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vol.7 issue13The Media Archaeology Lab (MAL, University of Colorado Boulder, USA) as an ArchiveThoughts upon the Representation of Traumatic Memory at the Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos (MMDH, Museum Memory and Human Rights), Santiago de Chile, Chile author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Intervención (México DF)

Print version ISSN 2007-249X


ESPINDOLA VILLANUEVA, Citlalli Itzel; PEREZ BALLESTEROS, Adrián  and  ABDO LABARTHE, María Magdalena. IIC 2014 Hong Kong Congress: Research, Restoration and Dissemination of the Intervention of a Chinese Skirt from the Museo Nacional de Historia (MNH, National Museum of History), INAH, Mexico. Intervención (Méx. DF) [online]. 2016, vol.7, n.13, pp.48-60. ISSN 2007-249X.

This RETHINKING EDUCATION training contribution focuses on the experiences and learning acquired by a group of students of the Bachelor Degree on Restoration at the Escuela Nacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museografía (ENCRyM, National school of Conservation, Restoration and Museum studies, Mexico), Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH, National Institute of Anthropology and History, Mexico) during the conservation treatment of a twentieth-century Chinese skirt belonging to the Museo Nacional de Historia (MNH-INAH National Museum of History, Mexico). Furthermore, it examines the dissemination of the intervention at the venue of the IIC (International Institute of Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works) 2014 Hong Kong Congress in order to encourage academic exchange -between the fields of conservation and restoration- as part of the professional training process.

Keywords : textiles; 20th century; IIC Congress; teaching-learning experience; professional training.

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