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vol.7 issue3Infrared thermography as a non-destructive test for the inspection of reinforced concrete bridges: A review of the state of the artProposed Reference Values for the Diagonal Compressive Strength and Compressive Strength of Masonry Design in Guerrero State, Mexico author indexsubject indexsearch form
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On-line version ISSN 2007-6835


CORREA, C. et al. Fire in residence in the City of Recife: An experimental study. Rev. ALCONPAT [online]. 2017, vol.7, n.3, pp.215-230. ISSN 2007-6835.

This article presents the results of an experimental research, of a fire in dormitory of buildings typically burned in Recife city - Brazil. A room in the workshop of the Firemen Corporation, in a structure of reinforced concrete with a fence of ceramic bricks, has been used; such room has been remade and adapted for the research. This compartment has been prepared with furniture and objects generally found in fires happened in the city during the period between 2011 and 2013. They have made 24 thermic admeasurements with type K thermocouples, looking for the thermic behavior in the dormitory, in the furniture and walls, in both internal and external sides. The experiment has been monitored through VHS images and thermic camera, showing an effective cooling down on the walls with atomized flush, applied by the firefighting team.

Keywords : fire in dormitory; fire in building; real fire; safety for fire.

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