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Acta de investigación psicológica

On-line version ISSN 2007-4719Print version ISSN 2007-4832

Acta de investigación psicol vol.9 n.1 Ciudad de México Apr. 2019  Epub Nov 25, 2019



The process of editing scientific journals that meet the required criteria for visibility and international circulation, while maintaining the standards and parameters of excellence in theoretical and methodological aspects, requires serious and effective arbitration of the Editorial Committee, and the contribution of high-level researchers who offer their products to the evaluation process. Volume 9 number 1, corresponding to April 2019 of the Psychological Research Records, brings together a series of articles that respond to the contemporary specifications of scientific quality and applicability to the most relevant problems of the moment. To start out, referring to psychological aspects of health, three manuscripts appear, the first about a model of health beliefs for breast self-exploration, a second one dealing with the emotional effects of social exclusion in adults, and a third one on post-traumatic stress disorder. Dwelling in the growing field of psychology and economics, the topic of corruption is investigated through the study of variables that affect intent and dishonest behavior. Focusing on socialization processes and the relationship between parents and infants, a first article examines the training of parenting practices, a second article analyses early maladaptive schemes in children, and a third is about working memory and its relationship with intelligence in elementary school children. In the area of interpersonal relations, this number includes three articles. One of the accepted papers deals with marital satisfaction, a second one on neighborhood cohesion, and a third on sexual aggression. As in previous editions of Psychological Records, the editorial team’s desk appreciates the reviewers ‘ tireless and magnificent work, and the patience and trust of the scientific community by entrusting their valuable research to the editorial process.

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