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Intersticios sociales

On-line version ISSN 2007-4964


MORALES HOLGUIN, Arodi  and  CABRERA BECERRA, Virginia. Debate teórico-metodológico sobre diseño gráfico: de la linealidad a la complejidad. Intersticios sociales [online]. 2017, n.13. ISSN 2007-4964.

The article addresses limitations concerning the conception of graphic design (such as order and linearity of steps), which are based on the epistemic position of the disjunction and simplicity; open possibilities for knowledge and for the exercise of graphic design are explored by the prospect of complex thought that transcends and integrates the same time, contributions from the simplistic and linear position. A brief historical overview concerning design and epistemic views, placed in tension and complementarity, are necessary steps to achieve the objective of outlining the possibilities opened by the arrival on the scene of disorder and uncertainty, key concepts of complex thought as elements that facilitate the understanding of current and emerging expressions of design in general, and of course graphic design, in their interaction with society.

Keywords : epistemology; methodology; linearity; complexity; graphic design.

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