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Revista bio ciencias

On-line version ISSN 2007-3380

Revista bio ciencias vol.9  Tepic  2022  Epub Apr 12, 2024 

Original articles

Release kinetics modeling and fungal control potential of encapsulated thyme (Thymus vulgaris) essential oil

Modelado de cinética de liberación y potencial de control fúngico de aceite esencial de tomillo (Thymus vulgaris) encapsulado

B.I. Muñoz-González1 

O. Sandoval-Castilla1 

N.J. Meléndez-Gómez1 

F. Hahn-Schlam2 

S. Valle-Guadarrama1  *

1Departamento de Ingeniería Agroindustrial. Universidad Autónoma Chapingo. México-Texcoco km 38.5, Chapingo, 56230, Texcoco de Mora, México.

2Departamento de Irrigación. Universidad Autónoma Chapingo. México-Texcoco km 38.5, Chapingo, 56230, Texcoco de Mora, México.


Essential oils have antifungal properties and their volatilization can be controlled through encapsulation. The work aimed at controlling the release kinetics of thyme (Thymus vulgaris) essential oil through ionic gelation encapsulation to assess the potential of inhibiting the development of Penicillium spp. Thyme essential oil was encapsulated with sodium alginate (NaAlg; 0.5 and 1.0 %), calcium chloride (CaCl2; 0.8 and 2.5 %), and different residence times in the calcium solution (10, 20, 40, and 60 min). Batches of capsules were placed in closed containers and volatilization was monitored. The release kinetics was modeled and evaluated through transient regime mass balances. Capsules had diameter and thickness between 2.16-2.81 and 0.20-0.46 mm, respectively. The best systems used AlgNa/CaCl2 - 1.0/0.8 %, with residence in the calcium solution of 10 and 20 min, obtaining encapsulation efficiencies of 94.0 and 90.1 %, respectively. Penicillium digitatum was inhibited through the controlled release of the essential oil.

KEY WORDS: antimicrobial agents; ionic gelation; mass balance; modeling


Los aceites esenciales tienen propiedades antifúngicas y su volatilización se puede controlar mediante encapsulado. El trabajo tuvo como objetivo controlar la cinética de liberación del aceite esencial de tomillo (Thymus vulgaris) mediante el encapsulado con gelación iónica para evaluar el potencial de inhibición del desarrollo de Penicillium spp. El aceite esencial de tomillo se encapsuló con alginato de sodio (NaAlg; 0.5 y 1.0 %), cloruro de calcio (CaCl2; 0.8 y 2.5 %) y diferentes tiempos de residencia en la solución de calcio (10, 20, 40 y 60 min). Se colocaron lotes de cápsulas en recipientes cerrados y se controló la volatilización. La cinética de liberación se modeló y evaluó mediante balances de materia en régimen transitorio. Las cápsulas tuvieron diámetro y grosor entre 2.16-2.81 y 0.20-0.46 mm, respectivamente. Los mejores sistemas utilizaron AlgNa/CaCl2 - 1.0/0.8 %, con residencia en la solución de calcio de 10 y 20 min, obteniendo eficiencias de encapsulado de 94.0 y 90.1 %, respectivamente. El hongo Penicillium digitatum se inhibió mediante la liberación controlada del aceite esencial.

PALABRAS CLAVE: agentes antimicrobianos; balance de materia; gelación iónica; modelado


The postharvest life of horticultural products is frequently limited by rot due to fungal development (da Silva et al., 2019). A specific case is given by the affectation of fruits such as apple (Heinmaa et al., 2019) and citrus (Gandarilla-Pacheco et al., 2020) by Penicillium spp., which may limit consumption and shelf life. The use of plant extracts can reduce microbial development (León-Fernández et al., 2019). Among available alternatives, essential oils can be used to address such problems (Antonioli et al., 2020; Perczak et al., 2020). In particular, the use of a wide spectrum of essential oil as that of thyme (Thymus vulgaris) may constitute an option against several fungal species (Reyes-Jurado et al., 2019).

Essential oils (Eo) are liquid mixtures of volatile organic compounds, belonging mainly to the terpenes group. They have lipophilic character, strong aromatic properties, and their biosynthesis occurs as part of the secondary metabolism of some groups of plants, mainly through the mevalonic acid pathway (Rehman et al., 2016). Terpenoids and phenylpropanoids are the main constituents of Eo, which provide them with a characteristic aroma and different biological properties (da Silva et al., 2020). Also, they act as antimicrobial (Danzi et al., 2020), and insecticidal agents (Benelli & Pavela, 2018). On this basis, Eo can be applied in food preservation (Fellenberg et al., 2020), in alternative medicine, and in the therapeutic area (Rivera et al., 2015).

In order to favor an adequate inhibitory effect, direct contact of the plant extract with the vegetable to be protected has been frequently recommended (Rusin et al., 2021). In this regard, the essential oils have been used as part of biopolymeric coatings (Akhter et al., 2019) to reduce microbial development (Naeem et al., 2018). However, these materials must often include a lipid component to reduce permeability to water vapor (Galus & Kadzińska, 2015), which limits the action of the Eo due to a dissolution effect. According to Peretto et al. (2014), the controlled release of an Eo in the headspace of the system to be protected can cause greater inhibitory effect, which suggests that an encapsulated handling should be done.

Encapsulation consists of trapping one substance by another of polymeric nature (Zuidam & Shimoni, 2010). Among the advantages of encapsulation are the controlled release of such substance, the stability of active ingredients, increase of bioavailability, protection of the loaded ingredients from degradation, masking off-flavors, including bitterness and astringency of some ingredients, increasing of flavor and food safety, and improvement of stability against oxidation (Barroso et al., 2021).

The essential oils are volatile at ambient conditions and can be degraded by oxygen. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the stability, the activity, and the volatilization rate, which can be attended through an encapsulation technique (Mutlu-Ingok et al., 2020). The Ionic gelation by drip extrusion is a simple and efficient encapsulation method. The technique has low cost and low requirement of sophisticated equipment (Aceval et al., 2019), which give it high potential to be part of a technology transfer strategy aimed at the use of essential oils. Ionic gelation is based on the use of anionic polymers such as sodium alginate which, when combined with calcium ions, induce the formation of a gel, which finally creates a capsule (Bušić et al., 2018; Caporaso & Formisano, 2016) that traps the solution components. The controlled release of an encapsulated component constitutes one of the main goals of this practice and depends on the structure of capsules (Gorbunova et al., 2018), including porosity (Bušić et al., 2018), which may depend on the gelation time (González et al., 2015). In this context, the work aimed at controlling the release kinetics of thyme essential oil through ionic gelation encapsulation to assess the potential of inhibiting the development of Penicillium spp.

Material y Methods

Chemical reagents

Calcium chloride (CaCl2), ethanol (EtOH96), glutaraldehyde, sodium alginate (C6H7O6Na; AlgNa), and tween 80 were acquired with Reactivos Química Meyer S.A de C.V. Sodium cacodylate buffer ((CH3)2AsO2Na) was acquired with Sigma-Aldrich Química S.A. de C.V.

Ionic gelation encapsulation

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) essential oil (Eo) provided by Laitz S.A. de C.V. (Mexico) was used. Eo was mixed with tween 80 at 1:1 ratio. Homogenization was applied with an Ultra-Turrax equipment (T25 basic, IKA Labortechnik, Staufen, Germany) operated at 13,500 rpm during 4 min. Solutions of AlgNa were prepared at 0.5 and 1.0 % and solutions of CaCl2 at 0.8 and 2.5 %. The Eo-tween mixture was combined with each of the AlgNa solutions to form emulsions with 2000 mL m-3 Eo. The Eo-AlgNa emulsions were dropped into the CaCl2 solutions, where residence was allowed for 10, 20, 40, and 60 min. At the end of each time, the formed capsules were washed twice by immersion in distilled water for 10 s to remove superficial calcium and they were stored in distilled water at 4 °C. Based on the combination of AlgNa/CaCl2 conditions, treatments 0.5/0.8, 0.5/2.5, 1.0/0.8, and 1.0/2.5 were formed with different gelation times. Capsules were evaluated in terms of diameter ( Dc , mm) and wall thickness ( T , mm) with a digital Vernier. The nucleus diameter ( Dn , mm) was determined with Equation (1).


Essential oil release kinetics

A methodology was developed to evaluate essential oil concentration in emulsions. Solutions of Eo were prepared in ethyl alcohol 96° (EtOH96) in the range of 100 to 2000 mL m-3 and absorbance at 275 nm was read with an UV-vis spectrophotometer (DR 500, HACH, Germany). A linear regression was applied and Equation (2) was obtained with a determination coefficient of 0.9993, where Abs is absorbance and Ceo is Eo concentration (mL m-3).

Ceo= 130.28Abs+1.2806

Capsules were prepared as described above. From each treatment, 33 samples of capsules weighing between 1 and 3 g were formed and placed at 25 °C. At intervals of 12 h, until completing 120 h, capsule samples were removed from each treatment to evaluate Eo content. Each sample was grounded in the Ultra Turrax equipment for 5 min at 13,500 rpm in 40 mL EtOH96. The system was allowed to settle, the liquid absorbance was measured at 275 nm, the concentration of Eo was quantified with Equation (2), and the volume of Eo ( Veo , m3) was evaluated with Equation (3), which was divided by the initial mass of capsules ( mc , kg) to obtain a nominal concentration ( Cnom , m3 kg-1) for each time (Equation 4).

Veo= Ceo/25×109


Data were fitted to Equation (5) using the software Sigma Plot (SPSS Inc., 2000) and the resulting model was derived with respect to time (Equation 6), where k1 (m3 kg-1), k2 (m3 kg-1), and k3 (s-1) are regression constants, t is time (s) and dCnom/dt is essential oil release rate (m3 s-1).

Cnom= k1+k21-exp-k3t

dCnom dt= k2k3exp-k3t

A container of volume Vr (m3) was considered with a mass of capsules ( mc , kg) inside. A transient mass balance for essential oil took the form of Equation (7), where m˙eoi and m˙eoo are input and output mass flows (kg s-1) of essential oil to the recipient headspace (Hs).

eoi-(eo)o= d(meo)rdt

Container hermetic conditions were accepted, which allowed the output flow to be considered null m˙eoo=0 . Equation (8) was obtained by dividing Equation (7) by the density of the essential oil ( ρeo , kg m-3), where m˙eor is mass of essential oil in Hs (kg) and V˙eoi is essential oil input flow (m3 s-1).

V˙eoi=eoiρeo= d(meoρeo)rdt

The right side of Equation (8) describes the variation of the essential oil volume inside the recipient (Equation 9) and, after the division of both sides by the container volume Vr Equation (10) was obtained, where (Veo)r  (m3) was obtained as meo/ρeor and xeo is essential oil concentration in headspace (volume fraction).

V˙eoi= dVeordt

V˙eoiVr=dVeo/Vrr dt      V˙eoiVr=dxeor dt

The essential oil that was incorporated into the headspace came from capsules placed in the container. Thus, the product of essential oil concentration change of capsules and the mass of capsules mc placed in the container described the magnitude of the input flow of essential oil V˙eoi , as shown by Equation (11), where the negative sign indicates that the loss of essential oil in the capsules constitutes gain in the headspace.

V˙eoi= mc-dCnomdt

The substitution of Equation (11) into Equation (10) resulted in Equation (12) and the consideration of Equation (6) in Equation (12) resulted in Equation (13), which constituted the transient mass balance of the essential oil in the container headspace over time, where dxeor/dt is the variation of essential oil concentration inside the container (mL m-3 s-1) and the constant 106 is a unit’s conversion factor.

mcVr-dCnomdt= d xeordt

dxeordt=106mcVr -k2 k3 exp-k3 t

Equation (13) was solved with the Fourth Order Runge-Kutta method (Burden & Faires, 2010) and results were fitted to models with the form of Equation (14) to facilitate the analysis, where k4 (mL m-3) and k5 (s-1) are regression constants, and xeo is essential oil concentration (mL m-3). Values of k4 and k5 were subjected to analysis of variance and treatment means comparison routines with the Tukey test, with a significance level of 0.05.

xeo=k4 1-exp-k5t

Encapsulation efficiency

AlgNa/CaCl2 treatments corresponding to 0.5/0.8 and 1.0/0.8 were selected to evaluate the encapsulation efficiency. Samples of capsules of 1 g were crushed in the Ultra-Turrax equipment for 5 min at 13,500 rpm and mixed with 40 mL EtOH96. After settling, absorbance was measured at 275 nm in the liquid with an UV-vis spectrophotometer (DR 500, HACH, Germany) and the theoretical concentration of essential oil ( Ct ) was determined with Equation (2). A second set of capsules weighing 1 g was sampled and rapidly washed in 40 mL EtOH96, but without trituration. Absorbance was measured and the superficial oil concentration ( Cs ) was evaluated. The encapsulation efficiency ( η , %) was evaluated with Equation (15).

η =Ct-CsCt  ×100

Microscopic structure

The structure of capsules was observed using a Jeol Scanning Electron Microscope (JMS-035; Jeol Ltd., Akishima, Japan). Capsules were fixed with 3 % glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer for 24 h. The liquid was withdrawn and two additional washes with cacodylate buffer were carried out. Then, gradual dehydration was carried out with sequential washes in ethanol between 30 and 100 %. Drying at critical point was performed, a gold coating was applied, and samples were observed in the scanning electron microscope at 15,000x.

Evaluation of fungal inhibition

Orange fruits with fungal development were obtained from a local market. The contaminating fungus was sampled, incubated in Petri dishes with potato-dextrose-agar (PDA) culture medium, and observed with an optical microscope to identify the species that were present. The fungus Penicillium digitatum was selected as a working model. Samples of such fungus were placed in immersion in 1 L of sterilized distilled water and successive dilutions were made up to 10-5. PDA culture media were prepared in Petri dishes and these were inoculated at the center with the microbial dilution with bacteriological loop. The plates were individually placed in closed 1-L containers. The AlgNa/CaCl2 treatment corresponding to 1.0/0.8 with immersion of 10 min was used to conduct fungal inhibition tests. Samples of 1.0, 1.5, or 2.0 g were placed in felt bags inside the containers, together with the Petri dishes. A Control treatment was established with Petri dishes not exposed to the essential oil. Fungal growth was observed on the plates for five days.

Data analysis

Behaviors of the essential oil encapsulation and release kinetics were evaluated considering three variation factors: the concentration of sodium alginate, with two levels (0.5 and 1.0 %), the concentration of calcium chloride, with two levels (0.8 and 2.5 %), and the immersion time in the solutions, with four levels (10, 20, 40, and 60 min). Data were subjected to analysis of variance, complemented with mean comparison routines applied with the Tukey's test, performed with a significance level of 0.5. All evaluations were carried out in triplicate.

Results and Discussion

Physical characteristics of capsules

Capsules of thyme essential oil were formed through ionic gelation with AlgNa and CaCl2. Chains of D-mannuronic and L-guluronic acids interacted with calcium ions and formed a gel with a reticular structure (Ching et al., 2017). When the AlgNa-Eo emulsion fell into the CaCl2 solution, there was instantaneous gelation at the interface, which allowed the encapsulation of the Eo. Over time, the calcium ions diffused into each droplet and interacted with the AlgNa (Lee & Mooney, 2012). Gelation occurred by a cooperative union of calcium ions with residues of guluronic acid involving their dimerization. With the addition of calcium, the alignment of two opposite chains of guluronic acid with a hydrophilic cavity was induced and favored the union with calcium ions using oxygen atoms of the carboxylic groups, resulting in egg-box structures (Ching et al., 2017). Scanning electron microscope observation showed several layers of alginate from the outside to the inside, which was not very evident with low gelation times, but it was very noticeable with longer times (Figure 1). Consistent with the report of Bušić et al. (2018), high porosity was found.

Figure 1 Structure of capsules obtained with ionic gelation from sodium alginate and calcium chloride solutions, with residence times in the calcium solution of 10 (left) and 20 min (right). 

The capsules had a diameter in the range of 2.16 to 2.81 mm, similarly to that obtained by Aceval et al. (2019). Likewise, they had thickness between 0.20 and 0.46 mm and both dimensions were affected by the composition of the gelation system and by the residence time in the CaCl2 solution (Figure 2). The increase in AlgNa favored larger encapsulation diameters. Due to the polymeric nature of such compound, the increase in concentration caused higher viscosity, which caused a larger droplet size at the outlet of the dosing elements. Likewise, the capsule diameter tended to increase with higher concentration of CaCl2, but the contrast was significant only with residence times greater than 10 min.

Figure 2 Dimensions of capsules prepared through ionic gelation. Equal capital letters indicate non-significant difference between means at the same time. Equal lowercase letters indicate non-significant difference between means within a treatment. Error bars indicate standard deviations. 

Although gelation occurs instantaneously, the calcium ions diffuse inwards as time passed, causing a larger capsule size (Ching et al., 2017). However, the time in the calcium solution affected the diameter of capsules in different manner. With 0.5 % AlgNa, the diameter remained in the range of 2.16 to 2.45 mm and, although with immersion of 20 min values were higher, the contrast was considered moderate.

With 1.0 % of AlgNa, the residence time caused increase in diameter with the transition from 10 to 20-40 min of immersion, but a reduction in size was observed with 60 min. With long residence times, the capsules reached a homogeneous size, independently of the composition, with an average value of 2.39 (± 0.04) mm at 60 min and, although the contrast with respect to 10-min immersion was significant (p ≤ 0.05), the difference only varied within 2.55-5.67 %.

In the case of thickness, encapsulation with 2.5 % CaCl2 caused values of 0.34 (± 0.03) mm, with no significant difference between different times, which suggested that, from the first contact of AlgNa with calcium ions, the gel membrane properties were not affected by additional residence times. On the other hand, with 0.8 % CaCl2, the thickness varied within 0.20-0.24 mm with 10 min immersion and between 0.35 and 0.44 mm with times of 20-40 min.

The procedure used corresponded to a direct gelation and the thickness of the membrane capsule is proportional to the reaction time in the calcium bath (Caporaso & Formisano, 2016), so the development of the capsule must be stopped by removing the spheres from the solution. Although this coincided with the systems with 0.8 % CaCl2, it was not observed with 2.5 % concentration. However, similarly to the diameter, with a time of 60 min, the thickness tended to a homogeneous value of 0.34 (± 0.01) mm in all systems, without significant difference between them (Figure 2B).

The time of 60 min was the longest period evaluated at work. As time passes, the porosity of the capsular membrane decreases due to a greater polymer crosslinking with calcium ions, which might have caused contraction and even matrix dehydration due to the expulsion of water.

The behavior with 0.8 % CaCl2 suggested that, depending on composition, it is feasible to control the diameter and the thickness of capsules. Based on this result, mixtures with that concentration of CaCl2 were selected to evaluate the behavior of the encapsulation systems. However, as the capsule structure is not rigid and changes with the interaction between ions, a more stable state is reached as time advances, ceasing the dependency to the system composition.

On the other hand, the amount of trapped oil is determined by the dimensions of the capsule core. The lowest Dn values were found in the 0.5/2.5 AlgNa/CaCl2 system, followed, in ascending order, by that of 0.5/0.8, and finally by those of 1.0/2.5 and 1.0/0.8 systems (Figure 2C). This suggested that the concentration of sodium alginate, acting as a wall component, determined the amount of encapsulated oil. The highest contents of essential oil were obtained in the 1.0/0.8-AlgNa/CaCl2 system, with immersion time of 10 min derived of a small thickness in a moderate diameter, and with 20 min, which was associated with large thickness in a large diameter capsule.

Table 1 Encapsulation efficiency through ionic gelation based on sodium alginate at 0.5 and 1.0 % and CaCl2 at 0.8 % with different residence times in the calcium solution. 

SystemAlgNa/CaCl2 t (min) η (%) SystemAlgNa/CaCl2 t (min) η (%)
0.5 %/0.8 % 10 92.95b (2.16) 1.0 %/0.8 % 10 94.01ab (1.89)
20 88.23d (1.64) 20 90.13cd (2.08)
40 90.71c (1.95) 40 92.29cd (1.56)
60 93.67ab (2.01) 60 95.18a (1.85)
HSD 2.12

The symbols t and η indicate the residence time in the calcium solution and the encapsulation efficiency, respectively. Equal letters indicate non-significant difference. HSD is honest significant difference (Tukey, 0.05). Values in parentheses correspond to standard deviations.

Systems based on the 0.8 % CaCl2 solution were evaluated in terms of encapsulation efficiency ( η ). The average values varied in the range of 88.2 to 95.2 %, which indicated that between 4.8 and 11.8 % of Eo remained in the superficial region of capsules and not in the core, despite this, a good encapsulation degree was accepted. The comparison of efficiencies between similar times showed that there was no significant difference (p > 0.05) between systems with 0.5 or 1.0 % of AlgNa. However, in both cases, the efficiency decreased with the transition from 10 to 20-40 min of residence in the calcium solution and then increased again with 60 min of immersion (p ≤ 0.05) (Table 1). This behavior coincided with the variation of capsule dimensions, thus the hypothesis that the structure tended to a more stable state with residence time was strengthened, which favored the retention of essential oil in the nuclear zone. In this regard, Moura et al. (2018) pointed out that there is an inverse relationship between the efficiency and the dimensions of the capsules.

Kinetics of essential oil release

The release of the essential oil from the capsules had a logarithmic behavior and data were properly fitted to Equation (14), with determination coefficients higher than 0.99 in all cases. Thus, the increase in concentration in the headspace of containers occurred rapidly at the beginning and thereafter the rate of change gradually slowed down, so the presence of Eo tended to a constant value (Figure 3). This behavior was due to the release of Eo was carried out in a closed container and, over time, the concentration gradient between the interior of the capsules and the headspace was gradually reduced, thereby also reducing the release. However, if release develops in systems with higher dimensions such as a greenhouse, it shall be more important the evaluation of the concentration change as a function of the distance from the liberation point.

Figure 3 Thyme essential oil release kinetics affected by the composition of AlgNa-CaCl2 systems and the immersion time in the calcium solution. 

The constant k4 of Equation (14) represents the maximum concentration that can be reached in the container after a long release time and was not affected by the composition of AlgNa solution, but it was affected by that of CaCl2, where the highest values were found with 0.8 % and the lowest with 2.5 % concentration (Table 2), although the average difference was less than 1.2 mL m-3. On the other hand, as the immersion time in the calcium solution increased, the maximum concentration reached in the headspace tended to be higher. However, the contrast was significant only between 10- and 60-min of immersion times, but it was considered without practical importance due to the difference was less than 1.3 mL m-3.

Table 2 Time and kinetics constant average values for different essential oil concentrations, in a 1 L container, generated from the release from 1 g of capsules. 

Variation factor
(mL m-3)
(s -1 ×10 -6 )
Concentration of AlgNa
0.5 % 6.59 a (0.52) 5.4167a (0.4444) 38.26a (8.3737) 114.78a (25.12) 254.19a (55.63)
1.0 % 6.44 a (0.45) 4.8611b (0.3333) 40.94a (9.20) 122.82a (27.61) 271.99a (61.14)
HSD 0.99 0.4722 21.50 64.68 143.24
Concentration of CaCl2
0.8 % 7.09 a (0.05) 5.9167a (0.5278) 34.01a (12.35) 102.02b (37.05) 225.93b (82.06)
2.5 % 5.98 b (0.40) 4.6778b (0.1944) 43.04a (1.93) 129.12a (5.78) 285.95a (52.80)
HSD 0.99 0.5833 21.58 24.74 23.38
10 min 5.89b (0.57) 4.8333b (0.4167) 41.81a (6.64) 125.44a (19.94) 277.80a (44.15)
20 min 6.62ab (1.01) 5.1667a (0.4444) 40.66a (5.91) 112.11ab (63.59) 248.27b (48.82)
40 min 6.41ab (0.51) 5.1111a (0.7778) 38.65a (6.58) 115.94ab (19.74) 256.76ab (43.71)
60 min 7.14a (0.58) 5.0278a (0.6389) 37.37a (21.20) 121.97b (17.74) 270.11ab (39.28)
HSD 1.13 0.2500 23.09 22.28 27.30

t1/2 , t7/8 and t0.99 are required times to reach 50.0, 87.5, and 99.0 % of the maximum concentration in the container, respectively. Equal letters indicate non-significant difference. Values in parentheses are standard deviations. HSD is honest significant difference (Tukey, 0.05).

The constant k5 (s-1) represents an essential oil release coefficient and expresses the rate of change of concentration in the container per unit of concentration gradient between the interior of capsules and the headspace. The constant k5 (s-1) was affected by both, the composition of AlgNa and CaCl2 solutions. The highest values were obtained with the lowest concentrations of such compounds. Likewise, k5 had the lowest value with an immersion time of 10 min, but the highest value was found at 20 min (Table 2).

Although the constant k4 indicates the maximum concentration to be reached in the headspace, the constant k5 is associated with the required time to reach certain concentration. Based on Equation (14), some characteristic release times can be obtained (Equation 16), where t1/2 is the mean essential oil release time (h), while t7/8 and t0.99 are required times (h) to reach 87.5 and 99 % of the maximum concentration, respectively.

t1/2=1k5ln 2;          t7/8=1k5ln 8;          t0.99=1k5ln 100

Average t1/2 time was 39.57 (±2.86) and was not affected by AlgNa and CaCl2 nor by the immersion time (Table 2). The average t7/8 and t0.99 were 118.70 (±8.57) and 262.87 (±18.97) h, respectively. Values of t1/2 , t7/8 , and t0.99 tended to be higher with higher concentrations, congruently with the constant k5 , although with significant contrast (p ≤ 0.05) only in the effect of CaCl2. In addition, the longest required values of t1/2 , t7/8 , and t0.99 were found with immersion of 10 min and the shortest with 20 min, also congruently with k5 , while time requirements were intermediate with 40 and 60 min.

These results indicated that, based on the concentration of AlgNa and CaCl2 solutions, it is feasible to control the release rate of Eo, but this can only be performed with immersion times between 10 and 20 min within the calcium solution, since different behaviors were not obtained with longer residence times. However, the higher release rate with 20 min was caused by a lower encapsulation efficiency (Table 1), where the superficial oil volatilized faster than that of the nuclear region. In this regard, since the superficial concentration of essential oil cannot be controlled, the 10-min residence time was considered a better alternative to attend the encapsulation of the essential oil.

Potential for fungal inhibition

The formulation AlgNa/CaCl2/t-1.0 %/0.8 %/10min was used to evaluate the potential of the capsules for fungal inhibition, due to the larger nuclear diameter and high encapsulation efficiency obtained. A searching process was carried out for the required quantity of capsules to inhibit the development of Penicillium digitatum, which had been inoculated on culture plates, through the release of essential oil in their headspace.

The growth of the fungus in the Control treatment, without essential oil exposure, varied from low to moderate on the first day of incubation, from moderate to high on the second, and it was high in all the cases after the third day (Table 3). In contrast, when the inoculated medium was exposed to the presence of 2.0 g of capsules, the released oil inhibited totally the fungus development. In order to find the capsules minimum inhibitory quantity (MIQ), the test was repeated with batches of 1.0 g of capsules and a low to moderate growth was observed in the first two days. A moderate growth was noted afterwards until the end of the five days evaluation period. These results indicated that the MIQ was between 1.0 and 2.0 g. In this sense, a third test with batches of 1.5 g of capsules showed that, with this quantity, a total inhibition of the fungus was also achieved. Although results indicated that the MIQ was between 1.0 and 1.5 g of capsules, the quantity used in the last test, that is, 1.5 g of capsules, was accepted as the minimum required to cause the inhibition of the fungus.

P. digitatum is an important factor that limits the shelf life of citrus fruits and it is known as green mold. Besides, other species of the genus Penicillium limit the consumption of fruits as apple due to the production of mycotoxins (Heinmaa et al., 2019). Talibi et al. (2014) pointed out that the use of essential oils, particularly those of cinnamon and thyme, have potential to control most rots of citrus in postharvest, including green mold, blue mold, and sour rot.

Table 3 Development of the fungus Penicillium digitatum inoculated in culture medium exposed to the release of thyme essential oil from capsules placed in the headspace of closed containers of 1 L. 

Day Assay 1 Assay 2 Assay 3
Control Treat: 2.0 g Control Treat: 1.0 g Control Treat: 1.5 g
1 Low Null Moderate Low Low Null
2 Moderate Null High Moderate Moderate Null
3 High Null High Moderate High Null
4 High Null High Moderate High Null
5 High Null High Moderate High Null

Control: handling without the presence of capsules. Treat: handling with 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 g.

The proposed mechanism of action of essential oils against microorganisms includes the affectation of the cell membrane, causing its disruption and making it more permeable, altering ion transport processes, thus modifying the concentration of electrolytes like K+, Ca2+, and Na+. Also, it has been suggested the interaction with membrane proteins, which may cause the disruption of the functions of mitochondria, which conduces to an imbalance in ATP concentration and, eventually, the death of the cell (Mutlu-Ingok et al., 2020).

Talibi et al. (2014) pointed out that the use of essential oils in citrus fruits can be made difficult by possible problems of phytotoxicity or alteration of sensory attributes. In this regard, the results of the present work showed that a direct contact with the product is not required, since the essential oil is released in the headspace. This use based on the release of essential oil vapors in the headspace was consistent with the use of biopolymeric films, where Peretto et al. (2014) incorporated carvacrol and methyl cinnamate at 0.75 %, and these compounds were vaporized from there and achieved fungal control in strawberry fruits.

Also, Martínez-Romero et al. (2007) reported the high effectiveness of an essential oil through the use of carvacrol vapors at a concentration of 1000 mL m-3 in the headspace of grapefruits. Similarly, López-Gómez et al. (2021) released vapors of eugenol, bergamot, and grapefruit essential oil at a concentration of 100 mL m-3 in a modified atmosphere system that allowed the quality of mushroom slices to be maintained for 12 d.

The use of essential oils to reduce microbial growth is normally based on direct contact through biopolymeric coatings, but the results of this work showed that the use of vapors with controlled release can be done through encapsulation. In this regard, a release analysis based on Equation (13), with the parameters of the AlgNa/CaCl2/t-1.0/0.8/10min system showed that the concentration of Eo in the headspace that is required to cause inhibition was less than 100 mL m-3, which contrasted with the concentrations that must be used with biopolymeric coatings, fluctuating between 500 and 1000 mL m-3 (Valle-Ortiz et al., 2019), indicating that the release of essential oils from encapsulation systems constitutes a better strategy to control the fungus development.

Nowadays, the evidence for using essential oils to reduce losses caused by microbial development is growing. However, it is necessary to attend several aspects to improve the potential for using such substances in the conservation of horticultural products. In this regard, Mutlu-Ingok et al. (2020) pointed out the following aspects that may part of future researches for using vapors of essential oils: the quantity to be used should consider not only the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIQ) but also the maximum sensorially permitted concentration (MSC) to avoid the modification of the quality attributes of the product, for which designed mixtures of different essential oils may be applied, considering the synergistic effect between them. The determination of MIQ must also consider the control of both, the growth and mycotoxin production of fungi, the part of the plant to be protected, the geographical aspects, and the extraction method of the essential oil. Authors explained that it is also necessary to investigate the antifungal actions not only against monocultures, but also against polycultures. In addition, new strategies for improving the stability of essential oils are required. In relation to this, an encapsulation strategy as that showed in the present work can be adequate, together with the modeling of the kinetics release, which can allow determining the quantities to be used in a better form, once the MIQ and the MSC have been established.


Thyme essential oil (Eo) was encapsulated by ionic gelation with sodium alginate (AlgNa) and calcium chloride (CaCl2). The concentration of solutions and the residence time ( t ) in the calcium medium determined the dimensions of capsules. The encapsulation efficiency was higher than 88 % and values were higher than 94 % with AlgNa/CaCl2/t-1.0/0.8/10min systems. The release rate of Eo was a function of the relationship between the amount of oil trapped in the nuclear region and the amount that remained in the superficial region. The controlled release of essential oil allowed the fungus Penicillium digitatum to be inhibited.


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Received: March 03, 2021; Accepted: April 26, 2022; Published: May 06, 2022

*Corresponding Author: Salvador Valle-Guadarrama. Departamento de Ingeniería Agroindustrial. Universidad Autónoma Chapingo. México-Texcoco km 38.5, Chapingo, 56230, Texcoco de Mora, México. E-mail:

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