scenarios with what has happened in reality. The objective was to determine whether the meteorological data for the period of 1961-2010 recorded any trend of change in maximum, minimum, average temperature and precipitation and thus determine the direction and magnitude of change at regional and state level. The results shown in the graphs and tables in this study indicate that during the time period under study, there is evidence of change over time for the variables analyzed. It was found that change trends are not uniform, but contradictory for different variables and studied localities. In some localities the change of a single variable is positive and in others negative. Statewide, the average temperature has increased 0.9 °C over the period under study, with fluctuations -0.6 °C to 2.5 °C between state regions. Also, for the same period, there was an increase in the anomaly of the average annual total precipitation of 0.5% with fluctuations between regions of -12.1% to 10.2%.

Keywords: local climate change; Tabasco


Modelos ensamblados de Circulación General de la Atmósfera y Océano Acoplados (AOGCM’s) a nivel regional y para diferentes escenarios, indican que para finales del presente siglo, para Tabasco la temperatura puede incrementarse desde 1 a 3.8 ºC y la precipitación total anual puede reducirse hasta 14.4%. Eso es lo que modelos a escala regional reportan. Poco se ha investigado con datos observados, a nivel regional para comparar esos escenarios con lo que ha ocurrido en la realidad. El objetivo fue determinar si los datos meteorológicos durante el periodo de 1961 a 2010 registran alguna tendencia de cambio en la temperatura máxima, temperatura mínima, temperatura media y la precipitación y con ello determinar el sentido y magnitud del cambio a nivel regional y estatal. Los resultados que se muestran en las gráficas y cuadros del presente estudio indican que durante el periodo de tiempo estudiado, sí existe evidencia de cambio respecto al tiempo para las variables analizadas. Se encontró que las tendencias de cambio no son uniformes, sino contradictorias para las diferentes variables y localidades estudiadas. En unas localidades el cambio de una misma variable es positivo y en otros negativos. A nivel estatal, la temperatura media anual se ha incrementado 0.9 ºC durante el periodo estudiado, con fluctuaciones -0.6 ºC a 2.5 ºC entre regiones del estado. Asimismo, para el mismo periodo, se tuvo un incremento en la anomalía de la precipitación total promedio anual de 0.5% con fluctuaciones las regiones de -12.1% a 10.2%.

Palabras clave: cambio climático local; Tabasco


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stated that global warming is happening (IPCC, 2013). According to this panel, today there is a 90% confidence that the observed global warming is due to rising greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of anthropogenic origin and that the increase in global temperature has been 0.74 °C in the past 100 years (IPCC, 2007).

Climate change alters temperature, cloudiness and precipitation patterns, and therefore, the evapotranspiration and available soil moisture patterns (Hatfield et al., 2011; Ojeda et al., 2011; Ruiz et al., 2011). These changes in weather patterns will have profound effects on plant growth and productivity in near future (Attipalli et al., 2010). The increase in global temperature favors the rise of evaporation (Woodhouse et al., 2010) and evapotranspiration (Topete et al., 2014) in many regions, causing a decrease in growing season (Ruiz et al., 2000a; Zarazúa et al., 2011) and therefore yield (Hatfield et al., 2011;. Ojeda et al., 2011).

Moreover, the increase in temperature will cause a redistribution of arable land (Orozco et al., 2014). Some cultures will see an increase in their surfaces (Ramírez-Ojeda et al., 2014) others will have a reduction in cultivated area and reduced yields (Ruiz et al., 2000b; Zarazúa et al., 2011).

The National Institute of Ecology (INE) today National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC), by analyzing the impact that global warming could cause at local and regional level, was given the task to generate scenarios of climate change at regional level for different scenarios and time horizons, generating maps of Mexico for temperature and precipitation anomalies for the horizons 2020, 2050 and 2080 (Conde and Gay, 2008). To accomplish this, used 23 Atmosphere-Ocean General models assembled in General Circulation of the Atmosphere and Ocean trailers (AOGCM's) that take into account the forcing factors that determine the potential economic and environmental future scenarios. The forcing factors are: population, economy, technology, energy, land use and agriculture.

The maps resulting from the application of AOGCM`s show that by the end of the century the temperature can increase from 1 to 3.8 °C in Tabasco for the most favorable and less favorable scenario respectively. Similarly, report that for most of the state's total annual precipitation won´t change, except for some small coastal areas with reductions of up to 14.4%.

Studies on the dynamics of the coastal areas from Tabasco and reported in PEACC from the state of Tabasco, show that in various sections of the coast the mean sea level is increasing on average 7 mm year-1; with retreat rates ranging from 1.28 to 6 m year-1. That is, sea is invading land to that average speed (SERNAPAM, 2011).

Currently little has been investigated on local climate change with observed climate data which to determine whether there is evidence of change in temperature and precipitation regionally and compare proposed scenarios by INECC with what happened in reality. This work focused on determining if meteorological data from 1961-2010, recorded a trend of change in the maximum, minimum, average temperature, atmospheric temperature range and precipitation. And, if there is climate change determine the direction and magnitude of it at regional and state level.

Materials and methods

Location of the study area

Tabasco is located in the southeastern region of Mexico between 18° 38' and 17° 15' north latitude and 90° 38' and 94° 07' west longitude. Neighboring to the north with the Gulf of Mexico, south of the state of Chiapas, west with Veracruz, northeast with Campeche and southeast with Guatemala. It has an area of 24 751 km2 integrated by 17 municipalities from five regions: the Chontalpa (which includes the municipalities of Huimanguillo, Cardenas, Comalcalco, Paraíso, Cunduacán), Sierra (which includes the municipalities of Teapa, Tacotalpa and Jalapa), los Pantanos (Macuspana, Jonuta and Centla), los rios (formed by the municipalities of Balancán, Tenosique and Emiliano Zapata) and el Centro (formed by the towns of Nacajuca, Jalpa de Mendez and Villahermosa) (INEGI, 2015).

Selected weather stations

Daily data of maximum and minimum temperature and precipitation for a period of 50 years (1961-2010) from five representative localities, one for each region were used. The daily data were extracted from the database contained in Eric III v.3.2 program which contains the information of the national historic data bank from the National Weather Service (IMTA, 2013). In Table 1 are listed the five selected weather stations from the state of Tabasco, which were used for this study. Also, describes information from the station like code, latitude, longitude and meters above sea level.

Table 1 Representative weather stations of each of the five regions from the state of Tabasco. 

Procedure in data analysis

For the analysis of the possible change of trend in temperature and precipitation in the five selected localities, the following steps are performed:

  1. The daily data of maximum and minimum temperature and precipitation for the period 1961 to 2010 by collected from the database Eric III v.3.2 program (IMTA, 2013) were obtained and then transferred to an Excel spreadsheet for calculations.

  2. For each of the years from 1961-2010 the corresponding annual average was obtained for maximum temperature, minimum temperature, average temperature and total precipitation.

  3. The results from the five selected locations were combined to obtain a state average value for the variables mentioned above.

  4. The corresponding graphs were generated for those variables, regarding to their variation in time and underwent a regression analysis to determine their trend and obtain the direction and change rate over time.

  5. With rate data for each region, were generated the tables shown and discussed in these document.

  6. Due to space, only statewide average results are discussed from the resulting graphs in this document.

Results and discussion

Statewide results were used as graphic examples of the trends for the variables under study (maximum, minimum, average temperature and total annual precipitation); same shown in Figures 1 to 4. The resulting data from the representative stations for each of the five regions of the state and for the trends of these variables are shown in Tables 2 to 5. According to the results both the statewide and regionally, clearly shows the existence of changing trends for each of the variables under study.

Figure 1 Trend change of annual average maximum temperature in the state of Tabasco, from (1961-2010). 

Figure 2 Trend change in annual average minimum temperature in the state of Tabasco, during the period (1961-2010). 

Figure 3 Trend change of average annual temperature in the state of Tabasco, during the period (1961-2010). 

Figure 4 Trend change in annual average atmospheric temperature range in the state of Tabasco, during the period (1961-2010). 

Table 2 Trend change in annual average minimum temperature in the state of Tabasco and its regions during the period 1961-2010. 

Table 3 Trend change in annual average temperature in the state of Tabasco and its regions during the period 1961-2010. 

Table 4 Trend change in annual average maximum temperature in the state of Tabasco and its regions during the period 1961-2010. 

Table 5 Trend change in average atmospheric temperature range in the state of Tabasco and its regions during the period 1961-2010. 

Changing trends in the annual average maximum temperature

Figure 1 shows that during the period 1961-2010 in the state of Tabasco, the maximum annual temperature increased on average 0.0222 °C per year, which is equivalent to an average increase of 1.1 °C in that 50 year period. To continue this trend in the future, for 2050 and 2100, increases expected in maximum temperature of 2 °C and 3.1 °C respectively. sAlso in Figure 2 can be observed that in the five regions positive trends occurred during the period 1961 to 2010 ranging from 0.2 °C for Chontalpa, up to 3.3 °C for los Rios. The regions that had less increase in their maximum temperatures were Chontalpa and Centro with 0.2 °C and 0.3 °C respectively; while the largest increases occurred in the region los Pantanos with 1.3 °C and Rios with 3.3 °C.

It is worth noting that increases in the latter two regions are very high and significant, as it is equivalent to the increases that assembled models have proposed for average temperature for the horizons 2050 and 2100 (Conde and Gay, 2008). That is, that locally the warming process in these two regions has accelerated regarding the average maximum temperature. Also note that the different global and regional scenarios that have been developed make their increase estimates in average temperature and nothing is said about trends of average annual maximum and minimum temperatures.

Trend change in average annual minimum temperature

Regarding the average annual minimum temperature from Tabasco are shown in Figure 2, during the period 1961 to 2010 there was a positive trend with a rate of 0.0114 °C per year, equivalent to an increase of 0.57 °C during this period. If the same trend continues, there would be increases of 1.05 to 1.6 °C for the horizons 2050 and 2100 respectively. Comparing Figure 1 and 2 can be seen that on average the maximum temperature at state level has increased almost twice than minimum temperature.

In Table 2, it becomes clear that among regions, there were positive and negative differences regarding trend change in the average annual minimum temperature. So while the Sierra region had a negative trend with a decrease of 0.2 °C, the rest of the regions showed positive trends with increases ranging from 0.5 °C for Pantanos and 1.1 °C for Centro. This means that nights have been warming during the study period for those four regions. Probably the albedo of the City of Villahermosa and flooding condition in Pantanos region explain the differences in the positive trends. Similarly, it is possible that the location of the Sierra region explain the cooling that has occurred during the study period. The Rios region had a significant increase of almost one degree (0.8 °C), ranking second in increases in the minimum annual temperature in the state of Tabasco.

Trend change in annual average temperature

Figure 3 shows that the trend in average temperature in the state of Tabasco was positive during the period 19612010, with an average increase of 0.86 °C. If the same trend continues, it is expected for 2050 and 2100 that the average temperature will increase 1.54 and 2.39 °C respectively. That is, that by the end of the century it would be expected an average increase in average temperature of 2.39 °C. The observed increase in Tabasco is slightly above the world average observed in the average global temperature as reported by the IPCC (2007).

Also, expected increases are consistent with the resulting maps for Mexico from the simulation of 23 Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Model reported by Conde and Gay (2008). These results indicate that by year 2050 and for the state of Tabasco, an increase between 0.8 to 2.4 °C is expected for the best and worst case scenario (B1 and A2); and an increase between 1.0 and 3.8 °C by 2100 for B1 and A2 scenarios respectively. Table 3 shows that the five regions show a positive trend change in average temperature, with increases ranging between 0.3 °C for Sierra region and 2.1 °C for Rios.

In the last region, the increase is strongly influenced by the increases observed in the maximum temperature; as can be seen in Table 4. If the trend continues in the increase of average temperature observed in Tabasco allows confirming that some plant and animal species can adapt to new conditions, even some of restricted distribution could extend their habitat as reported by Arriaga and Gómez (2005).

Trend change in annual average atmospheric temperature range

The atmospheric temperature range (OSC) is the difference between the maximum minus the minimum temperature.

Analyzing the oscillations along 50 years allows discriminating whether the change in annual average temperature is primarily due to increases in maximum temperature or to minimum temperature. That is, if the warming is due to the day is being heated more than the night or that the night it being heated more than the day. Thus, a decrease in atmospheric temperature range may mean that the minimum temperature has been increasing more than the maximum temperature while an increase in the atmospheric temperature range can mean that the maximum temperature has been increasing more than the minimum temperature. Figure 4, shows that for the state of Tabasco, the annual average atmospheric temperature range has a periodic behavior with a negative trend period (1961-1984) and another with positive trend (1984-2010); and with an overall positive trend, with an average increase of 0.0114 °C per year, equivalent to an increase of 0.6 °C for a 50 year period.

This can be explained by observing the average values of the maximum and minimum temperature from the state of Tabasco in Figures 1 and 2. In these figures, it is shown that the maximum temperature has been increasing on average, almost twice than the minimum temperature. I.e., the increase of atmospheric temperature range over time is due to higher increase in the maximum temperature. These results at state and regional level contradict that mentioned by the IPCC globally; arguing that global warming is explain by a higher increase in night temperatures (IPCC, 2007 and 2012).

In Table 5, it can be seen that at the regional level, there were opposite trends. While in the Chontalpa and Centro region the trend was negative, in the rest of the regions was positive. Thus, in Chontalpa and Centro region, the atmospheric temperature range decreased -0.6 °C and -0.9 °C respectively, because the average minimum temperature rose almost 3 and 4 times more than the maximum temperature, as seen in Figure 4. That is, in Chontalpa and Centro, the nights have been warming more than the day. This situation is consistent with that indicated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2007, 2013). But for Sierra, Pantanos and Rios region the atmospheric temperature range show a positive trend of 0.8, 1.3 and 3.3 °C respectively. Tables 2 and 3, show that in these regions the maximum temperature during the study period has increased almost 5, 3 and 4 times more than the minimum temperature. That is, that the day has been warming more than the night.

Trend change in average annual total precipitation

The scenarios indicate trend change for precipitation, anomalies reported in percentage of total annual precipitation in deviations regarding the mean (IPPC, 2007). Importantly, the results of the trend change in average annual total precipitation in the state of Tabasco had minimal anomaly of 0.5% during the study period (1961-2010). This means that the state average amount of precipitation did not vary during that time. This is shown in Figure 5, where the annual increase rate was 0.21 mm year-1, with an accumulation in the 50-years study of 10.7 mm.

Figure 5 Trend change in annual average total precipitation in the state of Tabasco, during the period (1961-2010). 

If the same trend continues, it would be expected by 2050 and 2100 an average increase in annual total precipitation of 19.2 and 29.9 mm respectively; negligible values compared to annual total. However, at regional level there were differences in trend change, as the Sierra region showed a negative trend, while the rest of the regions it was positive, as shown in Table 6. In the same table note that the decrease in total annual precipitation in the Sierra region was 416.4 mm, while the increases in the other regions ranged from 17.9 mm for Pantanos to 201.8 mm for Centro: with anomalies that fluctuated between + 10.2% for Centro, + 1.1% for Pantanos and -12.1% for Sierra region. It is important to note that abnormalities in total annual precipitation observed in the study period, and those expected in the different scenarios for 2050 and 2100 horizons are consistent with the scenarios reported for Tabasco by Conde and Gay (2008).

Table 6 Trend change in average annual total precipitation in the state of Tabasco and its regions during the period (1961-2010). 


Regional level, the precipitation had significant decreases in the Sierra region and significant increases in the Centro region; highlighting the Rios region has significantly increased the average temperature in 2.1 °C. In Chontalpa and Centro regions the nights have been warming more than the days, with decreases in atmospheric temperature range of 0.6 and 1.1 °C respectively. However, in the Sierra, Pantanos and Rios regions, the days have been warming more than the nights, with increases in atmospheric temperature range of 0.8, 1.3 and 3.3 °C respectively.

Statewide, there was an increase in average annual total precipitation of 0.5% with fluctuations between state regions of -12.1% to + 10.2%, and the average annual atmospheric temperature range has a periodic behavior with a positive total net trend. Showing that in the state of Tabasco, on average, the days have been warming more than nights in 0.6 °C. These results at local level, with observed data contradict the expected by the models used by the IPCC, who claim that global warming is caused mainly by increases in night temperatures.

Literatura citada

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Received: November 2015; Accepted: February 2016

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