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Revista mexicana de ciencias pecuarias

On-line version ISSN 2448-6698Print version ISSN 2007-1124

Rev. mex. de cienc. pecuarias vol.7 n.3 Mérida Jul./Sep. 2016



Evaluation of the broiler meat quality in the retail market: Effects of type and source of carcasses

Youssef A. Attiaa 

Mohammed A. Al-Harthia 

Mohamed A. Korisha  b 

Mohamed M. Shiboobc 

aArid Land Agriculture Department, Faculty of Meteorology, Environment and Arid Land Agriculture, King Abdulaziz University, P.O. Box 80208, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia, Tel:+966568575961, correo electrónico: Correspondencia al primer autor.

bDepartment of Food and Dairy Science &Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Damanhour University. Egypt.

c Environmental Department, Faculty of Meteorology, Environment and Arid Land Agriculture, King Abdulaziz University. Saudi Arabia. Funding agent: The Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR) at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, under grant no. 155-313-D1435.


The aim of this work was to document the variability in the quality and nutrient content of broiler meat in the retail market of Jeddah city (Saudi Arabia) come from two types of broiler carcasses: frozen and fresh. There are also three sources within each type (A, B, C) and (D, E and F), respectively. These were evaluated using 45 carcasses from each type, i.e. 15 carcasses from each source, collected over three months. The meat types (frozen/fresh) and the sources within each type had a significant influence (P<0.05) on carcasses appearances and defects, including skin weight, and breast and leg parameters. In addition, physical qualities (pH, drip loss, lightness and yellowness) and chemical composition (dry matter, crude protein, Ca, P, Na and K content) were significantly affected by each type of meat and sources within the types. The quality of broiler meat in the retail market was shown to be significantly different in terms of customer selection to fulfil their recommended daily allowance. This difference in meat quality showed potential for the nutritious quality to be boosted. This suggests that consumers of meat can enhance their nutrient intake through being careful about their shopping. Furthermore, such variation shows the necessity of constant practice within husbandry and production, in terms of the implementation of regulations and aspects of new quality -controls. Based on the nutritional contents as stated by the market authorities, this may impact on consumers’ wellbeing.

Key words: Meat quality; Nutrient profiles; Retail market; Broilers


El objetivo fue documentar la variabilidad en la calidad y contenido de nutrientes de la carne de pollo en el mercado de la ciudad de Jeddah (Arabia Saudita) proveniente de dos tipos de canales de pollos de engorda: congelados y frescos. También hay tres orígenes dentro de cada tipo (A, B, C) y (D, E y F), respectivamente. Estos fueron evaluados usando 45 canales de cada tipo, es decir, 15 canales de cada origen, seleccionadas durante tres meses. Los tipos de carne (congelada o fresca) y los orígenes dentro de cada tipo tuvieron una influencia significativa (P<0.05) en la apariencia y defectos de las canales, incluyendo peso de la piel y características de pechuga y pierna. Además, las cualidades físicas (pH, pérdida por goteo, ligereza y color amarillo) y la composición química (materia seca, proteína cruda, contenido de Ca, P, Na y K) fueron significativamente afectadas por cada tipo de carne y origen dentro de los tipos. La calidad de la carne de pollo en el mercado minorista mostró ser significativamente diferente en cuanto a selección del cliente para cumplir con su ingesta diaria recomendada. Esta diferencia en la calidad de la carne demostró potencial para impulsar su calidad nutritiva. Esto sugiere que los consumidores de carne pueden aumentar su ingesta de nutrientes a través de ser cuidadosos con sus compras. Además, dicha variación muestra la necesidad de la práctica constante en la cría y producción, en cuanto a la aplicación de normas y aspectos de nuevos controles de calidad. Basándose en el contenido nutricional declarado por las autoridades del mercado, esto puede impactar en el bienestar de los consumidores.

Palabras clave: Calidad carne; Perfil nutrientes; Mercado minorista; Pollo


Poultry meat is one of the principle animal protein supplies for human consumption. Purchases of poultry meat are not totally based on price but also non-price characteristics such as convenience, freshness and origin of the product1. Poultry meat is delicious, easy to digest, and contain nutrients that meet the recommended daily allowances for human2. It is found in different forms on all food tables and is cheaper than other meat sources.

The quality of poultry meat is a particularly complex issue that may be evaluated from various standpoints. From a consumer and marketing perspective, carcass yields, appropriate carcass scores, good aesthetics, sensory and nutritional parameters are all desirable traits. In general, poultry meat is a considerable source of nutrients such as proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals. It also has a relatively low fat content3. In this respect, the chemical composition of muscle tissue is an essential constituent of the quality of poultry meat4,5; which depends on a number of biological factors including: genotype, sex and age3,6,7 . Among the environmental factors that affect meat quality traits there is dietary composition of poultry3,8,9. Regarding the profiles and intake of nutrients, feed type can to some extent influence the chemical composition of meat 10,11,12. In addition, rearing practice, health of broilers, environmental conditions, slaughter practices, storage and handling of meat are of importance13,14, as well as the difference between fresh and frozen meat15,16. Lately, the broiler husbandry system has been significant due to the fact that the modern market is totally dictated by the price and quality of broiler meat17-20.

The chemical composition of poultry products is an important constituent in terms of consumption and from a wellbeing perspective of human. Therefore chemical composition has considerable influence on the consumption of meat and its health consequences21. Meat protein, lipids and minerals (Ca, P, K, Na and Fe) are critical in the nutrition of both humans and chickens. Accordingly, minerals are usually added to poultry diets22. In this regard, levels and sources of dietary minerals have strong effect in terms of their accumulation in animal tissues and products, as well as excretion and resulting build-up in the environment21,23. Nowadays there is an increasing interest in enhancing meat with several nutrients which have human health benefits24,25. Therefore, documentation of broiler meat quality essentially needs to take into account the variability in the actual meat quality in terms of external and internal nutrient profiles such as protein, lipids, Ca, P, Na, K and Fe minerals, in order to monitor the quality of broiler meat in the retail market and help to develop quality control guidelines.

Material and methods

Meat source

A total of 90 whole broiler chicken carcasses were randomly collected from six sources named A, B, C, D, E and F, chosen from a big retail market, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia during April-June 2014. The sample represented two types of broiler chickens carcasses: imported frozen (A, B and C) and locally produced fresh (cold) carcasses (D, E, and F) . The frozen carcasses were one from France and two from Brazil. The sample size was five carcasses per source, replicated three times, resulting in 15 broiler carcasses per source. The carcasses were from the A grade and 1 kg weight classes, and had similar production and expire dates. However, the details of husbandry practice were not available from the producing companies. The rearing, husbandry and feeding practice were according to broilers management guide. It is well known that broilers are fed commercial diets that meet the requirements for dietary nutrients and were supplied with feed and fresh water ad libitum. Broilers were slaughtered in automatic slaughter houses according to the Islamic method.

Carcass appearance and presence of defects

Carcass appearance and presences of defects were evaluated using a scale of five where 5= excellent. This was conducted using complete carcasses and parts with the whole skin on. A score of 5 signified the following: the skin was free from tears; the flesh was free from drying-out; there was a perfect covering of fat under the skin; and lastly there were no defects such as contusions, unusual colouration, feathers, broken bones and viscera. In addition, complete broilers and parts of broilers were totally fleshed and meaty. Scale 4= good, signifying that carcasses were free of most of the above-mentioned defects and had only one defect. Scale 3= fair, signifying carcasses that had two or three above-mentioned defects. Scale 2= poor, signifying carcasses which had four to five defects. Lastly 1= bad, where carcasses had an unacceptable appearance and most of the defects listed above were in evidence.

Meat yield

Carcasses were cut into different parts such as breast and legs to obtain absolute and relative weights (as relative to the carcass weight). Absolute and relative weights of meat and bone yield were done using the deboning method to obtain the meat and bone of breast and leg parts. Abdominal fat was separated and absolute and relative weights of abdominal fat were calculated relative to the carcass weight. In addition, the carcasses were deboned and absolute and relative weight of meat and bone, abdominal fat, breast and legs were calculated.

Meat physical characteristics

Thaw loss of the frozen carcasses was determined according to loss in carcass weight after keeping the carcass at room temperature for 12 h. Carcasses were cut into two halves, and the right side of the carcasses was skinned and deboned and meat was minced using a meat mincer (Moulinex- HV8, France). Water retention capacity (WRC) was determined according to Hamm26 and adapted by Garcia et al27.

The meat pH was measured with an InoLab digital pH 720 meter (Germany) after homogenisation of 1 g of raw muscles for 30 sec in 10 ml of distilled water 28. The colour of the breast muscle surface was measured according to Combes et al29 using a colorimeter (Model CR-300, Minolta, Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan) and expressed as Hunter values: L* (lightness), a* (redness) and b* (yellowness). Myoglobin content was determined according to Chaijan et al30.

Cooking loss were determined by measuring the differences in the weight of the leg before and after cooking in boiled water for 30 min31 as follows: Cooking loss=(leg after cooking - leg before cooking)/leg before cooking × 100.

A filter paper assay was applied to determine the drip loss32. A 10 g section of breast fillet was kept under conditions that simulate retail sales. Samples were placed on polystyrene trays, covered with permeable plastic film, and stored at 4 ± 1 °C for 24 h. Drip loss was calculated by the difference between initial and final weights, reported on the initial weight and multiplied by 100.

Meat chemical composition

Dry matter, fat, protein and ash contents were determined according to AOAC33, using five pooled samples per treatment, collecting the same type of meat three times per meat source. The method numbers used were 934.01 for dry matter; 954.01 for crude protein; 920.39 for ether extraction, and 942.05 for ash33.

Meat mineral composition

Concentrations of Ca, K, Na and Fe were determined using a Varian ICP-Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP -OEM): Varian 720-ES34. Phosphorus concentrations were determined utilizing flame spectrophotometry technique35.

Statistical analyses

The resulting data were statistically analysed according to SAS(36) using the PROC nested according the following model: Yijk= μ + Ci + Bij + eijk. Where Yijk= observed value of the dependent variable, μ = Overall mean, Ci= Carcass type effect (Frozen vs fresh), Bij= Source within type effect, eijklm= Experimental error of random distribution (0, σ2). The significance of the differences were tested at P<0.05 for all means37. All percentages were transformed to their corresponding arcsine before running the analyses. Correlation analyses were also done to obtain the relationship between the different meat quality traits.

Results and discussion

External carcass quality

Fresh (cold) carcasses had significantly superior carcass appearances and lower defects (7.8 %) than frozen carcasses, but lower skin weight (10.7 %) and a lower skin weight percentage (11.8 %) (Table 1). The low quality of frozen carcasses may be due to more handling during distribution, retailing and customers’ selections, and longer storage periods than fresh (cold) carcasses. Bird handling represents the greatest cause of downgrading and loss of quality38. Poor carcass quality will definitely reflect in poorer meat quality39. However, also the freezing technique can affect the carcass and meat quality as freezing process can affect the water fraction of the meat40. With the freezing of water, the concentration of the remaining solutes (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins and minerals) increases, thereby upsetting the homeostasis of the complex meat system40. The changes in the immediate environment of the muscle fibers affect the cell membrane characteristics, which in turn affect the quality of the meat41.

Table 1 Effect of meat type and different source in the retail market on carcasses characteristics (LS mean ± SE) 

Parameters Carcass appearances Carcass weight Thaw loss Skin weight Skin weight Abdominal Abdominal
and defects (g) (%) (g) (%) fat (g) fat (%)
Meat type
Frozen 3.85±0.081 990.3± 5.34 - 50.3±1.57 10.2±0.333 10.4±0.82 1.04±0.082
Fresh 4.15±0.061 996.1± 5.46 - 44.9±1.29 9.0±0.252 11.7±0.61 1.18±0.062
Source of meat
Frozen A 4.34±0.063a 998.4± 9.29 4.15±0.405c 55.5±2.41a 11.2±0.579a 10.5±1.61b 1.05±0.159b
Frozen B 3.54±0.151c 986.6± 8.31 5.80±0.479b 48.2±2.42b 9.8±0.478b 9.8±0.605b 0.999±0.063b
Frozen C 3.67±0.093c 985.9±10.33 7.98±0.805a 47.3±2.98b 9.6±0.621b 10.8±1.85b 1.09±0.184b
Fresh D 4.34±0.105a 1003.2± 9.45 - 42.0±1.32c 8.4±0.247c 10.4±0.888b 1.03±0.088b
Fresh E 4.24±0.067a 997.7±10.82 - 47.2±2.83bc 9.5±0.559bc 10.4±1.02b 1.05±0.109b
Fresh F 3.90±0.111b 987.4± 8.06 - 45.6±2.23bc 9.2±0.427bc 14.4±0.931a 1.46±0.090a
Statistical analyses
Meat type 0.001 0.445 - 0.002 0.002 0.108 0.107
Source of meat 0.001 0.615 0.001 0.018 0.029 0.037 0.029

SE= Standard error, n= 15 per source of each type.

a,b,c Differences among means within a column within each factor not sharing similar superscripts are significant (P<0.05).

There was a significant effect (P<0.05) of carcass sources on most of the external carcasses traits except for absolute carcass weight due to the choice of carcasses of the same category of weight. The results showed that source A of the frozen carcasses and D and E of the fresh carcasses had superior carcass appearances compared to the other sources (P<0.05). In addition, source F of the fresh carcasses had higher carcass appearance than sources B and C of the frozen carcasses (P<0.05). The external traits of carcasses can strongly affect consumer purchase decision as it is one of the main factors affecting consumer’s choice42 even if other factors as price, convenience, freshness and origin of the product can influence poultry meat purchase1.

Thawing loss of the frozen carcasses was significantly (P<0.05) greater in C than in B and A sources. In addition, source B had higher thawing loss than source A (P<0.05). Increased thawing loss indicates low quality of carcass and this may be affected by age, handling processes, quality of packaging and storage conditions38,43 as well as freezing and thawing techniques which can affect drip losses40. Meat spoilage increases with increased length of display and storage and varies significantly between fresh and frozen carcasses44,45,46.

The absolute and relative weights of the skin were significantly greater for source A of the frozen carcasses than that of the other sources of frozen or fresh carcasses. In addition, source B and C of the frozen carcasses had heavier absolute and relative weight of skin than source D of the fresh carcasses. The increase in weight and percentage of the skin may reveal higher fat/collagen content38, and this has been shown to be affected by the strain, age and nutritional plan of broilers48.

The absolute and relative weights of the abdominal fat were significantly heavier in source F of the fresh carcasses than those of the other sources of frozen and fresh carcasses. Abdominal fat in broiler carcasses has been found to be affected by broiler genotypes, feed restriction and nutritional plans, particularly in terms of dietary concentrations of protein or essential amino acids or energy38,49. Increasing abdominal fat may be undesirable and has a negative impact on consumer health49, but also in consumer choice as in recent years consumers preference for leaner carcasses has increased50.

Breast meat characteristics

Fresh carcasses had significantly (P<0.05) greater absolute and relative weights of breast, absolute breast meat weight and absolute breast bone weight than frozen one (Table 2). However type of meat did not affect percentage of breast meat and breast bone (P>0.05).

Table 2 Effect of meat type and different source of frozen and fresh meat in the retail market on breast meat criteria (LSmean ± SE) 

Parameters Breast weight Breast weight Breast meat weight Breast meat weight Breast bone Breast bone
(g) (%) (g) (%) (g) (%)
Meat type
Frozen meat 192.3± 5.78 38.8±1.14 138.2±3.78 72.6±1.26 46.9±2.81 27.4±1.26
Fresh meat 242.7± 3.79 48.8±0.767 179.9±3.16 74.2±0.704 58.8±2.59 25.8±0.704
Source of meat
Frozen A 196.6± 8.1 39.5±1.77 146.7±5.78 75.1±2.22a 44.6±4.30cd 24.9±2.22b
Frozen B 188.8± 9.9 38.3±2.01 138.4±5.79 74.1±1.76a 42.7±5.15d 25.9±1.76b
Frozen C 191.5±12.2 38.7±2.22 129.6±7.52 68.6±2.29b 53.7±4.92bc 31.4±2.29a
Fresh D 238.9± 8.2 47.7±1.71 175.1±5.64 73.5±0.989a 54.8±5.48b 26.6±0.986b
Fresh E 246.9± 6.19 49.5±1.00 180.8±6.20 73.1±1.41a 66.5±4.12a 26.9±1.41b
Fresh F 242.2± 5.35 49.1±1.22 183.9±4.58 75.9±1.17a 54.9±3.18b 24.0±1.17b
Statistical analyses
Meat type 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.209 0.003 0.209
Source of meat 0.771 0.724 0.093 0.016 0.032 0.016

a,b,c Differences among means within a column within each factor not sharing similar superscripts are significant (P<0.05), n=15 per source of each type.

The meat sources significantly (P<0.05) influenced not only the breast meat weight percentage, but also the breast bone weight and breast bone percentage. The results showed that within frozen carcasses, the A and B sources exhibited similar breast meat percentages, and were significantly (P<0.05) greater than that of source C. The latter group had also significantly smaller values than the different fresh sources.

Source B of frozen meat had significantly smaller breastbone weight than another frozen source (C) as well as the different sources of fresh carcasses, showing smaller bone to meat ratio: a desired trait. Source C had an intermediate value that did not differ from most of the other groups except for group E of the fresh carcasses. Within the fresh carcasses, source E had greater bone weight than the other sources. The relative weight of breast bone of frozen source C was significantly greater than that of the other sources of frozen carcass as well as the various sources of fresh meat. Carcasses with a high breast meat yield and high meat to bone ratios display a desired trait for consumers, due to increased meat quality in terms of the breast meat and low bone content. Several factors such as protein, amino acid and genotype have been reported to affect breast meat yield of broiler chickens21,51.

Leg meat characteristics

Fresh carcasses had significantly greater leg meat characteristics than frozen carcasses except for the percentage of leg meat (Table 3). Source of carcass had a significant effect on the different characteristics of leg meat. Within frozen carcasses, source C had significantly greater leg weight and percentage than sources A and B. In addition, source F had greater leg percentage than the various sources of frozen carcasses. These trends are contrary to the findings with regards to breast meat characteristics, indicating a reverse relationship between breast meat and leg meat formation. The leg meat percentage of frozen source A was significantly greater than the other frozen sources as well as the different sources of fresh carcasses, which in turn did not show significant differences between them.

Table 3 Effect of meat type and different source of frozen and fresh meat in the retail market on leg meat parameters (LS mean ± SE) 

Parameters Leg weight Leg weight Leg meat weight Leg meat weight Leg bone Leg bone
(g) (%) (g) (%) (g) (%)
Meat type
Frozen 166.0±1.98 33.5±0.369 110.9±1.61 66.8±0.729 48.0±1.34 33.2±0.729
Fresh 182.8±1.64 36.7±0.289 118.3±1.53 64.3±0.807 59.8±1.60 35.2±0.807
Source of meat
Frozen A 159.0±1.79b 31.9±0.410d 111.0±2.01 69.8±1.06a 41.5±1.63d 30.2±1.06b
Frozen B 163.6±2.97b 33.1±0.434c 107.0±2.92 65.4±1.28b 50.2±3.11c 34.6±1.28a
Frozen C 175.5±3.85a 35.6±0.644b 114.6±3.15 65.3±1.14b 52.4±2.26bc 34.7±1.14a
Fresh D 183.2±2.53a 36.5±0.498ab 121.7±2.82 66.5±1.48b 57.0±2.89ab 33.5±1.48a
Fresh E 182.6±3.36a 36.6±0.534ab 117.8±2.71 64.7±1.37b 61.4±2.45a 35.3±1.37a
Fresh F 182.5±2.79a 37.0±0.501a 115.4±2.29 63.4±1.31b 61.1±3.00a 36.6±1.31a
Statistical analyses
Meat type 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.034 0.001 0.034
Source of meat 0.001 0001 0.068 0.012 0.007 0.012

abcd Differences among means within a column within each factor not sharing similar superscripts are significant (P<0.05), n=15 per source of each type

Absolute and relative weights of leg bone were significantly lower for frozen source A than for other sources of both types of carcasses. In addition, frozen source C had significantly smaller leg bone weight than the other sources of fresh carcass. The increase in leg meat of frozen source A concurred with a decrease in leg bone, indicating an increase in the meat to bone ratio: a desired trait. Differences in leg meat could be attributed to: strains, age, and the nutritional regimen48,51.

The carcass weights show weak to moderate positive correlations with: thaw lass (r=0.817; P=0.001); breast weight (r=0.218; P=0.039); breast meat (r=0.237; P=0.025); leg weight (r=0.402; P=0.001); and leg meat (r=0.447; P=0.001). Similarly found correlation between the intact upper arms and the skin, bone and muscle to be significant at r=0.60, 0.50 and 0.95, respectively45. In addition, there was a positive relationship between thaw loss and carcass defects (r=0.433; P=0.003), and a negative relationship between carcass defects and breast weight (r= -0.218; P=0.0388), breast meat (r=-0.305; P=0.003), leg weight (r=-0.259; P=0.0125) and leg meat (r=- 0.320; P=0.002). Skin weight similarly showed a slight negative correlation with leg weight (r=-0.279; P=0.007) and leg meat (r= -0.241; P=0.0219). Breast weight had a positive correlation with breast meat (r=0.894; P=0.001); breast bone (r=0.600; P=0.001); leg weight (r=0.452; P=0.001); leg meat (r=0.288; P=0.006); and leg bone (r=0.463; P=0.001). Breast meat showed a similar magnitude of correlation with breast bone, leg meat and bone. A weak positive correlation between breast bone and breast meat (r=0.344; P=0.009), and leg bone (r=0.359; P=0.005) was observed. In addition, leg weight showed a positive, moderate correlation with leg meat (r=0.633; P=0.001) and leg bone (r=0.629; P=0.001).

Meat physical characteristics

Fresh carcasses had significantly (P<0.05) lower: pH, drip loss, yellowness (Table 4). However their lightness was greater. This indicated that fresh carcasses were of superior quality compared to the frozen meat. Consistent with these results, other study45 found also a strong relationship between physical appearances and odour of the meat: both criteria were negatively influenced by increasing length of display or storage. The differences in pH and drip loss could be attributed to different glycolysis rates post-mortem, and are in line with those reported by other researchers52,53. On the other hand, it is reported47 that frozen storage had no marked influence on pH change and organoleptic attributes such as appearance, flavour, texture and overall palatability, except for juiciness, however there are very important freezing and thawing techniques39.

Table 4 Effect of meat type and different source of frozen and fresh meat in the retail market on physical quality of meat (LS mean ± SE) 

Parameters WRC Drip loss Cooking loss Lightness Redness Yellowness Myoglobulin
pH (cm2/g) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Meat type
Frozen 6.46±0.05 367.9±2.01 8.73±0.809 28.5±0.543 46.7±0.786 9.16±0.239 10.85±0.313 5.68±0.410
Fresh 6.39±0.044 71.2±2.40 4.94±0.259 29.3±0.494 48.0±0.634 9.51±0.181 9.21±0.169 6.23±0.689
Source of meat
Frozen A 6.40±0.086 71.5±2.92 9.22±1.06 27.8±0.584 48.8±1.31a 9.96±0.439a 12.58a0.528a 4.99±0.221
Frozen B 6.51±0.099 66.5±4.29 9.92±1.95 27.7±0.507 45.3±1.39b 8.72±0.415b 10.91±0.641b 5.85±0.872
Frozen C 6.48±0.091 65.7±3.09 7.06±0.969 30.2±1.38 46.1±1.37b 8.79±0.377b 9.05±0.310c 6.19±0.875
Fresh D 6.46±0.090 71.6±4.62 4.95±0.305 29.3±1.09 48.9±1.17a 9.92±0.329a 9.47±0.263c 7.98±1.77
Fresh E 6.32±0.063 73.5±4.21 5.40±0.583 29.8±0.916 46.7±1.03ab 9.49±0.296a 9.21±0.329c 4.85±0.746
Fresh F 6.39±0.076 68.6±3.80 4.48±0.413 28.9±0.477 48.2±1.08a 9.13±0.312b 8.95±0.286c 5.85±0.189
Statistical analyses
Meat type 0.299 0.293 0.001 0.282 0.031 0.063 0.001 0.480
Source of meat 0.736 0.715 0.349 0.266 0.008 0.001 0.001 0.191

WRC= Water retention capacity; SE= Standard error.

abc Differences among means within a column within each factor not sharing similar superscripts are significant (P<0.05), n=15 per source of each type. pH= The time escape from slaughter to pH measurements was within 48 hrs for fresh meat, and it can’t be determined for frozen meat, but the carcasses for frozen meat were within the usage time.

Differences between frozen and fresh carcasses in WRC, cooking loss, redness and myoglobin were not significant (P>0.05). However, the different sources did have a significant (P<0.05) effect on the meat colour. The results demonstrated that within the frozen carcasses, source A had significantly greater lightness, redness and yellowness than sources B and C. There was only a small difference (P<0.05) between sources B and C in terms of yellowness, showing a greater value for B than for C. Within the fresh carcasses, a significant difference (P<0.05) was only shown in redness with source F having a lower value than D and E. Differences in meat colour could be attributed to the genetic origin of the broilers, as well as dietary pigmentation content38,48. These differences may also reflect differences in carotenoid content and hence antioxidants. In addition, meat colour can be influenced by: the age, sex, and stress of birds; as well as, intramuscular fat, moisture content, pre-slaughter conditions, and several processing variables54,55. Furthermore, amount of pigments such as myoglobin and haemoglobin within the muscles can also affect the meat colour. Pearson correlation coefficient analyses among the dry matter and the different physical characteristics of meat demonstrated a lack of relationship except for pH correlated with dry matter (r=0.605; P=0.001) and weakly with WRC (r=0.428; P=0.001).

Nutrient profiles

Fresh carcasses had lower (P<0.05) dry matter and crude protein than the frozen carcasses (Table 5); and also superior juiciness than the frozen meat. Differences in the lipid and ash percentage were not significant (P>0.05). Onibi45 found that moisture and lipid contents of meat samples were 69.89 and 4.58 % respectively, and they were similar to the values in this report. The meat sources had no significant effect within either frozen or fresh types, in relation to the nutrient profiles of meat. Similar conclusions were cited by several researches48,52,56, attributing the differences in chemical composition of broiler meat to genetic origin and nutrition plans10-12. On the other hand, Santosh et al46 indicate fresh chicken dressed under different condition reveal marked differences in their physic-chemical and microbiological qualities. These differences among different experimental results could be attributed to genetic factors i.e. stress, age and sex of birds and non-genetic factors such as feeding regimen, housing condition and husbandry practice12.

Table 5 Effect of meat type and different source of frozen and fresh meat in the retail market on chemical composition (LS mean ± SE) 

Dry matter Crude protein Lipids Ash
Parameters (%) (%) (%) (%)
Meat type
Frozen 30.2±0.978 19.3±0.108 6.55±0.354 0.993±0.006
Fresh 27.6±0.415 18.9±0.089 5.99±0.154 0.990±0.005
Source of meat
Frozen A 30.7±1.30 19.4±0.158 6.75±0.617 1.000±0.011
Frozen B 29.6±1.84 19.3±0.202 6.18±0.671 0.988±0.011
Frozen C 30.2±2.19 19.2±0.226 6.70±0.657 0.990±0.013
Fresh D 26.9±0.21 18.9±0.156 5.54±0.817 0.990±0.007
Fresh E 26.8±0.49 18.8±0.171 6.14±0.156 0.996±0.009
Fresh F 29.0±1.14 18.9±0.167 6.31±0.366 0.984±0.008
Statistical analyses
Meat type 0.006 0.014 0.181 0.750
Source of meat 0.925 0.888 0.695 0.823

n=15 per source of each type

Correlation between three (organic compounds) out of four nutrients in meat was significant with moderate to high magnitudes of correlation. The relationship between dry matter and protein (r=0.796; P=0.001) and lipids (r=0.906; P=0.001) were positively significant and high. In addition, the correlation between protein and lipids were positively significant and moderate (r=0.595; P=0.0005). However, ash percentage did not correlate with dry matter, protein or lipids. Hence, dry matter showed a strong relationship with the organic compounds in meat rather than the inorganic compounds. This could be explained by the greater distribution of protein and lipids (96 %) compared to ash (3 %).

Mineral content

Table 6 displays the impacts of the various types and sources of meat on their minerals content (Ca, P, Na, K and Fe). The overall mean of minerals content of meat are in acceptable range reported by USDA in National nutrient data base standard references release 27 for broilers and mature, and those reported by different studies57-60. However, it should be mentioned that source A of frozen carcasses showed the lowest values of minerals, except for phosphorus and iron and can account for the variability in mineral contents of the present samples. Mineral contents in meat were found to be affected by feeding, management practice, slaughter age, storage and handling conditions and instruments used in mineral determination59-61. The results showed that K is the predominant element followed by Na, Ca, P and Fe. Similar findings were reported by other research groups57-59. These authors reported that the mineral content of broiler meat was affected by dietary vitamin and mineral contents, sex of chickens, dark vs light meat (i.e. breast vs leg), disease status, and age at slaughter.

Table 6 Effect of meat type and different source of frozen and fresh meat in the retail market on meat mineral contents (mg/100 g as a dry matter basis) (Mean ± SE) 

Parameters Calcium Phosphorus Sodium Potassium Iron
Meat type
Frozen 29.3±2.74 19.6±2.84 94.8±2.27 199.0±2.53 1.09±0.387
Fresh 38.6±2.83 12.4±2.95 129.3±2.35 208.8±2.61 1.08±0.401
Source of meat
Frozen A 18.9±4.9c 16.2±5.1 90.3±4.1d 196.4±4.5c 1.02±0.693
Frozen B 35.1±4.4b 21.3±4.7 89.4±3.7d 202.6±4.1bc 1.06±0.621
Frozen C 34.0±4.8b 21.4±5.2 104.7±4.3c 198.0±4.7bc 1.21±0.674
Fresh D 32.8±4.7b 10.8±5.1 120.4±4.2b 206.8±4.6b 0.73±0.687
Fresh E 34.9±4.9b 14.1±5.3 134.3±4.4a 217.1±4.5a 1.03±0.694
Fresh F 48.2±4.8a 12.4±5.1 133.1±4.5a 202.4±4.8b 1.47±0.712
Statistical analyses
Meat type 0.005 0.029 0.0001 0.002 0.927
Source of meat 0.003 0.798 0.001 0.046 0.384

abcd Differences among means within a column within each factor not sharing similar superscripts are significant (P<0.05), n=15 per source of each type.

Fresh meat had significantly (P<0.05) higher Ca, Na, and K than frozen carcasses, but P was lower. On the other hand, iron was not significantly (P<0.05) different among types (frozen vs fresh) and sources of meat. The lower Ca, Na and K measurements in the frozen meat demonstrate the negative effects of freezing, handling and thaw on the cell membranes, causing loss of essential elements and hence reducing the nutritious value of meat. It was found that source F of fresh meat had the greatest levels of Ca while source A of frozen meat had the lowest value. The F and A groups were also different (P<0.05) than the other groups of frozen and fresh meat. In addition, source B and C of the frozen carcasses and D and E of fresh meat had similar Ca concentrations.

There was no significant difference in meat P among different sources of frozen and fresh meat. Differences in Na content was obvious within the frozen meat, showing greater Na in source C than that of the other sources. Within the fresh meat, sources E and F exhibited greater Na content than source D. The potassium content of fresh source E was significantly (P<0.05) greater than that of the other sources. Differences within the frozen meat were not significant (P> 0.05), but sources D and F of fresh meat did exhibit significantly greater K content than only source A of the frozen meat. K is an essential element, needed for many body functions22,60.

The negative effect of freezing process on nutritive value of meat, in terms of its mineral content (Na, Ca, P and K), may be due to cold shock, which results in damage of the cell membranes and leakage of minerals. It is well known that meat minerals play a significant role in enzymatic processes, influencing muscle pH and hydration of protein. In this regard, elements such as Na, K, Ca and Mg play an important role in maintaining osmotic pressure and the electrolyte balance in the cells and tissues, hence they also play an essential role in regulating the hydration of meat21,23. Moreover, P found in meat, in the form of phosphates, plays a significant role in maintaining WRC61,62.

In most cases, correlation analyses between the mineral contents of meat showed that correlation between the five minerals was generally absent except for a significant positive moderate correlation between Na and Ca (r=0.575; P=0.003) and K (r=0.449; P=0.011). In addition, a weak, negative correlation was observed between Fe and K (r=-0.479; P=0.015). The correlation between physiochemical characteristics of meat and meat mineral Na, Ca, K, P and Mg was low in most cases (61). Furthermore, it depends on the cut type, such as breast vs leg. In red muscle, an increase in K is correlated with lower WRC, with a pH of 2, at 15 min and 24 h post- mortem, along with higher cooking loss. They also reported a moderate positive relationship between P content and pH at 15 min, but a moderate negative correlation between P and yellowness.

Conclusions and implications

Overall, the quality of broiler meat in the retail market, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia during April-June 2014 was shown has significant values for customer selection to fulfil their recommended daily allowance(63). The difference in meat quality had a potential for boosting the quality of the meat in terms of nutritious worth. This suggests that consumers can enhance their nutrient intake being more careful about their shopping. This variation also demonstrates the necessity for consistent practice of husbandry and production, and implementation of regulations. There is scope for new quality control regulations, based on nutrient contents, in terms of the impact this may have on consumers’ wellbeing.


This work was supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR), King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, under grant No 155-313-D1435. The authors, therefore, gratefully acknowledge with thanks the DSR technical and financial support.


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Received: May 26, 2015; Accepted: October 27, 2015

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