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Intervención (México DF)

Print version ISSN 2007-249X


LANCIC LABORATORIO NACIONAL INTERINSTITUCIONAL Y MULTISEDE. The National Science Laboratory for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage (LANCIC), Mexico. Intervención (Méx. DF) [online]. 2015, vol.6, n.12, pp.77-84. ISSN 2007-249X.

The recently established Laboratorio Nacional de Ciencias para la Investigación y la Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural (LANCIC, National Science Laboratory for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM, National Autonomous University of México, México), is the product of an interdisciplinary and inter-institutional initiative. The laboratory is meant for the following purposes: research of materials and techniques belonging to our cultural heritage, analysis of changes in heritage, evaluation and synthesis of new products for conservation-restoration work and design of research methods. Accordingly, the institution provides proposals to re- solve complex conservation and restoration issues on an international level. LANCIC is a laboratory without walls located in multiple places with front-line scholars using front-line equipment in the fields of micro-chemical analysis, microscopic study and feature analysis through imaging technology and spectroscopy. The experts belong to the Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas (IIE, the Research Institute of Aesthet- ICS), Instituto de Física (IF, the Physics Institute) and Instituto de Química (IQ, the Chemistry Institute), all from UNAM, and they collaborate with the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares (ININ, the National Institute for Nuclear Research, Mexico), the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH, National Institute of Anthropology and History, México) and Instituto de Tecnología de Tijuana (TEC-Tijuana, Tijuana Institute of Technology, Mexico). The laboratory is also linked with the art history postgraduate programmes of both UNAM and of the Centro de Investigación sobre la Corrosión, Universidad Autónoma de Campeche (CIC-UAC, Centre for Corrosion Research of the Autonomous University of Campeche, Mexico). This OVERVÍEW presents the background, objectives and perspectives of LANCIC.

Keywords : LANCIC; conservation-restoration; research; cultural heritage; UNAM; ININ; Mexico.

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