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Investigación en educación médica

On-line version ISSN 2007-5057


VIVES-VARELA, Tania; DURAN-CARDENAS, Cassandra; VARELA-RUIZ, Margarita  and  FORTOUL VAN DER GOES, Teresa. Self-directed learning, a beacon of light in the sea. Investigación educ. médica [online]. 2014, vol.3, n.9, pp.34-39. ISSN 2007-5057.

Self-regulation has becoming a transversal competence, common to all health professions, because this competence is relevant during the learning process and professional development. Its definition, from the social cognitive theory perspective, highlights the individual compromise and achievements during the learning process acquired as a continuous, autonomous and independent process. Its elements and leverages are described. How self-regulated learning is taught and evaluated is discussed, and supported with studies from the last five years, with some examples included.

Keywords : Self-regulation; medical education; competence; Mexico.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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