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Botanical Sciences

On-line version ISSN 2007-4476Print version ISSN 2007-4298


LONDONO, Ximena  and  RUIZ-SANCHEZ, Eduardo. Guadua tuxtlensis (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Bambuseae: Guaduinae): An overlooked new species from Los Tuxtlas region, Veracruz, Mexico. Bot. sci [online]. 2014, vol.92, n.4, pp.481-488. ISSN 2007-4476.

Guadua tuxtlensis, a new species from the Los Tuxtlas region, Catemaco and San Andrés Tuxtla, Veracruz, Mexico, is here described and illustrated. Guadua tuxtlensis is characterized by hollow culms, wall thickness with thick walls, thorny branches from the first node, culm leaves basally persistent and with conspicuous falcate-fimbriate auricles, foliage leaves sheath fimbriate at the summit, with their blades ovate-lanceolate and adaxially strongly veined. A comparison of the vegetative morphology of G. tuxtlensis, G. aculeata and G. inermis is presented, as is a key to the Guadua species of Mexico.

Keywords : bamboo; endemic; Guadua; Guaduinae; Los Tuxtlas; Mexico; Neotropical bamboos.

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