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Tecnología y ciencias del agua

On-line version ISSN 2007-2422


CARRENO, Ángela et al. Adecuación para consumo humano de propiedades físicas de aguas del río Carrizal, Ecuador, a través de microorganismos eficientes y filtración con zeolitas. Tecnol. cienc. agua [online]. 2020, vol.11, n.6, pp.368-399.  Epub June 15, 2024. ISSN 2007-2422.

With the objective of evaluating physical characteristics of waters for human consumption from the Severino, Julián and Balsa en Medio localities located in the micro-basin of the Carrizal River, Ecuador, treated by purification strategies, five treatments were evaluated: Incubated with 5 ml/l of EM•1® and filtered in Cuban zeolite; Incubated with 5 ml/l of EM•1® and filtered in Ecuadorian zeolite; Incubated with three doses of autochthonous microorganisms (5, 10 and 15 ml/l). The experimental design was completely randomized blocks, with four repetitions. Comparisons of means were made through orthogonal contrasts. It was found that regardless of the location and source of water sampled, statistically significant advantages were found for the variables turbidity, total solids and hardness when using doses of 15 ml/l autochthonous microorganisms. Similar results were obtained when the Ecuadorian zeolite associated with efficient microorganisms was used as filter element (EM•1®). Temperature presented higher values associated with the treatments with efficient organisms (EM•1®) when they were filtered with the Cuban zeolite and similarly with the dose of 5 ml/l of autochthonous microoganisms. The variable color was similar for all sampling sources and locations. Most of the physical variables of the Severino, Julián and Balsa en Medio localities meet with regulations of quality of drinking water of Ecuador. The turbidity exceeded the permissible limits and it was not possible to correct them with the evaluated treatments.

Keywords : Turbidity; total solids; hardness; temperature; color.

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