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Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas

Print version ISSN 2007-0934


VALLE-MOYSEN, Rosalía et al. Osmoconditioning of pigmented maize seeds (Zea mays L.) Bofo and Celaya. Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc [online]. 2017, vol.8, n.5, pp.1073-1086. ISSN 2007-0934.

In this research, seeds of two maize races, with PEG or potassium nitrate plus gibberellic acid, were osmo-conditioned to estimate its effect on the variables: germination, weight and length of radicle and seedling, titratable acidity and electrophoretic pattern of proteins; they were soaked (hypoxia, “soak test”) and the response was quantified. The objective was to contribute to the characterization of the native maize of México that are sown under rainfed conditions. The Bofo and Elotes Occidentales maize showed the highest imbibition with KNO3 + gibberellic acid for 12 h. The germination percentage after soaking was higher with KNO3 + gibberellic acid for 6 h and was superior to the control. As for the length of radicle and plumule, the treatments exceeded the control in both counts. With Elotes Occidentales, after the soaking test, the treatments were superior to the control in plumule length. The osmoconditioned seed showed a tendency to have a longer plumule and radicle length and a higher percentage of germination when the seed was subsequently subjected to soaking. The electrophoretic patterns are very similar, indicating a great similarity at the biochemical level among the studied races; a finer fractionation is desirable in extracting proteins and more sensitive techniques for the detection of differences.

Keywords : Zea mays L.; abiotic stress; germination; vigor.

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