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RIDE. Revista Iberoamericana para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Educativo

On-line version ISSN 2007-7467


SALCEDO MONCADA, Beania  and  LOPEZ PRADO, José María. Rescue, promotion and dissemination of Mexican music as an educational strategy to strengthen the national cultural heritage. RIDE. Rev. Iberoam. Investig. Desarro. Educ [online]. 2020, vol.10, n.20, e017.  Epub Nov 18, 2020. ISSN 2007-7467.

The International Festival of Mexican Music is an educational strategy that strengthens various areas of opportunity in the students of the Faculty of Music of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León through the creation of a musical and social platform that aims to keep a permanent update on Mexican composers and performers. In its four editions it has been the only festival dedicated exclusively to Mexican concert music being its main objective to rescue, promote and disseminate the music of academic structure through the delivery of lectures, workshops, classes masterful, ensemble recitals, choirs and concerts with chamber orchestra, youth orchestra, symphony band, philharmonic orchestra and symphony orchestra. The objectives of this research-action project are: 1) to enhance knowledge of the formal structures of Mexican music in the students of the Middle Technician in Music and of the bachelor's degrees with accentuation in composition, instrumentalist, education musical, singing and choral direction offered by the Faculty of Music, 2) promoting the creation of authors and performers through artistic exhibitions, 3) evaluating changes in the learning process by encouraging more agile and active teaching, 4) using the knowledge of the musical and artistic elements in the analysis of own and external artistic productions, and 5) share the musical experience of this platform with the general public as part of the cultural heritage of the country. For this qualitative research study, the design of research-action was used, based on this design, a descriptive study was carried out on the basis of observation, with the aim of studying the different musical processes in the works of recent creation, the historical collection of authors of international significance and the development of critical thinking in students through the formal analysis of the artistic exhibition presented in the framework of the IV International Festival of Mexican Music. The results showed that the International Mexican Music Festival has established itself as an annual platform where the creation of national artistic proposals is promoted by maintaining up-to-date information on educational content and which are part of the professional training of faculties and conservatories, there were 28 national proposals to participate in this forum. It is an educational strategy that promotes effective learning by allowing students to achieve a close relationship with foreign researchers and specialists through lectures, workshops and master classes. One of the main themes was the study of pre-Hispanic instruments strengthened with a workshop of making flutes and ocarinas in order to know the processes that have been used for centuries by Mexican artisans. Students, professors and researchers from the Faculty of Music were involved through workshops, conferences and exhibition of works by Mexican authors with newly created works in recitals and concerts. The audience who attended the concerts and workshops expressed their satisfaction that they felt included in this research project because they have the opportunity to participate in academic activities and listen to Works of Mexican music with professionals in the field and at no cost.

Keywords : educativa strategy; musical training; Mexican music; social participation.

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