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Revista mexicana de ciencias pecuarias

On-line version ISSN 2448-6698Print version ISSN 2007-1124

Rev. mex. de cienc. pecuarias vol.14 n.1 Mérida Jan./Mar. 2023  Epub Mar 24, 2023 


Scale of production and technical efficiency of beef cattle farming in Puebla, Mexico

José Luis Jaramillo Villanuevaa  * 

Lissette Abigail Rojas Juáreza 

Samuel Vargas Lópeza 

a Colegio de Postgraduados Campus Puebla. Boulevard Forjadores de Puebla No. 205, Santiago Momoxpan, Municipio de San Pedro Cholula, 72760, Puebla, México.


The objective of this study was to estimate the degree of technical efficiency and identify the factors of inefficiency of beef cattle production in the Sierra Norte of Puebla, Mexico. The data were generated by surveying a statistical sample of 180 bovine production units (BPUs). Technical efficiency was estimated using the Stochastic Production Frontier and the explanation of inefficiency was estimated with a multiple linear regression model. The results indicate that the size of the BPU is positively correlated with efficiency; the small BPU group showed an average efficiency of 0.72, the medium ones 0.75 and the large ones 0.85. Feed and labor costs can be reduced, while maintaining the same level of production. The significant (P≤0.05) explanatory variables of inefficiency are schooling, technical assistance, experience, and administrative management.

Key words Cattle; Technical efficiency; Production scale; Production frontier


El objetivo de este estudio fue estimar el grado de eficiencia técnica e identificar los factores de ineficiencia de la producción de bovinos de carne en la Sierra Norte de Puebla México. Los datos se generaron mediante encuesta a una muestra estadística de 180 unidades de producción bovina (UPB). La eficiencia técnica se estimó usando la Frontera de Producción Estocástica y la explicación de la ineficiencia se estimó con un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple. Los resultados indican que el tamaño de la UPB está correlacionada positivamente con la eficiencia; el grupo de UPB pequeños mostró una eficiencia media de 0.72, los medianos de 0.75 y los grandes de 0.85. Los costos de alimentación y de mano de obra pueden reducirse, mientras se mantiene el mismo nivel de producción. Las variables explicativas significativas (P≤0.05) de la ineficiencia son la escolaridad, la asistencia técnica, la experiencia y la gestión administrativa.

Palabras clave Ganado bovino; Eficiencia técnica; Escala de producción; Frontera de producción


According to official data1, in 2017 Mexico produced 3.5 million tons of live cattle and 1.9 million tonnes of beef. National consumption for 2019 was 1.83 million tonnes. National production, in the last 15 yr, shows a mean growth rate (MGR) of 1.6 %, while demand grew at a MGR of 0.21, reflecting a fall in consumption, explained by the increase in prices2. In this regard, per capita consumption went from 18 kg in 2007 to 15.1 in 2017. However, in 2017 imports totaled 136 thousand tonnes3.

In Mexico, non-specialized beef production presents difficulties in being profitable, especially that carried out by small and medium-sized bovine production units (BPUs), which obtain negative or very low rates of return4. This type of BPU was one million in 2018. According to the 2014 National Agricultural Survey 5, 62 % of the BPUs have 1 to 10 heads, 26 % from 11 to 35, 9.9 % from 36 to 120, and 1.6 % more than 120 heads. Therefore, approximately 88 % of BPUs are small. Given the importance of this sector and of cattle to generate family income, it is necessary to support their development through the analysis of the technical-economic factors that have a greater impact on their productivity6.

A factor that negatively affects the economic profitability of small farmers is the low productivity and technical efficiency at the level of BPU7. Another important factor is the growth rate of inputs, which is higher than that of the price of the output8. Therefore, the challenges posed by the problems described can be addressed through the improvement of the productive efficiency of BPUs. Productive efficiency can improve the profitability of BPUs through lower costs and greater supply to the market.

Productive efficiency9 is defined as the situation in which a cattle production unit (CPU) that produces a single product can improve its production only if it increases the use of at least one of its inputs. The literature on efficiency focuses on two aspects; measurement of technical and economic efficiency and sources of inefficiency. Efficiency studies have been carried out in a wide variety of agricultural production activities; grains10; vegetables11, dairy12, and coffee13. In the world, few studies have addressed efficiency in beef cattle14,15,16. In these it was found that there are significant deviations from the efficient production frontier.

In Mexico, Morales-Hernández et al17 conducted the only available study of beef production efficiency in Mexico. They found that for small producers, as factors of production increase by a certain proportion, production grows less than proportionally. On the other hand, for the large ones, as the factors increased by a certain proportion, production grew in greater proportion. It is not necessary to increase the amount of feed or the area of pasture to increase the total amount of beef, but the number of animals.

The study of the efficiency of BPUs and the sources of inefficiency are therefore important from a practical and political point of view. On the one hand, farmers could use this information to improve the productivity of their farm. On the other hand, policymakers could focus interventions to improve producer income18.

The objective of this study was to address this gap in knowledge by estimating the degree of efficiency, and to identify the factors of inefficiency of beef cattle production in the Sierra Norte of Puebla, Mexico, from an econometric perspective.

Material and methods

For the present study, seven municipalities of the Sierra Norte of Puebla were selected (Table 1). The study area was located at coordinates 19° 59' 10'' and 20° 34' 20'' N; 97° 19' 97'' and 97° 47' 98'' W. The altitude ranged from 10 to 1,700 m asl. The climate is warm humid with abundant rainfall all year round, except the municipality of Xicotepec, which has a humid semi-warm climate. The vegetation is composed of pasture (35 %), jungle (13 %) and forest (6 %)19. These municipalities contribute 32.1 % of cattle production at the state level3.

Table 1 Distribution of the sample size 

Municipality Population (N) Participation (%) Sample (n)
Francisco Z. Mena 6791 11.31 54
Venustiano Carranza 11898 19.82 36
Tenampulco 3909 6.51 27
Pantepec 17919 29.86 20
Xicotepec 4734 7.89 18
Jalpan 8860 14.76 14
Ayotoxco de Guerrero 5909 9.85 12
Total 60020 100 180

The methodology consisted of four stages: the first was the knowledge of the region, where the survey of the area was carried out, and interviews were conducted with leading producers and technicians to know general aspects of cattle farming; the second was the design of the sampling, of a simple random type, with proportional distribution, according to the number of producers in each municipality. The population used corresponds to 60,020 BPUs, reliability was 95 % and accuracy was 7.5 % of the herd size mean, resulting in a sample size of 180 BPUs. The third stage consisted of the design, testing and application of questionnaires, distributed proportionally in the municipalities of the study (Table 1). The fourth stage was the statistical analysis of the data derived from the questionnaire, which were organized into sociodemographic, technological, and economic variables.

The economic characterization of the cattle production units with the aforementioned variables is very useful for producers, since it allows them to know the behavior of their company and they can make decisions in their activities to minimize costs, improve productivity and profitability of the company. Therefore, it is important to distinguish between accounting costs and economic costs.

The cost accounting perspective emphasizes expenditures incurred, historical costs and depreciation. Economic costs represent the opportunity cost of the factors of production. One way to differentiate between these two approaches is to analyze how the costs of various factors (labor, capital, or business services) and the accounting or monetary costs, which are the costs incurred by the production unit for the purchase of inputs and assets at market prices20, are defined.

For the purposes of this research, the total costs (TC) are the result of the sum of fixed costs (FC) and variables costs (VC) (TC = FC + VC). Fixed costs are those charges assumed by the production unit regardless of its level of production, including the option of zero productions. Variable costs are those that change depending on the level of production of the LPU. Total costs include: the cost of total labor, based on the sum of eventual labor (brush clearing and fertilizer application), and permanent labor (commonly known as payment for the cowboy and the flotante), which they require annually for cattle handling; cost of inputs (feed, medicines and others); and the cost of machinery and equipment (including depreciation rate of each asset, considering a value of 10 % per year).

The basis for defining the strata of herd size was the segmentation of livestock units of SAGARPA21, which considers a stratum A made up of 20 heads or less, stratum B from 21 to 50 heads, and stratum C made up of a herd greater than 50 heads. The above to serve the CPUs in a differentiated way. Once the groups were formed, the following were carried out: econometric analysis; estimation of the stochastic production frontier and estimation of an explanatory model of inefficiency.

Stochastic frontier model

The assumption of a production of a stochastic nature means that the level of production of a unit of production is limited superiorly by a stochastic frontier, which can be modeled as in Equation 1:

Y=f(x)+ε,ε=v-u (1)

Where the error term is composed of two parts; a random perturbation v , symmetric that is assumed to be identically and independently distributed with mean 0, and u is a non-negative error term, which is distributed independently of v, following a one-tailed distribution22. The random component represents events that are not controllable by the CPU (climatic, social, economic, and political phenomena), while u collects the distance of each company to its stochastic frontier, representing a measure of technical inefficiency23. Therefore, the Stochastic Production Frontier (SPF) is described by Equation 2:

Y*=fx+v (2)

For SPFs, the technical efficiency index for enterprise i can be calculated with Equation 3:

TEi=Yifx+vi (3)

The SPF is first proposed in the 1970s of the last century24,25 where they considered24 the case in which u is semi-normally distributed, that is, u-N0,σu and v normally distributed. The implications at the conceptual level of PF being stochastic are very important for the interpretation of inefficiency. As Schmidt24 says, “the farmer whose harvest is devastated by drought or a storm is unfortunate with our measure, but inefficient with the usual measure”. An important limitation of the first estimates of SPF is that only the average efficiency of the sample was calculated, and it was not possible to obtain a measure of the efficiency of each company. Later developments26 managed to find a measure of individual efficiency using the conditional distribution of u in ε. The technical efficiency index for each firm i is:

TEi=exp-Euiε1 (4)

The most commonly used measure of TE is the ratio of observed production and the corresponding stochastic production frontier, as in Equation 5:

TEI=qiexp(xi´β+vi=exp(xi´β+vi-ui)exp(xi´β+vi)=exp(-ui) (5)

This measure of technical efficiency takes a value between zero and one. It measures the output of the i-th CPU relative to the output that a fully efficient CPU could produce using the same input vector. The first step in calculating the TE is to estimate the parameters of the stochastic production frontier model:

Estimation of parameters

Because model 9.2 includes random terms; the symmetric error (v i ) and a non-negative random variable (u i ), the selected estimation method includes assumptions about both terms. Each v i is distributed independently of each u i and both are uncorrelated with the explanatory variables. Additionally, the noise component v i is assumed to have properties identical to those of the classical linear regression model. The inefficiency component has similar properties except that it has a non-zero mean (ui ≥0), so Ordinary Least Squares cannot be used. One solution is to make some distribution assumptions regarding the two error terms and estimate the model using the maximum likelihood (ML) method.

Half-normal model

ML estimators were obtained24 under the following assumptions: vi=iidN(0,σv2) and ui=iidN+(0,σu2). This indicates that the v i are normal random variables distributed independently and identically with means and variances zero and the ui are semi-normal random variables distributed independently and identically with scale parameter. That is, the probability density function (pdf) of each ui is a truncated version of a normal random variable that has zero mean and variance σu2.

The log-likelihood function was parameterized24 for this half-normal model in terms of σ 2 = σ v 2 + σ u 2 and 𝜆 2 = 𝜎 𝑢 2 / 𝜎 𝑣 2 ≥0. If 𝜆=0, there are no technical inefficiency effects and all deviations from the frontier are due to noise. Using this parameterization, the maximum likelihood function is represented in Equation 6:

InLyβ,σ,λ=-12Inπσ22+i=11InΦ-εiλσ-12σ2i=11εi2 (6)

Where, y is an output vector; εivi-uiInqi-xi´β is the compound error term; and Φx is a cumulative distribution function (cfd) of the standard normal random variable evaluated at x.

The empirical analysis is based on the estimation of a Cobb-Douglas production function in which both output and inputs are expressed in logarithmic form (Equation 7), so that the estimated coefficients are interpreted as elasticities27.

Ln(Yi)=β0+β1LnARE+β2LnLA+β3LnASS+β4LnHEA+β5LnFEED (7)

In this model, the dependent variable (Yi) is the value of cattle production of the CPUs. The explanatory variables are;

ARECAT is the area for cattle, in hectares owned by the BPU.

LA is the cost of the labor used in production.

ASS is the value of assets; value of machinery, equipment, and production facilities used in the cattle activity.

HEA is the expenditures in health; veterinary supplies and services.

FEED is the cost of feeding; cost of meadow maintenance and supplementary feeding.

Model of individual efficiencies

The estimated model of individual efficiencies (Equation 7) considers the measures of inefficiency estimated in the first stage as a dependent variable. Explanatory variables are a set of variables that hypothetically affect the performance of the CPU6. The literature reports as the most common explanatory variables the age of the head of the CPU, they level of schooling, experience in the activity under study, characteristics of the CPU, administration, and environmental factors, among the most cited28-31. The multiple regression model was that described in Equation 8:

Ui=δ0+δ1LnAge+δ2LnSchoo+δ3LnExper+δ4LnAdmon+δ5LnTA+ϑi (8)

Where: Age is the age of the head of the CPU; Schoo is the level of schooling (in years) of the head of the CPU; Exper are the years of experience in the cattle activity; Admon is a dummy variable that takes the value of zero if the CPU does not have an administration system and one if they have an administration system; TA is technical assistance, zero if they did not receive technical assistance and one if they received the service. The variables of the stochastic frontier model and of the individual inefficiency model are showed in Table 2.

Table 2 Variables used in the stochastic frontier production model 

Concepts Frequency Percentage
Gender of the head Woman 22 12.0
Man 162 88.0
Schooling of the head of the CPU Primary education 69 37.3
Junior High school 63 34.1
High school 33 17.8
Professional 20 10.8
Administration They do not have a system 114 61.6
They have a system 71 38.4
Technical assistance They did not receive 124 67.0
They did receive 55 33.0
Technological level Low 94 50.8
Medium 45 24.3
High 46 24.9
Strata [number of animal units (A.U.)] 20 or less 89 48.1
21 to 50 60 32.4
50 or higher 36 19.5
Variable Mean Standard deviation
Age of the head 56.0 13.4
Experience 22.2 13.3
Animal units 62.5 88.6
Meadow area, ha 64.9 129.4
Labor cost, $ 37,837 19,354
Health, $ 10,680 3,292
Feeding costs, $ 125,477 72,226
Assets; annual depreciation, $ 35,260 10,500
Net income, $ 83,488 20,824
Benefit cost (B/C) 1.31 0.26

Results and discussion

The owners of the BPUs in the Sierra Norte region of Puebla have an average age of 56 yr and range from 25 to 86 yr. The average schooling is 8 years; just under half of producers have completed primary education, 28.6 % finished junior high school and 29.2 % completed high school. The above characteristics are similar to those previously reported32 for the rural population of the state of Puebla. The experience of producers in the production of cattle was 27 yr, and they have received technical assistance in topics of feeding, animal health and carrying capacity.

Half of the CPUs (50.8 %) are dedicated exclusively to the production of live cattle, 22.2 % are supported by other commercial activities (leases, businesses, and transport), 16.8 % are supported by agricultural and fruit activities (coffee, banana, corn, orange, beans, and vanilla), and 10.3 % report other non-agricultural activities. The percentage of household income generated by non-agricultural productive activities was 55 %, a result similar to that reported in previous studies33.

The average herd size was 73 heads, with a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 657, which shows a great heterogeneity between the production units, hindering the conditions to compete and achieve a better production process34. The average area held by the CPUs for grazing was 64 ha and the value of their assets was $135,261 (vehicles, mill, warehouse, milking machine, silo, corral, drinkers, feeder, and scale). The average annual income reported was $83,666, equivalent to 10 % of the herd, for the sale of weaning calves and discarded animals. In the cost structure, feed represented 60 % of the total cost of production, contracted and family labor 18 %, fixed costs and depreciation of assets 17 %, and 5 % was the cost of health.

Results of the econometric model

The results of the stochastic frontier model, using the full sample, are shown in Table 3. The variables had the expected sign, according to economic theory. The positive sign means that increasing the use of the production factor increases production, while the magnitude of the coefficient accounts for the relative importance of each independent variable in explaining the dependent variable.

Table 3 Results of the fit of the stochastic frontier model 

Explanatory variable Coefficient SE t-statistic [95% confidence interval]
Area of pastures (ARE) 0.025 0.015 1.71* -0.023 0.073
Labor (LA) 0.263 0.068 3.89** 0.430 0.696
Value of Assets (ASS) 0.365 0.046 7.87** 0.456 0.274
Health (HEA) 0.411 0.081 5.07** 0.152 0.670
Feeding (FEED) 0.195 0.016 11.82** 0.053 0.327
Intercept -1.777 0.498 -3.57** -2.753 -0.802
sig2v -3.481 0.287 -12.13 -4.044 -2.919
sig2u -2.607 0.369 -7.06 -3.331 -1.884
sigma_v 0.175 0.025 0.132 0.232
sigma_u 0.272 0.050 0.189 0.390
sigma2 0.105 0.021 0.063 0.146
lambda and lambda2 1.370/1.88 0.072 1.408 1.688
gamma: γ=σu2/σs2 0.74

SE= standard error; * and** significant at 10 % and 5 % respectively.

The variables LA, ASS, HEA, and FEED are significant at 5 %. Area for cattle (ARECAT) was also found significant30 when studying factors influencing technical efficiency in southeastern Kenya in 2013; a 10 % increase in area for cattle resulted in a 29 % increase in cattle production. The LA variable was found to be significant by several authors31,35,36. In a study in Botswana36 conducted with four strata of producers, they found that increasing the amount of labor by 10 % increases producers’ profits by 15 % and 18 %, respectively. The ASS variable has not been identified as significant in the studies reviewed. In the present study, ASS has a positive effect on the production of cattle PUs, as expected by economic theory20. The variables HEA and FEED were also reported as significant14,30,31.

Regarding the fit of the model (7), the estimated stochastic production frontier showed a normal distribution of residuals (Shapiro-Wilks test), no serial correlation of errors (Durbin-Watson), no heteroscedasticity of variance and no autocorrelation or multicollinearity problems. In the values obtained from the general fitted model (Table 3), it was determined that cattle production presents increasing returns to scale (the sum of the coefficients is greater than the unit). To confirm this result, the test was performed for returns to scale, where a value of P= 0.03 < 0.05 was obtained, this causes the existence of constant returns to scale to be rejected6.

Regarding the inefficiencies of model 8, it was observed that the variance parameters of the maximum likelihood (ML) function are estimated from the total variance model defined as: σs2=σv2+σu2 and the estimated value in the model for the total variance ( 𝜎 𝑠 2 ) was 0.105. While the lambda value (%) resulted in 1.370, which shows that the variance of the efficiencies is greater than the variance of the random perturbations at 88 % ( 𝜆 2 −1) and the gamma value obtained from the relationship between the variances 𝛾= 𝜎 𝑢 2 / 𝜎 𝑠 2 states that 73.9 % of the total variance is explained by the variance of the inefficiencies.

The results of the stochastic frontier model for each stratum of cattle producers are shown in Table 4. Similar to the general model, the models for each estimated stratum showed normal distribution of residuals, no serial correlation of errors, no heteroscedasticity of variance, and no autocorrelation. The variables ARECAT, LA, ASS, HEA, and FEED are significant at 5 % in strata two and three.

Table 4 Results of the Stochastic Frontier model for the strata of CPU 

  Stratum 1 Stratum 2 Stratum 3
Variable Coefficient Z-value Coefficient Z-value Coefficient Z-value
ARE 0.094 1.85 0.027 2.27 0.073 3.31
LA 0.121 1.76 0.086 2.17 0.163 4.55
ASS 0.116 3.33 0.204 3.83 0.210 4.33
HEA 0.118 2.18 0.158 3.55 0.194 8.95
FEED 0.654 13.64 0.607 14.07 0.670 2.35
Constant 0.641 1.08 0.752 1.59 -1.267 -2.96
/lnsig2v -3.704 -24.7 -4.206 -23.02 -37.972 -0.06
/lnsig2u -13.129 -0.07 -13.419 -0.07 -2.339 -9.92
sigma_v 0.157 0.122 0.000
sigma_u 0.001 0.001 0.310
sigma2 0.025 0.015 0.096
lambda 0.009   0.010   5.460  

In stratum 1, only HEA and FEED were significant. One possible explanation is that small producers have lower quality pastures, without agronomic management, use family labor, little specialized, and the value of their assets is very low, reflecting low-technified CPUs. The feed variable is the one that has the greatest weight in explaining the production of the CPUs for the three strata. The value of assets has twice as much relative weight in strata two and three than in strata one, which means that these CPUs not only have greater investment in assets, but that it is modern and generates greater productivity. The models for strata 2 and 3 show increasing returns to scale, but not the model of stratum 1 which has decreasing returns to scale. In this regard37, in a study in the United States of America, it was found that as the size of the CPU increases, TE increases, which showed evidence of economies of scale. A possible explanation for the result of stratum 1 is that small producers have a low level of capitalization, low-skilled labor, and since they have little pasture area, they make intensive use, overexploiting the resource38,39.

Frequency distribution of technical efficiency(TE) by UPG stratum

The TE range for cattle producers was between 0.50 and 0.95. Of the total of the 185 CPUs, 29 % have values between 0.50 and 0.70, 63 % between 0.71 and 0.90, and only 8 % TE values greater than 0.90. Table 5 shows that stratum 3 presents most of the values of 0.91 or more. In this regard40, it was found that the CPUs with the largest number of animal units and the largest area for cattle presented the highest values of technical efficiency.

Table 5 Frequency distribution (percentages) of technical efficiency (TE) by CPU strata 

Strata (no. of heads) TE (0.50 - 0.70) TE (0.71-0.90) TE (> 0.91) Average
Stratum 1 (20 or less) 47.2 22.2 13.3 0.712
Stratum 2 (21 to 50) 41.5 33.3 0.0 0.751
Stratum 3 (greater than 50) 11.3 44.4 86.7 0.844
General 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.789

Results of individual inefficiencies

Table 6 shows the results of the individual inefficiencies model according to Equation (8). The significant variables, at different levels of significance, and with a negative coefficient, were Schoo, Exper, Admon and TA. The negative sign of the coefficients indicates an inverse relationship between the value of the explanatory variable and the value of the inefficiency. In this regard, previous studies28,30,36 have reported results that support the results of this study. It was found that more years of schooling reduces inefficiency in values very similar to those reported in this research. Similarly, in the case of the Admon(6,14,41) variable, they found an inverse relationship between having an administration system and inefficiency. For TA28,30,41, they reported that receiving this service contributes to reducing the inefficiency of the CPUs. In the present study, Age is not significant, a result supported by what was found in the literature30.

Table 6 General explanatory model of inefficiency 

Explanatory variable Coefficient Standard error t-value Interval
Age (age) 0.02 0.0212 1.1 -0.042 - 0.042
Schooling (Schoo) -0.23 0.0635 3.6 0.010 - 0.635
Experience (Exper) -0.12 0.0739 1.7 -0.012 - 0.024
Administration (Admon) -0.23 0.0824 2.5 -0.001 - 0.048
Technical Assistance (TA) -0.22 0.0136 14.9 0.176 - 0.230
Constant -0.47 0.799 -0.6 -0.626 - (-0.310)
Fit (R2)/R2 adjusted 0.7929 / 0.7859  
Heteroscedasticity(Cook-Weisberg) Prob> Ji2=0.000  
Normality: (Shapiro-Wilk) 0.00002  
Inflation factor variance 1.59  

The above results suggest that reducing inefficiency should be addressed by providing public technical assistance services, an activity that, in Mexico, has been at very low levels since the nineties. In this regard, in a study on the use of livestock innovations in Sinaloa7, it was reported that only 3 % of the PUs receive technical assistance services, and of these, the CPUs represent only 19.3 %. Training in the management of the CPU, including administrative services, should also be a central aspect, in addition to the technological issues of cattle farming.

Results of the technical inefficiency model by CPU strata

Table 7 reports the results of the model of technical inefficiency by strata of CPUs. For stratum 1, Age and Exper are significant, but not Schoo, Admon and TA. The producers of this stratum have low schooling, 6 years on average, have experience, and most do not have administration systems and do not receive any type of technical assistance services. For stratum 2, Schoo, Exper and TA are significant. It was observed that the years of schooling increase significantly for the producers of this stratum. Finally, for stratum 3, four variables are significant. It should be noted that the values of the coefficients are in the range of 0.13 to 0.28, which shows an important effect of these variables to reduce inefficiency. Therefore, improving administration systems and the quality of technical assistance are aspects that can lead these CPUs to be highly efficient14,30,41.

Table 7 Results of the technical inefficiency model by CPU strata 

Stratum 1 Stratum 2 Stratum 3
Variable Coef. t SE Coef. t SE Coef. t SE
Age -0.066 -2.15* 0.031 0.017 0.42 0.041 0.065 1.38 0.047
Schoo -0.001 -0.03 0.007 -0.184 -2.08* 0.088 -0.142 -2.59* 0.055
Exper -0.027 -2.30* 0.012 -0.126 -2.09* 0.060 -0.197 -4.28* 0.046
Admon 0.033 1.63 0.020 0.017 0.81 0.020 -0.281 -5.73* 0.049
TA 0.108 1.42 0.076 -0.150 -7.34* 0.020 -0.134 -5.56* 0.024
Constant -0.238 -2.10 0.113 -0.481 -2.97 0.162 -0.700 -3.89* 0.179
R2/R2 Adj. 0.7935 / 0.7884 0.8027 / 0.7904 0.8214 / 0.7945
D-W 0.0719 0.0005 0.0247
Normality 0.01219 0.69848 0.17108
VIF 1.4 1.23 1.7

SE= standard error; D-W= Durbin-Watson; VIF= variance inflation factor.

Conclusions and implications

The production of live cattle in the study region is carried out with a high degree of efficiency, however, there is significant room for improvement, especially in small producers. The most efficient producers have more schooling, receive technical assistance services, use administration systems, have more pasture area, more heads and use better animal health systems. Labor, health, food, and asset costs can be reduced while maintaining the same level of production. Small producers, which are the largest subsector in number, can improve their production by attending to food and health aspects, with the other variables constant. The use of technical assistance services reduces inefficiency, through a more intensive and appropriate use of available livestock technology. Due to the above, it is advisable to make these services extensive and permanent to all farmers, especially small farmers. The positive relationship between herd size and productive efficiency may be related to the benefits of economies of scale, in the case of medium and large producers, so financing to increase the herd can generate production and efficiency gains.

Literatura citada

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Received: October 04, 2019; Accepted: September 17, 2020

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